Annette Arlander

Finland °1956
research interests: artistic research, performance as research, performing with plants, moving image, video, landscape, environment, ecology, new materialism, performance art
affiliation: Academy of Fine Arts University of the Arts Helsinki

Annette Arlander is an artist, researcher and a pedagogue, one of the pioneers of Finnish performance art and a trailblazer of artistic research. She is educated as theatre director, Master of Arts and Doctor of Art. She was the first to be awarded a doctorate from the Theatre Academy, Helsinki (in 1999). In 2001 she was invited as professor of performance art and theory to create the MA program in Live Art and performance studies, which she led until 2013. In 2015-2016 she was professor of artistic research at University of the Arts Helsinki and visiting professor at Stockholm University of the Arts. She was professor of performance art and theory at Stockholm University of the Arts 2018-2019 and is visiting researcher at the Academy of Fine Arts, University of the Arts Helsinki.  She is a member of the editorial board of JAR.

Arlander's research interests relate to artistic research, performance-as-research, performance studies, site-specificity and the environment. Her artwork is focused on performing landscape, in recent years performing with trees, by means of video or recorded voice, moving between the traditions of performance art, video art and environmental art.


Annette Arlander on taiteilija, tutkija ja opettaja, joka kuuluu suomalaisen esitystaiteen/performanssitaiteen uranuurtajiin ja taiteellisen tutkimuksen edelläkävijöihin. Hän on koulutukseltaan teatteriohjaaja, filosofian maisteri ja teatteritaiteen tohtori. Hän oli ensimmäinen Teatterikorkeakoulusta valmistunut tohtori (1999). Vuonna 2001 hänet kutsuttiin esitystaiteen ja –teorian professoriksi luomaan esitystaiteen ja teorian maisteriohjelma (sittemmin Live Art and Performance Studies), jota hän johti vuoteen 2013. Vuosina 2015-2016 hän toimi taiteellisen tutkimuksen professorina Taideyliopistossa ja vierailevana professorina Tukholman Taideyliopistossa. Hän toimi performanssin ja teorian professorina Tukholman Taideyliopistossa 2018-2019 ja nyt vierailevana tutkijana Taideyliopiston Kuvataideakatemiassa. Hän on JAR:in toimitusneuvoston jäsen.

Arlanderin tutkimusintresseihin kuuluvat taiteellinen tutkimus, esitys tutkimuksena (performance as research), esitystutkimus, paikkakohtaisuus ja ympäristö. Arlanderin taiteellinen toiminta keskittyy esityksellistämään maisemaa, viime vuosina esiintymällä puiden kanssa, mm. videon ja äänitetyn puheen avulla, ja liikkuu performanssitaiteen, videotaiteen ja ympäristötaiteen perinteiden välisellä alueella. 


Annette Arlanderär konstnär, forskare och pedagog. Hon tillhör pionjärerna för performance konst i Finland och föregångarna för konstnärlig forskning. Arlander är utbildad som teaterregissör, filosofie magister och doktor i teaterkonst. Hon var den första doktor som utexaminerades från Teaterhögskolan i Helsingfors (1999). År 2001 inbjöds hon som professor i performance konst och teori för att grunda ett magisterprogram i ämnet, (senare Live Art and Performance Studies) som hon ledde till år 2013. Åren 2015-2016 var hon professor i konstnärlig forskning vid Konstuniversitetet i Helsingfors och gästprofessor vid Stockholms Konstnärliga Högskola. Hon var professor i performance konst och teori vid Stockholms Konstnärliga Högskola 2018-2019 och är nu affilierad forskare vid Konstuniversitetets Bildkonstakademi i Helsingfors. Hon är medlem i redaktionsrådet för JAR.

Arlanders forskningsintressen är relaterade till konstnärlig forskning, performance-as-research, performance studies, det plats-specifika samt miljön. Hennes konstnärliga verksamhet koncentrerar sig kring att uppföra landskap, de senaste åren att uppträda med träd, med hjälp av video eller bandat tal, och rör sig i gränszonen mellan performance konstens, video konstens och miljökonstens traditioner. 


published expositions

  • open exposition comments (2)
  • open exposition comments (0)
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  • open exposition comments (0)
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research expositions

in progress

With Trees in Örö

  • The Pine's Apprentice (03/12/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    performed with a Pine on Örö (almost) daily between 2.11. and 2.12. 2020, and edited into The Pine's Apprentice (53 min) and The Pine's Apprentice (brief) (13 min 50 sec).
  • On the Edge (04/11/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    These videos were performed with a pine on Örö island in Öres (Örö residency) 3.11.2020 and edited into On the Edge I (9 min 27 sec), On the Edge II (7 min 24 sec), on the Edge III (10 min 33) and the split screen video On the Edge II-IV (7 min 24 sec).
  • Bending with the Pine (06/11/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This performance with a pine tree on Örö was recorded 6.11.2020 and edited into Bending with the Pine I and II (á 2 min 28 sec) as well as the split-screen video Bending with the Pine I-II (2 min 28 sec).
  • Pine by the Sea (06/11/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This performance for camera with a pine on the northwestern shore of Örö was recorded on 6.11.2020 and edited into Pine by the Sea I, II and III (á 2 min) as well as the split-screen video Pine by the Sea I-III (2 min).
  • Among the Pines I-II (07/11/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Performed among the pine on the western shore of Örö 7.11.2020 and edited into Among the Pines I and II (à 5 min 3 sec) as well as a split-screen video Among the Pines I-II (5 min 3 sec).
  • Sitting on a Pine (07/11/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Performed with a pine on Örö 7.11.2020 and edited into Sitting on a Pine (5 min )
  • Writing with a Pine (10/11/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Writing with a Pine was performed, twice, with the same pine, on 10 November 2020 on Örö Island and edited into Writing with a Pine I (20 min) and Writing with a Pine II (20 Min).
  • Reclining with the Pine (14/11/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Reclining with the Pine (7 min) was performed on 14 November 2020 with a pine tree on Örö.
  • Writing in a Pine (16/11/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Performed in an with a pine tree on Örö 16 November 2020 and edited into Writing in a Pine (13 min) and Writing in a Pine (with text) ( 5 min 20 sec), with a voice-over in Swedish and English subtitles.
  • Dear Pine (18/11/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Performed with a pine tree on Örö on 18 November 2020 and edited into Dear Pine (10 min) and Dear Pine (with text) (4 min 30 sec) with voice-over in Finnish and subtitles in English.
  • Pines by the Path (01/12/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Pines by the Path (16 min 20 sec) performed with two pines on Örö 1.12.2020 and edited into Pines by the Path (Kära Tall) (4 min 5 sec) with the text written in Swedish added as a voice-over.

