Please add words and references to our word-cloud:

Please think through the forum contribution concretely and practically: 


1. Short introduction- 15 min. 

- group

- participants

- workshop: what are ways of knowing? How are they captured?

(Emphemiral /quipu)

Research Question:

How can essayistics practices transform the interactions/relations between ways of knowing? 


2. Workshop : Essaying a topic - 60 min.

- Participants chose a topic/object (on...)

- Cluster topics/objects, chose one topic/object per cluster (3-4 participants)

- Do phase (30 min.):

Caretaker (moderator) makes sure different knowledge perspectives are addressed. Please think about how you want to capture these ways of knowing (essay).

  • How does (topic/object) sound?
  • How does (topic/object) feel?
  • How does (topic) look?
  • How does this (topic/object) move?  
  • How do I experience the(topic/object)?
  • How did I personally experience this (obect/topic) in the past? (anecdote)
  • How does the (topic/object) relate to references? (theoretical)
  • How does the (topic/object) relate to other concepts) 
  • Etc. Please add

- Share fragments and experiences (30 min.)

- What was/is the interaction?

(3. Wordcloud discussion - 30-45 min.)

- Why is this essayistic(s)?
- What is artistic?
- Use the word cloud +








What is knowing?

What was surprising?

How was the interaction?

Research question: 

How can essayistics practices transform the interactions/relations between ways of knowing? 

Essaying ways of knowing 
Essaying artistic ways of knowing
Essayistic interactions between ways of knowing
Essaying ways of knowing in artistic research 
Diverse Essaying
Rhizomatic Essaying
Multitude Essaying
Essaying as Thinking
Essaying Artistic Research
Artistic essaying