Books written by Annette Arlander available online, in English:
Meetings with Remarkable and Unremarkable Trees in Johannesburg and Environs. Arts Research Africa, The Wits School of Arts, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2020
Performing Landscape – Notes on Site-specific Work and Artistic Research. Texts 2001-2011. Acta Scenica 28. Theatre Academy Helsinki 2012.
Articles written by Annette Arlander in publications available online, in English:
“Beyond the Saturation Point – Bortom Mättnadspunkten”, VIS #5 2021
“Diffraction, Mixture and Cut-ups in Performing with Plants”. Performance Research 25:5, (2021) 31-38. DOI: 10.1080/13528165.2020.1868835
“Engaging with Vegetation.” Annette Arlander, Jerry Määttä, Malin Lobell, editorial for Ruukku #16 Working with the Vegetal 2021
“Remembering the Year of the Tiger – Image, Memory, Site.” In Marja Silde, Outi Lahtinen & Tua Helve (eds.), Näyttämö & Tutkimus 8: Muisti, Arkisto ja Esitys [Stage & Research 8: Memory, Archive and Performance] 2020, 292-318.
“Revisiting the Rock – Self-diffraction as a Strategy.” Global Performance Studies 3.2. (2020)
“Behind the Back of Linnaeus – Bakom ryggen på Linné.” Ruukku – Studies in Artistic Research, #14 Ecologies of practice. ,
“Performing with Plants in the Ob-scene Anthropocene.” Nordic Theatre Studies vol 32, 121-142
“Revisiting the Rusty Ring – Ecofeminism Today?” PARtake Journal vol 3 no 1 2020. DOI:
“The City Skyline Revisited – From networks to trans-corporeality”, Research in Arts & Education 1/2020, 37-55.
“Dearest Pine.” In Jack Faber and Anna Shraer (eds.) Eco Noir: A Companion for Precarious Times. Academy of Fine Arts, Uniarts Helsinki Publishing 2020, 105-112.
“HTDTWP presents: The Transformative Potential of Performance”. Annette Arlander, Hanna Järvinen, Tero Nauha and Pilvi Porkola. In Leena Rouhiainen (ed.) Proceedings of CARPA 6 Artistic Research Performs and Transforms: Bridging Practices, Contexts, Traditions & Futures Nivel 13, 2020.
“Performing with Trees and the Tide - A Diffractive Reading”, Research in Arts & Education 3/2019, 14-46.
“Return to the Site of the Year of the Rooster”. In Annette Arlander, Hanna Järvinen, Tero Nauha and Pilvi Porkola (eds.) How to do things with performance, Ruukku – Studies in artistic research 11. 2019.
“Visiting a Tree”. In Mari Mäkiranta & Maiju Loukola (eds.) Voices: Floating Peripheries Conference 2019 - Site and Situation
“Performing with a Pine Tree”. In Ziegler, Denise (ed.) Kun koen kokeilen – kokeilen kun koen. Kokemus ja kokeellisuus taiteellisessa työskentelyssä ja tutkimuksessa. / I Experience as I Experiment – I Experiment as I Experience. Experience and experimentality in artistic work and research. The Academy of Fine Arts, University of the Arts Helsinki, 2019, 15-26.
“Looking at Malla / Steaming Earth”. In Jonathan Pitches and David Shearing (eds.) Performance Research Vol 24. No 2: On Mountains, 2019 pp. 96-99.
“How do we do things with performance?” Annette Arlander, Hanna Järvinen, Tero Nauha and Pilvi Porkola. Introduction to Ruukku – Studies in Artistic Research 11 2019 How to do things with performance.
“Resting with Pines in Nida – attempts at performing with plants”, Performance PhilosophyVol 4, no 2 (2019):452-475
"Calling the Dragon, Holding Hands with Junipers: Transpositions in Practice." In Schwab, Michael (ed.) Transpositions - Aesthetico-Epistemic Operators in Artistic Research. Orpheus institute series, Leuven University Press, pp. 41-58.