With Trees in Mustarinda

  • The Daily Birch (September in Mustarinda) (30/09/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Performed daily with a birch behind Mustarinda house in Paljakkavaara between 2 and 30 September (except 14.9.) 2020, edited into The Daily Birch (September in Mustarinda) (60 min 20 sec) and The Daily Birch (September in Mustarinda) - brief (14 min 10 sec) with 30 sec clips of each session.
  • Around the Spruce in Paljakka (07/09/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Around the Spruce in Paljakka (2 min 11 sec) recorded 5.9.2020 is the first in a series of small experiments with a spruce in Paljakka, not far from Mustarinda in Hyrynsalmi, Kainuu.
  • Looking at the Spruce 1 & 2 (09/09/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Looking at the Spruce 1 & 2 (19 min 12 sec) was recorded on 9.9.2020 with a spruce in Paljakka forest near Mustarinda. It is edited into a two-channel installation and a split-screen video.
  • With the Spruce in Paljakka (13/09/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    The performance with the spruce in Paljakka took place on 13 September 2020 and was edited into four videos: With a Spruce in Paljakka (5 min), With a Spruce in Paljakka I (5 min), With a Spruce in Paljakka II (5 min) and With a Spruce in Paljakka III (5 min).
  • The Reclining Birch (08/09/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Reclining on a birch on Mustarinda forest path 8.9.2020, performing for a camera on tripod. The material is edited into two versions The Reclining Birch (13 min 58 sec) and The Reclining Birch -mix (16 min 41 sec).
  • Rowan on Crutches (11/09/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Rowan on Crutches was performed on the evening of 11 September 2020 in the forest near Mustarinda, Kainuu, and edited into Rowan on Crutches (18 min 40 sec) and Rowan on Crutches - mix (17 min 40 sec), here included as small files.
  • With the Bog Birch (14/09/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Performance with a birch on a bog near Mustarinda on 14 September 2020 (with the dog Hermes joining of its own accord), edited into With the Bog Birch (15 min) and With a Bog Birch (mix) (15 min)
  • Standing with a Bog Birch (25/09/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Standing with a Bog Birch (20 min), performed with a bog birch near Mustarinda on 25 September 2020 in the afternoon, as a companion piece of similar duration (20 min) to Day with a Bog Birch performed with the same birch on 23 September.
  • Listening with an Aspen (20/09/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Listening with an Aspen (in rain), 11 min., was recorded vertically with an aspen tree in the Mustarinda forest on 20 September 2020, in order to show the tree in full. The screen needs to be turned to view it.
  • With a Goat Willow (21/09/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    With a Goat Willow 1-3 ( 3 min 53 sec) performed on Mustarinda forest path in rain 21 September 2020.
  • Dear Spruce (25/09/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Performed with a spruce in Mustarinda on 25 September 2020 and edited into Dear Spruce (20 min 15 sec.) and Rakas kuusi (5 min 47 sec), the latter with the text as a voice-over, in Finnish, and Rakas Kuusi - Dear Spruce (5 min 47 sec) with English subtitles.
  • Dear Birch - Kära Björk (29/09/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Performed with a birch in Mustarinda on 29 September 2020 and edited into Dear Birch (20 min 15 sec.) and Kära Björk (5 min 50 sec), the latter with the text as a voice-over, in Swedish.
  • Dear Deceased (29/09/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Performed with a dead spruce in Mustarinda on 29 September 2020 and edited into Dear Deceased (20 min 15 sec.) and Dear Deceased (with text) (6 min 26 sec), the latter with the text as a voice-over.

Trees in Johannesburg

  • Myer's Oak (19/02/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This video (10 min.) was performed and recounted by Myer Taub on 17.2.2020 in Paterson Park, Johannesburg, as part of the project Meetings with Remarkable and Unremarkable Trees, supported by ARA, Arts Research Africa.
  • In the Ombu Tree (20/02/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This video (4 min 32 sec) was performed on 17 February 2020 in Paterson Park, Johannesburg as part of Meetings with Remarkable and Unremarkable Trees, supported by Arts Research Africa. Another version (2 min 12 sec), In the Ombú tree - (with commentary), includes a voice-over by Samuel Ancer.
  • Samuel's Oak (29/02/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This video (7 min 10 sec) was performed by Samuel Ancer on 26 February 2020 in George Hay Park in Parkview, Johannesburg. The story was recorded on 28 February.
  • In the Cork Tree (28/02/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This video (19 min. 47 sec) was performed for camera on 26 February 2020 in Johannesburg Botanical Garden, here in reduced file size.
  • Christo's Cabbage Tree (01/03/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This video (4 min 27 sec) was performed and recounted by Christo Doherty on 1 March 2020 in Suikerbosrand Nature Reserve near Johannesburg.
  • In the Karee Tree (28/02/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This video (14 min 36 sec) was performed for camera on 26 February 2020 in Johannesburg Botanical Garden, here in reduced file size.
  • Donald's Searsia (05/03/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This video (3 min 53 sec) was performed and recounted by Donald Mccallum on 5 March in Melville Koppies.
  • In the Purple Leaf Acasia 1&2 (28/02/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    These two videos (à 19 min 46 sec) were performed and recorded on 26 February 2020 in Johannesburg Botanical Garden, here in reduced file size.
  • Tina's Palm Tree (07/03/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This video ( 4 min 48 sec) was performed and recounted by Tina Johnson 7 March 2020 in Gleneagles, Killarney.
  • In the River Bushwillow (04/03/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This video (15 min 53 sec) was performed for camera on 4 March 2020 in The Wilds Park, Johannesburg, here in reduced file size.
  • Shilongane's Tree (12/03/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This video (2 min 20 sec) was performed by Shilongane Nkoana on 11 March near Pretoria.
  • With a Henkel's Yellowwood (04/03/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This video (20 min 32 sec) was performed for camera on 4 March 2020 in The Wilds Park, Johannesburg, here in reduced file size.
  • Bushi's Peach Tree (12/03/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This video (1 min 52.sec) and the poem written and performed by Busisiwe Mahlangu were recorded 11 March 2020 in Mamelodi.
  • In the Jacaranda Tree (07/03/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This video (15 min 58 sec) was performed for camera on 7 March 2020 in Killarney Park, Johannesburg, here with reduced file size.
  • Manola's Eucalyptus -Gum Tree (15/03/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This video (4 min 26 sec) was performed and recounted by Manola Gayatri Kumarswamy 4 and 14 March on the campus of University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.
  • With the Sick Plane Tree (09/03/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This video (7 min 27 sec) was performed for camera on 9 March 2020 in Rhodes Park, Johannesburg.
  • Wits Blue gum Tree (12/03/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This video (2 min) is a compilation of small videos recorded while circling the trunk of Wits Blue gum Tree, on the campus of University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, recorded on 12 March 2020 and inserted into a previous attempt on 4 March 2020.
  • Reaching for the Pine (09/03/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This video (3 min 27 sec) was performed for camera on 9 March 2020 in Rhodes Park, Johannesburg.
  • The Dutch Oak in Nirox (18/03/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This video (4 min 31 sec) was made circling the Dutch Oak in Nirox Residency on 18 March 2020.
  • With the Weeping Willow (18/03/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This video (4 min 20 sec) was performed with a Weeping willow (Salix babylonica) in Nirox Sculpture Park on 18 March 2020.
  • With Hackberry Trees I&II (18/03/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    These two videos ( à 3 min 7 sec) were performed with Hackberry trees (Celtis occidentalis) in Nirox Sculpture Park on 18 March 2020.
  • Dear Firethorn Rhus (18/03/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This video (20 min 15 sec) was performed with a Firethorne Rhus (Searsia pyroides) in Nirox Sculpture Park on 18 March 2020. The text written during the performance was recorded and added as a voice-over to the video Dear Firethorn Rhus (with text) (6 min.)
  • Dear Firethorn Rhus II (19/03/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This video (20 min 15 sec) was performed with a Firethorn Rhus on 19 March 2020 in the Nirox Nature Reserve. The text written during the performance was recorded and added as a voice-over to the video Dear Firethorn Rhus II (with text) (6 min.)
  • With the Oak on Galway Road (20/03/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This video (14 min 47 sec) was compiled of performances made with the oak onGalway road between 13.2 and 16.3. 2020.

Days with trees (or shrubs)

  • The Tide in Kan Tiang (16/04/2016)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This video (11 min. 52 sec.) was performed and recorded in Kan Tiang, Thailand at Christmas time 2015.
  • Rainy Day in Rekdal - Grey Day in Rekdal (21/07/2017)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    On 19 July 2017 I was performing for camera with a small birch tree on the shore in Rekdal, Lofoten, resulting in the video Rainy Day in Rekdal (With a Downy Birch) (15 min 20 sec.) On 20 July 2017 I was performing for camera with the small birch for a few moments every hour for a day, starting 10 am and finishing 10 pm, on the shore in Rekdal, Lofoten, resulting in the video Grey Day in Rekdal (With a Downy Birch) (15 min 20 sec). The notes written during the day were recorded and added as a voice-over, to form Grey Day in Rekdal - With a Downy Birch (text) (15 min 20 sec).
  • Sunday with a Pine (30/09/2017)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    On Sunday 24 September a performance was recorded with a pine in Nida (the same pine as Resting with a Pine 7 and 8). I visited the tree every two hours between 8 am and 8 pm, which resulted in the video Sunday with a Pine (8 min.12 sec.) In Sunday with a Pine - with text the blog notes I wrote after each visit are recorded and added as a voice over to the video.
  • Day with Old Tjikko (27/05/2019)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    On 14 May 2019 I spent a day together with Old Tjikko the spruce tree growing on Fulufjället in Sweden, recording a moment with the tree every hour between 10.30 and 19.30. The material is edited into several videos: Day with Old Tjikko 1 (17 min. 45 sec.), Day with Old Tjikko 2 (19 min. 35 sec.), Day with Old Tjikko (3 min. 52 sec.), and Old Tjikko (6 min. 42 sec.), as well as the two-channel installation Day with Old Tjikko a & b (15 min. 44 sec.).
  • Day with a Juniper 1-2 (05/08/2019)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    On 3 August 2019 I spent a day with a juniper on Utö, Finland, performing for camera every hour between 7 am and 9 pm. This material was edited into Day with a Juniper 1 and 2 (à 21 min 56 sec.) and Day with a Juniper 2 (long) (72 min 20 sec) and Day with a Juniper 2 (with text), which includes the recorded notes as a voice over.
  • Day with the Firethorn Rhus (17/03/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This video, Day with the Firethorn Rhus (24 min 10 sec) was performed with two (?) Firethorn Rhus (Searsia Pyroides) in Nirox Sculpture Park every hour between 7 AM and 6 PM on 17 March 2020. There is a longer version (51 min 30 sec) edited of the same material. Here the shorter version is available in a reduced file size.
  • Day with a Bog Birch (24/09/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This video Day with a Bog Birch (with text) (20 min) was recorded on 23 September 2020 with a birch near Mustarinda house in Hyrynsalmi every hour from sunrise to sunset (7 am to 7 pm). There is also a full-length version Day with a Bog Birch (52 min 17 sec).
  • Day with a Pine (13/11/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Day with a Pine (3 min 20 sec) and Day with a Pine (brief) (54 sec) were performed on 13 November 2020 between 8 am and 7 pm once every hour on the western shore of Örö. Day with a Pine (long) (11 min 20 sec.) was recorded on the same occasions.
  • Another Day with a Pine (28/11/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Another Day with a Pine (50 min) was performed with a pine tree on 28 November 2020 every hour from 9 am to 4 pm on south western shore of Örö. The material was edited into Another Day with a Pine - brief (5 min 43 sec) and Another Pine (5 min 43 sec), as well as Kära Tall (Another Day with a Pine - with text) (14 min), with a voice-over in Swedish.

With Trees in Helsinki

  • With Elms in Kaivopuisto (31/05/2018)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Between 10.1.2017 and 17.12.2017 I visited a group of elms in Kaivopuisto Park in Helsinki altogether 101 times. These visits were recorded on video and edited into the full-length recordings With Elms in Kaivopuisto 1 (Spring) and With Elms in Kaivopuisto 2 (Spring) (á 3 h 38 min 40 sec) as well into With Elms in Kaivopuisto 1 (Autumn) and With Elms in Kaivopuisto 2 (Autumn) (á 3 h 45 min 12 sec). For presentation purposes a two-channel installation With Elms in Kaivopuisto 1 and 2 (á 1h 41 min 10 sec.) is edited with one minute images of each session. Here included with very much reduced file size.
  • With an Alder in Kaivopuisto (31/05/2018)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Between 12.1.2017 and 17.12.2017 I sat on an alder stub in Kaivopuisto park in Helsinki altogether 100 times. These visits were recorded on video and edited into With an Alder in Kaivopuisto (Spring) (3h 49 min 23 sec) and With an Alder in Kaivopuisto (Autumn) (3 h 54 min 12 sec). For presentation purposes a shorter version is edited with one-minute images of each session, With an Alder in Kaivopuisto (1h 40 min 10 sec), included here with very much reduced file size.
  • With the Maple Tree (Corona Diary) (07/06/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This is the brief version (16 min 50 sec) of "With the Maple Tree (Corona Diary)" (62 min 22 sec), recorded in the yard of Tehtaankatu 18 in Helsinki daily from 29 March and 31 May 2020.
  • June with the Spruce of Independence (01/07/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This performance was repeated and recorded on video daily in June 2020 with the Spruce of Independence in Kaivopuisto Park in Helsinki. The material was edited into a full version (36 min 31 sec) and a brief version (15 min), included here as a small file.
  • July with a Pine (02/08/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This performance was repeated and recorded on video daily in July 2020 with a pine tree on Harakka Island in Helsinki. The material was edited into a full version (50 min 46 sec) and a brief version (16 min), included here as a small file. A better version is available in the exposition "Meetings with Remarkable and Unremarkable Trees".
  • Dear Spruce- Kuusi hyvä 1-7 (27/12/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    These performances for camera took place on Harakka Island: Dear Spruce - Kuusi hyvä 1 (20 min 50 sec) 10.4.2020, Dear Spruce - Kuusi hyvä 2 (20 min 36 sec) 18.4.2020, Dear Spruce - Kuusi hyvä 3 (15 min 50 sec) 22.4.2020, Dear Spruce - Kuusi hyvä 4 (16 min 30 sec) 3.5.2020, Dear Spruce - Kuusi hyvä 5 (20 min 54 sec) 28.6.2020, Dear Spruce - Kuusi hyvä 6 (20 min 34 sec) 17.7.2020 and Dear Spruce - Kuusi hyvä 7 (20 min 50 sec) 25.8.2020.
  • Dear Pine - Kära tall (30/12/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    These performances for camera took place during the summer 2020 with a small pine tree in Kaivopuisto Park in Helsinki: Dear Pine - Kära tall 1 (12 min 30 sec) 30.3.2020, Dear Pine - Kära tall 2 ( 17 min 30 sec) 24.4.2020, Dear Pine - Kära tall 3 (20 min 27 sec) 2.5.2020, Dear Pine - Kära tall 4 (20 min 42 sec) 23.5.2020, Dear Pine - Kära tall 5 (20 min 36 sec) 10.6.2020, Dear Pine - Kära tall 6 (20 min 46 sec)23.6.2020, and Dear Pine - Kära tall 7 (20 min 32 sec) 6.8.2020. (The sessions on 6.4. and 17.4. were too short to be edited).