“The Shore Revisited.”Journal of Embodied Research, 1(1): 4 (30:34), 2018 DOI:
“Day and Night with Malla.”Screenworks 8.2. Digital Ecologies and the Anthropocene, 2018 ISSN 2514-3123
“Dune Dream – Self-imaging, Trans-corporeality and the Environment”. Body Space & Technology 17(1), pp.3–21. (2018) DOI:
“Regurgitated Perspectives – Performance” Annette Arlander, Hanna Järvinen, Tero Nauha and Pilvi Porkola. InGeoff Cox, Hannah Drayson, Azadeh Fatehrad, Allister Gall, Laura Hopes, Anya Lewin, Andrew Prior, (eds.)Proceedings of the 9th SAR International Conference on Artistic Research, University of Plymouth, April 11th-13th, 2018, pp. 299-311.
“How to do things with performance in relation to what is given?” Annette Arlander, Hanna Järvinen, Tero Nauha & Pilvi Porkola.In Ruukku Journal issue 8 (voices) 2018.
“Performing with Plants”. In Leena Rouhiainen (ed.) Perilous Experience CARPA 5 Colloquium Proceedings.Nivel 09 2018
“Performing with the Weather”. Global Performance Studies Issue 1.2. Performance Climates
“Calling the dragon - The five avant-gardes today?” Synnyt 3/2017, 1-12.
"How to do things with repetition?" In Icehole #6
"Practising art - as a habit? / Att utäva konst - som en vana? In Ruukku, issue 7 edited by Anu Vehviläinen and Markus Kuikka. June 2017.
“Performing Landscape – Swinging Together or Playing with Projections”. In Body, Space, & Technology Journal Vol. 16. (NB. flash needed)
”Vegetal Democracy and Performance as Research”. In Annette Arlander & Manola Gayatri Kumarswami (eds.) Performance as Research & Democracy. Proceedings of the Performance as Research Working Group Meeting IFTR conference in Hyderabad 6-10 July 2015.
“Repeat, Revisit, Recreate—Two Times Year of the Horse”. In PARSE Journal Issue #3 Repetitions and Reneges. 2016, 43-59. Also online
“The Steaming Earth - A Terra Fumegante”. Teatro Em Campo Expandido - Theatre in the Expanded Field, Art Research Journal 3, 2016,142-157.
“Working with a Witches’ Broom / Att Arbeta med en Markvast”. In Ruukku Studies in Artistic Research 3/2015.
“Becoming Juniper – Performing Landscape as Artistic Research”. In Nivel No 5 2015, The Publication Series of the Theatre Academy Helsinki Nivel
“Performances for Camera” Icehole #2, The Live Art Journal
“From interaction to intra-action in performing landscape”. In: Beatriz REVELLES BENAVENTE, Ana M. GONZÁLEZ RAMOS, Krizia NARDINI (coord.). “New feminist materialism: engendering an ethic-onto-epistemological methodology”. Artnodes. No. 14, p. 26-34.
"Performing Landscape for Years". Performance Research 19-3 2014, 27-31.
"Om metoder i konstnärlig forskning / On methods of artistic research" in Torbjörn Lind (ed.) Metod - Process - Redovisning Konstnärlig Forksning Årsbok 2014 / Method - Process - Reporting Artistic Research Yearbok 2014 Vetenskapsrådet / Swedish Research Council 2014, 13-25 / 26-39.
“Riding and Ox in Search of an Ox” in Annette Arlander (ed.). This and That – Essays on Live Art and Performance Studies. Episodi 04. University of the Arts Helsinki, Theatre Academy 2014, 212-230.
“Immediate Mediation – On the Performativity of Blogging” in Bruce Barton, Melanie Dreyer-Lude & Anna Birch (cur/eds.) Experiments and Intensities Vol 3 Mediating Practices(s) Performance as research and – in – through – mediation 2013.
“Interlude 3: To Write PaR: An International Conversation” in Bruce Barton, Melanie Dreyer-Lude & Anna Birch (cur/eds.) Experiments and Intensities Vol 3 Mediating Practices(s) Performance as research and – in – through – mediation 2013.
“Interlude 4: To Write PaR, Once Upon a Time in the Chilly North” in Bruce Barton, Melanie Dreyer-Lude & Anna Birch (cur/eds.) Experiments and Intensities Vol 3 Mediating Practices(s) Performance as research and – in – through – mediation 2013.
“Performing Landscape: Live and Alive” Total Art Journal Vol. 2. 2012.