With Trees in Stockholm

  • Sitting in the Beech (07/02/2017)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Performing for camera with a beech on the shore of Djurgården in Stockholm: Sitting in the Beech - Snow (8 min. 20 sec.) on 27 November 2016, Sitting in the Beech - Rain ( 6 min. 50 sec.) on 10 December 2016.
  • With a Beech in Djurgården (21/02/2018)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Between 7.1.2017 and 16.12.2017 I visited a beech in Djurgården in Stockholm altogether 44 times. These visits were recorded on video and edited into the full length recordings With a Beech in Djurgården (Spring) (2h 5 min 19 sec) and With a Beech in Djurgården (Autumn) (1 h 33 min 29 sec). For presentation purposes a shorter version is edited with one minute images of each session, With a Beech in Djurgården (44 min 10 sec), included here with very much reduced file size.
  • With a Sycamore in Humlegården (21/02/2018)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Between 7.1.2017 and 16.12.2017 I visited a sycamore in Humlegården in Stockholm altogether 44 times. These visits were recorded on video and edited into the full length recordings With a Sycamore in Humlegården 1 (Spring) and With a Sycamore in Humlegården 2 (Spring) (á 1h 45 min 10 sec) as well into With a Sycamore in Humlegården 1 (Autumn) and With a Sycamore in Humlegården 2 (Autumn) (á 1 h 26 min 14 sec). For presentation purposes a two-channel installation With a Sycamore in Humlegården 1 and 2 (á 44 min 10 sec.) is edited with one minute images of each session. Here included with very much reduced file size.
  • Year of the Dog in Lill-Jan's Wood (On a Spruce Stump) 1 (25/04/2019)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This video is part of "Year of the Dog in Lill-Jan's Wood" performed and recorded in Stockholm between 15 February 2018 and 3rd February 2019. The brief version, with 10 second clips is called "Year of the Dog in Lill-Jan's Wood (On a Spruce Stump) mini" (16 min. 50 sec.) The version with 1-minute clips of each image, made for exhibitions, is called "Year of the Dog in Lill-Jan's Wood (On a Spruce Stump) 1" (1 h 40 min. 10 sec.). The full-length video "Year of the Dog in Lill-Jan's Wood (On a Spruce Stump) 1.1-3" consists of three parts, 1.1. (2h 46 min 12 sec), 1.2. (2 h 35 min 36 sec) and 1.3. (2 h 37 min 47 sec).
  • Year of the Dog in Lill-Jan's Wood (On a Spruce Stump) 2 (01/08/2019)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This video is part of "Year of the Dog in Lill-Jan's Wood" performed and recorded in Stockholm between 15 February 2018 and 3rd February 2019. The brief version, with 10 second clips is called "Year of the Dog in Lill-Jan's Wood 2 (On a Spruce Stump) mini" (16 min. 50 sec.) The version with 1-minute clips of each image, made for exhibitions, is called "Year of the Dog in Lill-Jan's Wood (On a Spruce Stump) 2" (1 h 40 min. 10 sec.). The full-length video "Year of the Dog in Lill-Jan's Wood (On a Spruce Stump) 2.1-3" consists of three parts, 2.1. (2h 24 min 52 sec), 2.2. (2 h 51 min 21 sec) and 2.3. (2 h 53 min 20 sec).
  • Year of the Dog in Lill-Jan's Wood (On a Spruce Stump) Double (22/05/2019)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This video is part of "Year of the Dog in Lill-Jan's Wood" performed and recorded in Stockholm between 15 February 2018 and 3rd February 2019. The split-screen version, consists of "Year of the Dog in Lill-Jan's Wood (On a Spruce Stump) mini" (16 min. 50 sec.) and "Year of the Dog in Lill-Jan's Wood 2 (On a Spruce Stump) mini" (16 min. 50 sec.) They are combined in two ways 1 & 2 (A) and 2 & 1 (B).
  • Hanging in a pine (14/03/2019)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This video is part of "Year of the Dog in Lill-Jan's Wood" performed and recorded in Stockholm between 15 February 2018 and 3rd February 2019. The video Hanging in a Pine (15 min 28 sec) is a short version of the work. The video essay Hanging in a pine (19 min 31 sec) was created for the performance philosophy biennial in Amsterdam 14-16 March 2019.
  • Swinging in a Pine (14/03/2019)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This video, "Swinging in a Pine" (15 min 28 sec), is part of "Year of the Dog in Lill-Jan's Wood" performed and recorded in Stockholm between 15 February 2018 and 3rd February 2019.
  • Swinging - Hanging in a Pine (15/05/2019)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This video is part of "Year of the Dog in Lill-Jan's Wood" performed and recorded in Stockholm between 15 February 2018 and 3rd February 2019. The split-screen version consists of "Swinging in a Pine" (15 min 28 sec) and "Hanging in a Pine" (15 min 28 sec.).
  • Year of the Dog in Lill-Jan's Wood (Sitting in a Pine) (28/06/2019)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This video is part of "Year of the Dog in Lill-Jan's Wood" performed and recorded in Stockholm between 15 February 2018 and 3rd February 2019. The brief version, with 10 second clips is called "Year of the Dog in Lill-Jan's Wood (Sitting in a Pine) mini" (16 min. 50 sec.), here included as a very small file. The version with 1-minute clips of each image, made for exhibitions, is called "Year of the Dog in Lill-Jan's Wood (Sittin g in a Pine )" (1 h 40 min. 10 sec.). The full-length video "Year of the Dog in Lill-Jan's Wood (Sitting in a Pine) 1-3" consists of three parts, 1. (2h 16 min 46 sec), 2. (2 h 49 min 6 sec) and 3. (2 h 58 min 5sec). The video essay "Year of the Dog in Lill-Jan's Wood (Sitting in a Pine) - with text" (16 min. 50 sec.), is here added as a small file.
  • Moving in a Pine (05/06/2019)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This split screen video (3 min 57 sec) is the result of some experiments with an action camera in a small pine in Lill-Jansskogen on Sunday 2 June 2019.
  • View from a Pine (07/09/2019)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This split screen video (2 min 15 sec) is a combination of two views from the small pine in Lill-Jansskogen, at 9 pm on 6 September and on 9 am 7 September 2019, in order to look at the light.
  • Year of the Pig with a Tatarian Maple (23/01/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Year of the Pig with a Tatarian Maple (mini) (9 min 10 sec) – was performed and recorded in Nobelparken in Stockholm between 9th January 2019 and 15th January 2020, and contains all in all 108 sessions with the tree. The material is edited into several versions. This version with 5 second clips, is for viewing on mobile devices. The basic version, Year of the Pig with a Tatarian Maple (1 h 48 min) with 1-minute clips of each session is made for installations.

performing with plants (mix)

  • Trees in Victoria (18/08/2017)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    The performances with these trees in Victoria or next to them took place in July 2016 on a trip to the Great Ocean Road in southern Australia. .The material is edited into the two-channel installation Trees in Victoria (Apollo Bay) 1 and 2 (14 min 30 sec.) and the two-channel installation Trees in Victoria (Lorne) 3 and 4 (13 min 40 sec.), which are here available as small files. They are also combined into the split-screen videos Trees in Victoria (Apollo Bay) 2017 and Trees in Victoria (Lorne) 2017.
  • Body with Corpse / Sitting with the Corpse (23/01/2017)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Two videos, two performances for camera on a beach south of Khao Lak, Body with Corpse (11 min.) on 27.12.2016 and Sitting with the Corpse (5 min 40 sec.) on 31.12.2016. The first one is here in reduced quality to decrease file size.
  • With a Tamarisk in the Wind 1 & 2 (17/04/2017)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Performed for camera on 15 April with a tamarisk tree in Maspalomas, Gran Canaria and edited into three videos: With a Tamarisk in the Wind 1 (5 min 27 sec.), With a Tamarisk in the Wind 2 (5 min 47 sec.), Tamarisk in the Wind (5 min. 47 sec.) and Tamarisk in the Wind (close) (2 min 30 sec.)
  • With a Palm Tree (19/04/2017)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Performed for camera on 18 April 2017 with a canary palm tree in Maspalomas, Gran Canaria and edited into the video With a Palm Tree (6 min 38 sec.).
  • In a Roundabout (28/05/2017)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Performance for camera with a tree in a roundabout on Lido di Venezia 19.5.2017, in four versions edited to have the same duration as the shortest one (4 min. 59 sec.)
  • By Lake Ibirapuera (05/07/2017)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    On Wednesday July 5 2017 I sit for a while in a tree by the lake in Parque Ibirapuera in Sao Paulo. Video of the performance is called By Lake Ibirapuera (6 min 11 sec.) and a video showing the preparatory exploration Finding a place in Ibirapuera (5 min 49 sec.)
  • Resting with a Pine 1-6 (09/09/2017)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    The first two performances for camera were recorded in Nida on Saturday afternoon 9 September 2017 and edited into Resting with a Pine 1 (12 min 58 sec) and Resting with a Pine 2 (12 min 2 sec.) The third performance was recorded in Nida on Tuesday 12 September 2017 and edited into Resting with a Pine 3 (6 min.) The three subsequent performances took place on 13 September 2017 and were edited into Resting with a Pine 4 (9 min 16 sec.), Resting with a Pine 5 (8 min 10 sec.) and Resting with a Pine 6 (6 min 58 sec.)
  • Resting with a Pine 7 and 8 (24/09/2017)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Two performances with a pine were recorded on 23 September and edited into Resting with a Pine 7 (8 min 12 sec.) and Resting with a Pine 8 (8 min 12 sec.).
  • Resting with a Pine 9-12 (26/09/2017)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Four performances with one pine tree were recorded on 26 September from various distances and edited into Resting with a Pine 9 (5 min 26 sec.) and Resting with a Pine 10 (7 min 10 sec.), Resting with a Pine 11 (7 min 10 sec.) and Resting with a Pine 12 (6 min 15 sec.). Four videos of the view were recorded at the same time, View from a Pine 1 (5 min 26 sec.), View from a Pine 2 (6 min 43 sec.), View from a Pine 3 (6 min 43 sec.) and View from a Pine 4 (6 min. 15 sec.)
  • Sitting with Shrubs (22/12/2017)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    These performances for camera, sitting with some shrubs, took place on Friday 22 December 2017 on the Jandia peninsula. They were edited into three videos Sitting with Shrubs 1 (7 min 57 sec), Sitting with Shrubs 2 (7 min 34 sec),and Sitting with Shrubs 3 (7 min 26 sec).
  • With the Tabaiba 1-4 (31/03/2018)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    These performances for camera, sitting with some shrubs called Tabaiba on Saturday 31 March and Sunday 1 April 2018 near Puerto Rico on Gran Canaria, were edited into four videos: With the Tabaiba 1 (10 min 15 sec), With the Tabaiba 2 (10 min 52 sec), With the Tabaiba 3 (10 min 53 sec), and With the Tabaiba 4 (9 min 37 sec).
  • With the Cardón (01/04/2018)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This performance for camera, sitting with some plants called Cardón near Puerto Rico on Gran Canaria on Saturday 31 March 2018, was edited into a video With the Cardón 1 (7 min 20 sec), and three other sittings on Monday 2 April were edited into With the Cardón 2 (8 min 24 sec), With the Cardón 3 (9 min 16 sec) and With the Cardón 4 (8 min 5 sec).
  • With the Balo 1-2 (01/04/2018)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This performance for camera, sitting with some plants called Balo near Puerto Rico on Gran Canaria on Sunday 1 April 2018, was edited into a video With the Balo 1 (9 min 38 sec), and another sitting on Monday 2 April, was edited into With the Balo 2 (11 min 2 sec).
  • With an Elder in Krakow (02/06/2018)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    A short impromptu visit to an Elder tree in central Krakow on 31 May 2018, wearing a yellow scarf. Camera by Pilvi Porkola. Video (2 min 6 sec) compiled of three images.
  • In Dalseong Park (07/07/2018)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This performance for camera with a tree of an (for me) unknown species in Dalseong Park in Daegu, Korea, took place in the morning of 7th July, an was documented in the video In Dalseong Park (11 min).
  • In the Lantern Tree (14/07/2018)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This performance for camera sitting in a Lantern tree in a park next to the Museum of Contemporary Art in Belgrade took place in the afternoon on 14th July 2018, and was edited into the video In the Lantern Tree (14 min 26 sec).
  • With a Linden Tree in Karlsruhe (07/10/2018)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This moment with a Linden tree in the Schloss Park in Karlsruhe on Sunday 7th October was recorded on impuls and edited into a video (4 min 15 sec)
  • With a Ficus Tree in Puerto Calero (31/12/2018)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    On 31 December 2018 I went to visit a Ficus tree I had seen by the road in Puerto Calero on Lanzarote, spent some time with it, posing for a camera on tripod with it, as well as looking at it through the lens, and edited the material into three videos: With a Ficus Tree in Puerto Calero (6 min 9 sec), With a Ficus Tree - testing (3 min 38 sec.) and With a Ficus Tree - Looking ( 3 min 38 sec.)
  • With an Alder on Seili - Soul Island (13/06/2019)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    On 14th june 2019, during an excursion to Seili Island, organised by Saari Residency, I spent a moment on an alder at the shore, thinking of the women once imprisoned on the island. The video of this performance for camera was edited into the plain With an Alder on Seili - Soul Island (5 min 55 sec.) and to With an Alder on Seili - Soul Island (mix) (7 min 10 sec.)
  • With a Yew in Dartington (22/06/2019)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    In the morning of 22 June, at the summer solstice, I spent some moments with the old yew tree by Dartington hall in Devon, England. These performances for camera were edited into With a Yew in Dartington (5 min 10 sec) and With a Yew in Dartington 1 & 2 (9 min 10 sec).
  • With a Plane Tree in Fuxing Park (15/07/2019)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    During my visit to the Fuxing Park in Shanghai on 14 July 2019 I spent a moment with a plane tree by the pond there, resulting in the video "With a Plane Tree in Fuxing Park" (7 min 27 sec).
  • With an Ancient Olive Tree (20/12/2019)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    On 19th December I spent some time with an ancient olive tree (no 968) in La Foia d'Ulldecona, first writing, then posing with my back to the camera on tripod and finally looking closely via a moving camera. The material is edited into the videos Dear Olive Tree (19 min), Examining an Olive Tree (19 min) and With an Olive Tree (19 min). On 21 December I visited the oldest olive tree in the region together with a tourist group at the Arion estate. The material is edited into La Farga de L'Arion (5 min 20 sec).
  • With Ancient Olive Trees (20/12/2019)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    On 20 December 2019 I spent some time with ancient olive trees near la Ermita del Remei in Alcanar. The videos edited of the sessions are With Olive Tree 765 (4 min 50 sec), With Olive Tree 767 (4 min 29 sec), With Olive Tree 770 (4 min 3 sec), With Olive Tree 1432 a (4 min 23 sec), With Olive Tree 1432 b (4 min 17 sec), With Olive Tree 2137 (4 min 27 sec) and With Olive Tree 4403 (5 min 9 sec).
  • Ficus Macrophylla (25/12/2019)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    On Christmas day 25 December 2019 I visited a Ficus Macrophylla in the Parque de Canalejas in Alicante and recorded my writing next to it as well as some material of its trunk. The videos are called Dear Ficus Macrophylla I (19 min 30 sec), Around Ficus Macrophylla I (2 min 25 sec) and the split screen video Ficus Macrophylla I (2 min 11 sec). On 27 December I visited a Ficus Macrophylla in the Parque Gabriel Miró in Alicante and recorded my writing next to it as well as walking around it. The videos are called Dear Ficus Macrophylla II (14 min 13 sec), Dear Ficus Macrophylla II (mix) (14 min 35 sec) and Around Ficus Macrophylla II (3 min 55 sec).