“Performing Time Through Place” in Riku Roihankorpi and Teemu Paavolainen (eds.) SPACE–EVENT–AGENCY–EXPERIENCE Open Access E-Publication of the DREX Project. Centre for Practice as Research in Theatre. University of Tampere 2012.
Performing Landscape – Notes on Site-specific Work and Artistic Research. Texts 2001-2011. Acta Scenica 28. Theatre Academy Helsinki 2012.
“Is performance art self-portraiture? – Me or other people as medium” in Annette Arlander (ed.) Converging Perspectives – Writings on Performance Art. Episodi 3. Teak 2011, 8-25.
“On performance art and performance art” in Annette Arlander (ed.) Essays on Live Art and Performance Art. Episodi 2. Theatre Academy Helsinki 2009, 16-25.
Articles written by Annette Arlander in publications available online, in Finnish:
“Ekologinen näkökulma taidetutkimukseen” [An Ecological Perspective on Research in the Arts]. Annette Arlander and Mika Elo. Tiede ja Edistys 4/2017, 335-346.
“Miten tehdä asioita tutkimuspäivillä – Katsaus ’Miten tehdä asioita esityksellä?’ -tutkimushankkeeseen” [How to Do Things with Research Days – Review of the research project How to do things with performance] Annette Arlander, Hanna Järvinen, Tero Nauha, Pilvi Porkola. In Marja Silde, Outi Lahtinen & Tua Helve (eds.), Näyttämö & Tutkimus 8: Muisti, Arkisto ja Esitys [Stage & Research 8: Memory, Archive and Performance] 2020, 428-432.
“Miten tehdä asioita esityksellä – tutkimushanke Sao Paulossa” [How to do things with performance – the research project in Sao Paulo] Annette Arlander, Hanna Järvinen, Tero Nauha and Pilvi Porkola. In Anna Thuring, Anu Koskinen and Tuija Kokkonen (eds.) Esitys ja Toiseus [Performance/Rerpresentation and Otherness]Näyttämö ja Tutkimus 7, Teats Teatterintutkimuksen seura 2018, pp 204-214.äyttämö-tutkimus-7.-Esitys-ja-toiseus.pdf
“Miten tehdä asioita esityksellä - annetuissa (työpaja) olosuhteissa?” [How to do things with performance - in given (workshop) circumstances], Annette Arlander, Hanna Järvinen, Tero Nauha & Pilvi Porkola. In TAHITI3/2017, 71-86.
“Mitä tekijä voi tehdä?” [What can an author do?] In Annette Arlander, Laura Gröndahl ja Marja Silde (eds.) Tekijä – teos, esitys ja yhteiskunta. [Author – work, performance and society] Näyttämö ja Tutkimus 6. Teatterintutkimuksen seura Helsinki 2016, 12-37.
“Elävä esitys” [Live performance] in Marjatta Häti-Korkeila, Hanna Järvinen, Jukka Kortti, Riku Roihankorpi (eds.) Teatteri ja Media(t) [Theatre and Media] Näyttämö ja tutkimus 5. Teatterintutkimuksen seura Helsinki 2014, 13-36.
“Santa Marian suola-altaat – epäpaikoista ja performatiivisen tutkimuksen haasteista” [The Salt Basins at Santa Maria – Non-places and the Challenges of Performative Research] in Liisa Ikonen, Hanna Järvinen, Maiju Loukola (eds.) Näyttämöltä tutkimukseksi – esittävien taiteiden metodologiset haasteet [From Stage to Research – Methodological Challenges of Performing Arts]. Näyttämö ja tutkimus 4. Teatterintutkimuksen seura Helsinki 2012, 9-26.
“Huomioita hiekassa – maisema, esitys, liikkuva kuva ja liike kuvassa” [Notes in Sand – landscape, performance, moving image and moving in the image] in Laura Gröndahl, Teemu Paavolainen & Anna Thuring (eds.) Näkyvää ja näkymätöntä [Visible and Invisible]. Näyttämö ja tutkimus 3. Teatterintutkimuksen seura Helsinki 2009, 49-68.
Esitys tilana [Performance as Space]. Acta Scenica 2. [written part of doctoral thesis] Theatre Academy Helsinki 1998.