The Tree Calendar (Helsinki)

  • Birch in January 1&2 (24/01/2017)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Sitting in two birches on the Munkkinemenranta shore in Helsinki on Saturday 21 January 2017 to begin a Tree Calendar. Birch in January 1 (5 min. 9 sec.), Birch in January 2 (4 min 41 sec.)
  • Rowan in February 1,2&3 (16/02/2017)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Sitting in two rowans in Särkiniemi peninsula in Lauttasaari in Helsinki on 12th February 2017 for the Tree Calendar. Rowan in February 1 (4 min 43 sec.), Rowan in February 2 (8 min 13 sec.) and Rowan in February 3 ( 5 min 53 sec.)
  • Ash in March 1&2 (18/03/2017)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Standing with an Ash at the shore in Kaivopuisto Park in Helsinki on Saturday 18 March 2017 as part of the Tree Calendar. Ash in March 1 (4 min 51 sec.), Ash in March 2 (5 min 48 sec.) and Ash in March (short) (4 min 22 sec.)
  • Alder in April 1 & 2 (12/04/2017)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Sitting in and with an old Alder tree on Mellsteninranta shore in Haukilahti, west of Helsinki, on Tuesday evening 11th April 2017 as part of the Tree Calendar. Alder in April 1 (10 min 6 sec.), Alder in April 2 (12 min 40 sec.)
  • Willow in May 1 & 2 (06/05/2017)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Sitting in and with a Willow on Harakka Island in Helsinki, on Saturday morning 6th May 2017 as part of the Tree Calendar. Willow in May 1 (9 min 44 sec.), Willow in May 2 (10 min 12 sec.)
  • Hawthorn in June (05/05/2017)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Standing with and holding on to a Hawthorn in the Observatory Park in Helsinki on Wednesday morning June 7 and lying in and on another Hawthorn in the same park that same morning as part of the Tree calendar. Hawthorn in June (18 min 6 sec.), Another Hawthorn in June (6 min 51 sec.)
  • Oak in June (19/04/2017)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander, Annette Arlander
    Standing with and leaning against an Oak in Eugen Schauman's Park in Brändö, Helsinki, on Sunday night June 26 as part of the Tree Calendar. Oak in June (8 min 10 sec.) Preparatory attempts are documented in Oak in June - testing (3 min 31 sec.)
  • Holly in July (31/07/2017)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Standing with and amongst a Holly in Kajsaniemi Botanical Garden in Helsinki on Sunday July 30 as part of the Tree Calendar. Three attempts were edited into Holly in July 1 and 2 (á 9 min 22 sec.) and Holly in July 3 (10 min 20 sec.)
  • Hazel in August (20/08/2017)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Sitting next to, standing amongst and sitting in a Hazel near Herttoniemi Manor Park in Helsinki on Sunday August 20 as part of the Tree Calendar. Three attempts were edited into Hazel in August 1 (10 min 40 sec.), Hazel in August 2 (10 min 10 sec.) and Hazel in August 3 (9 min 35 sec.)
  • Vine in September (16/09/2017)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Performing with a vine, a creeper called "villiviini" (wild vine) in Finnish on 16 September in the backyard of my home in Helsinki. Video Vine in September (5 min 15 sec.) NB: The video is made to be seen vertically, please rotate your screen 90 degrees.
  • Ivy in October (01/11/2017)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Carrying an Ivy in a pot on my head on November 1 indoors in Helsinki as part of the Tree Calendar, despite October being the month of the ivy. The first attempt was performed in poor light conditions, the second with some light added, and edited into Ivy in October 1 (8 min 57 sec.), Ivy in October 2 (8 min 23 sec.)
  • Reed in November (22/11/2017)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Standing amongst Reeds on Arabianranta shore in Helsinki on Tuesday afternoon November 22 as part of the Tree Calendar. Three attempts were edited into Reed in November 1 (8 min 22 sec.), Reed in November 2 (8 min 22 sec.), and Reed in November 3 (8 min 22 sec.).
  • Elder in December (02/12/2017)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Sitting and leaning on an Elder in Kaivopuisto Park in Helsinki on Saturday December 2 as part of the Tree Calendar. Two attempts were edited into Elder in December 1 (13 min 38 sec.) and Elder in December 2 (8 min 59 sec.)

Stockholm Tree Calendar (2018)

  • Birch in January - Humlegården (20/01/2018)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Sitting in a birch at Humlegården on 22 January 2018, performing for camera for the Stockholm Tree Calendar (2018), video 9 min. 55 sec.
  • Rowan in February - Kräftriket park (04/02/2018)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Sitting in a rowan (or Swedish Whitebeam) at the shore of Kräftriket park on 4 February 2018, performing for camera for the Stockholm Tree Calendar (2018), video 9 min. 33 sec.
  • Ash in February - Långholmen (24/02/2018)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Sitting in an ash tree at Långholmen on 24 February 2018, performing for camera for the Stockholm Tree Calendar (2018), video 9 min. 56 sec. (as well as a testing version (6 min. 3 sec.)
  • Alder in March - Haga Park (24/03/2018)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Standing with an alder and sitting in an alder in Haga Park on 24 March 2018, performing for camera for the Stockholm Tree Calendar (2018). Videos: Alder in March - Haga park 1 (11 min.), Alder in March- Haga Park 2 (10 min. 10 sec.) and an extra version, Alder in March - Haga Park (testing) (5 min. 17 sec.) just for fun...
  • Willow in April - Ladugårdsgärdet (21/04/2018)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Sitting on and with an old willow in Ladugårdsgärdet on 21 April 2018, performing for camera for the Stockholm Tree Calendar (2018). Video: Willow in April - Ladugårdsgärdet (13 min. 9 sec.)
  • Hawthorn in may - Brunnsviken (17/05/2018)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Sitting in an old hawthorn in Brunnsviken on 17 May 2018, performing for camera for the Stockholm Tree Calendar (2018). Video: Hawthorn in May - Brunnsviken (11min. 46 sec.)
  • Oak in June - Hagaparken (24/06/2018)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Sitting in an oak tree in Hagaparken on 24 June 2018, performing for camera for the Stockholm Tree Calendar (2018). Video: Oak in June - Hagaparken (14 min. 7 sec.)
  • Holly in July - Bergius Garden (26/07/2018)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Standing and sitting next to a holly in Bergius Botanic Garden on 26 July 2018, performing for camera for the Stockholm Tree Calendar (2018). Video: Holly in July 1 - Bergius Garden (8 min. 51 sec.) and Holly in July 2 - Bergius Garden (10 min. 2 sec.)
  • Hazel in August - Djurgården (27/08/2018)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Sitting in a hazel bush in Djurgården on 27 August 2018, performing for camera for the Stockholm Tree Calendar (2018). Video: Hazel in August - Djurgården (13 min. 11 sec.)
  • Vine in September - Rosendal garden (18/09/2018)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Standing next to a vine in Rosendal Garden on 18 September 2018, performing for camera for the Stockholm Tree Calendar (2018). Video: Vine in September - Rosendal Garden (13 min. 30 sec.)
  • Ivy in October - Kungsholms Strand (19/10/2018)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Standing next to an ivy at Kungsholms Strand on 19 October 2018, performing for camera for the Stockholm Tree Calendar (2018). Video: Ivy in October - Kungsholms Strand (14 min. 58 sec.)
  • Reed in November - Djurgårdsbrunnsviken (23/11/2018)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Standing amongst the reeds at the shore of Djurgårdsbrunnsviken on 23 November 2018, performing for camera for the Stockholm Tree Calendar (2018). Video: Reed in November - Djurgårdsbrunnsviken (17 min. 2 sec.)
  • Elder in December at Kungsholms Strands Pulkabacke (04/12/2018)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Leaning on an Elder at Kungsholms Strands Pulkabacke on 4 December 2018 as part of the Stockholm Tree Calendar. Video: Elder in December at Kungsholms Strands Pulkabacke (16 min 47 sec).

ANIMAL YEARS (expositions)

Animal Years video essays

  • How to perform landscape by repetition? (04/10/2016)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This video essay (7 min.) was compiled for the Ice-Hole Journal issue 6, based on a presentation at the kick-off seminar for the research project How to do things with performance? on 4 October 2016 at University of the Arts Helsinki Theatre Academy. It includes Year of the Horse 1 and 2 (2003) inserted in a fragment of Year of the Horse Calendar 1 (2015). the cliff Year of the Monkey Day and Night of the Rooster - Midsummer video essay revisit
  • The Shore Revisited (07/10/2017)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This video essay (31 min.) was presented at the joint presentation of the "How to do things with performance?" research group at New Performance Turku Festival on 7 October 2017 at Titanic gallery in Turku. It contains a compilation of Year of the Goat 1-4 (2004) and Day and Night of the Monkey (2004). It was published in a reworked form as Arlander, A. (2018). The Shore Revisited. Journal of Embodied Research, 1(1), 4 (30:34).
  • The Cliff Revisited (08/11/2017)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    The shorter version of this video essay (15 min.) was presented at the Research Day "How are things done, produced or effected with performance? on 8 November 2017 at University of the Arts Helsinki Theatre Academy. The longer version (25 min. 40 sec.) is attached here as well, as a small file. It contains a compilation of Year of the Monkey - Tomtebo (2005) and Day and Night of the Rooster - Midsummer (2005) inserted into the revisit to the site on 15 October 2017.
  • The Shore with Birches revisited (21/08/2018)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This is a video essay (16 min 28 sec) based on a revisit, on 6 December 2017, to the site on Harakka Island, where Year of the Rooster and day and Night of the Rooster Tomten were performed in 2005-2006. A version of this essay was presented at the Research Day organized by HTDTWP on 2 March 2018. It contains a compilation of Year of the Rooster and of Day and Night of the Rooster - Tomten as well as a reading of the poem Tomten by Viktor Rydberg, not used in the final work.
  • The Pine Revisited (25/03/2018)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    The video The Pine Revisited (16 min. 36 sec.) records a revisit on 28 February 2018 to the site where the "Year of the Dog - Sitting in a Tree" (2007) was performed during the year 2006, and combines that video, as well as "Day and Night of the Dog" (2007) inserted into it. (this video is a work in progress, lacking the text)
  • The Pine on the Shore Revisited (28/09/2018)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    The video The Pine on the Shore Revisited (17 min. ) records an attempt on 19 March 2018 at revisiting the site where "Shadow of a Pine 1-4" (2007) was performed during 2006, with that 4-channel video installation inserted into it.
  • The Spruce Revisited (19/10/2018)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    These two videos are compilations of the videos Under the Spruce I-III (2008) inserted into two recordings, made on 7 and 9 August 2018 on the same site, albeit from different perspectives. The compilations are The Spruce Revisited 1 (28 min. 50 sec.) and The Spruce Revisited 2 (28 min. 48 sec.), here available as very small files of poor quality, due to file size.
  • The city skyline revisited (08/11/2019)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This video compilation consists of a) Year of the Pig - Weather wane, Year of the Pig - Weather wane (short) and Year of the Pig - Weather wane (mini) as well as b) Day and Night of the Pig I and Autumnal Equinox I and II, inserted in the recording of a revisit, on 4 May 2018, to the site on northwestern shore of Harakka island where they were performed a) weekly between 6.1.2007 and 3.2.2008 and b) every two hours between 22.9.2007 at 4 pm and 23.9.2007 at 4 pm.
  • The Cliff Revisited (Year of the Pig) (10/05/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This video compilation (25 min) consists of the video installation Year of the Pig - Sitting on the Cliff (4 x 23 min 4 sec) inserted into a recording of a revisit, on 8 August 2018, to the site on the western shore of Harakka Island where the videos in the installation were performed weekly between 6 January 2007 and 3 February 2008.
  • Revisiting the Rock (01/03/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This video essay (39 min 50 sec), published in GPS (Global performance Studies) 3:2 exists in two form Revisiting the Rock - with text and Revisiting the Rock - without text. Using a video recording of a revisit on 11 August 2018 to the site where the video work Year of the Rat - Mermaid was performed during the year 2008 as a base I combine variations of the work and ideas associated with it later.
  • Returning to the Stairs (22/07/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This video compilation (20 min 10 sec) consists of the two-channel video installation Year of the Rat - Upphill - Downhill (19 min 10 sec) inserted in the recording of a revisit, on 21 July 2020, to the stairs on Harakka Island where the work was performed in 2008 between 28 January 2008 and 24 January 2009.
  • Revisiting the Rusty Ring (18/03/2019)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This video compilation consists of a) Year of the Ox - Walking in Circles (short), and b) Day and Night of the Ox, inserted in the recording of a revisit, on 20.12.2018, to the site where they were performed a) weekly between 25.1.2009 and 6.2.2010 and b) every two hours between 1.5.2009 6 pm and 2.5.2009 6 pm.
  • Remembering the Year of the Tiger (28/06/2019)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    The video compilation "Remembering the Year of the Tiger" (32 min 36 sec.) consists of Year of the Tiger 1-4 inserted in the recording of a revisit, on 17.6.2019, to the site where the videos were performed weekly between 14.2.2010 and 31.1.2011, on the remains of the stone base of a building on Harakka Island. Part 1. in the northeastern corner. Part 2. in the southeastern corner. Part 3. in the southwestern corner. Part 4. in the northwestern corner. The video compilation "Remembering the Round of the Tiger" (10 min 5 sec) consists of the Round of the Tiger inserted in the recording of a revisit, on 17.6.2019, to the site where the video of one of the repeated performances was recorded from four directions in February 2010, showing how the work was done, on the remains of the stone base of a building on Harakka Island.
  • Revisiting the Juniper (02/08/2019)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    The video compilation "Revisiting the Juniper" (21 min 50 sec.) consists of "Year of the Rabbit - By the Bird Shed" (20 min 10 sec), "Year of the Rabbit - With a Juniper" (20 min 10 sec.) and "Day and Night of the Rabbit - In the Year of the Dragon" (20 min 10 sec) inserted in the recording of a revisit, on 1.8.2019, to the site where these videos were performed, wrapped in a green scarf, on the southeastern shore of Harakka Island weekly for a year on Sundays 3 pm during the year of the rabbit between February 6, 2011 and January 22, 2012 as well as for a day and night with three-hour intervals from 16 June 2012 at 13.00 to 17 June at 13.00. The video essay Revisiting the Juniper - with text (21 min 50 sec.) was presented as part of the lecture performance by the HTDTWP group at Carpa 6 in august 2019.
  • Calling the dragon again (04/11/2019)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    The video compilation "Calling the Dragon Again" (28 min.) consists of "The Bunker" (4 min 10 sec) and "Calling the Dragon (North, East, South & West)" (8 x 23 min 25 sec) inserted in the recording of a revisit, on 10.9.2019, to the site where these videos were performed, on the roof of an old bunker in the southern part of Harakka Island (now rebuilt to a viewing platform), where I called the dragon with a small ceramic bell in the four directions approximately once a week during the year of the dragon between February 4, 2012 and February 3, 2013. The video compilation "Calling the Dragon Again (bells)" (8 min 55 sec) consists of "Calling the Dragon 1-4 (Bell)"(6 min 28 sec), inserted in the recording of a shorter edit of the same revisit, on 10.9.2019, to that site.
  • Revisiting the Aspen Tree (31/03/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This video (40 min) is a compilation of the 4-channel installation Year of the Snake (36 min 30 sec) and the video Day and Night of the Snake (6 min 46 sec) inserted into a revisit on 4 February 2020 to the site where those videos were recorded in 2014.

ANIMAL YEARS 2003-2014 (versions for screening)

  • Year of the Horse 1 (01/01/2003)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    (6 min. 30 s) DV 4:3 This video is a documentation of a performance. I am standing with a blue scarf on my shoulders close to the camera, obscuring part of the view from the cliff, on Harakka Island, 64 times, approximately once a week from January 2002 to January 2003.
  • Year of the Goat 1 (01/01/2004)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    (13 min. 40 s) DV 4:3 This video is a documentation of a performance. I am walking with a blue scarf on my shoulders from south to north (or left to right in the image) past the camera on Harakka Island, 54 times, approximately once a week from March 2003 to March 2004.
  • Year of the Monkey - Tomtebo (01/01/2005)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    (22 min.) DV 4:3 This video is a documentation of a performance. I am sitting with a red scarf on my shoulders on a ledge on the northwestern shore of Harakka Island, 43 times, approximately once a week from April 11, 2004 to March 20, 2005.
  • Year of the Rooster - Standing 2 (25/05/2017)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    (6 min 24 s) DV 4:3 This video is a documentation of a performance. I am standing with a red scarf on my shoulders in front of the camera on the western cliffs of Harakka Island 48 times, approximately once a week 8.1. – 31.12. 2005.
  • Year of the Dog - Sitting in a Tree (01/01/2007)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    (8 min. 10 s) DV 4:3 This video is a documentation of a performance. I sit with a yellowish scarf on my shoulders in a pine tree on Southern Harakka Island 54 times, once a week 7.1.2006 – 11.2.2007.
  • Year of the Pig - Weather vane (short) (01/01/2008)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    (23 min.) DV 4:3 This video is a documentation of a performance. A grey shawl across my shoulders, I spin against the city skyline on the northwestern cliffs of Harakka Island around once a week between 6 January 2007 – 3 February 2008.
  • Year of the Rat - Dripping (short) (01/01/2009)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    (6 min. 47 s) DV 4:3 This video is a documentation of a performance. With a lilac scarf on my shoulders I stand in the sea, take water in a jar and pour it back to the sea on the northern shore of Harakka Island approximately once a week before sunset between 26th January 2008 and 24th January 2009.
  • Year of the Ox - Walking in Circles (short) (01/01/2010)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    (19 min. 16 s) HD 16:9 This video is a documentation of a performance. A rust coloured scarf around my shoulders, I walk in a circle tied with a chain to an iron ring on a cliff on the South Eastern shore of Helsinki’s Harakka Island once a week for a year, between 25 January 2009 and 6 February 2010. 9-Year
  • Year of the Tiger 1 (mini) (01/01/2011)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    (6 min. 19 s) HD 16:9 This video is a documentation of a performance. Wrapped in a white shawl I lay on the remains of the stone base of a building – in part 1 in the northeastern corner of the base - on Harakka Island once a week for a year from 14th February 2010 to 31st January 2011.
  • Year of the Rabbit - With a Juniper (01/01/2012)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    (20 min. 10 s) HD 16:9 This video is a documentation of a performance. Wrapped in a green scarf I visit a juniper growing on the southeastern shore of Harakka Island on Sundays 3 pm during the year of the rabbit between February 6, 2011 and January 22, 2012.
  • Calling the Dragon - South (right) (01/01/2013)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    (23 min. 29 s) HD 16:9 This video is a documentation of a performance. Wrapped in a green scarf, I call the dragon by ringing a small ceramic bell on the roof of the bunker on Harakka - in part 3 facing south. The round of the year was repeated once from the left and once from the right (like here). The work was recorded in four directors from the roof of the bunker in the southern part of Harakka Island, approximately once a week between February 4, 2012 and February 3, 2013.
  • Year of the Snake in the Swing (01/01/2014)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    (16 min. 8 s) HD 16:9 This video is a documentation of a performance. Wrapped in a pale blue scarf I am lying in a swing attached to an aspen on the western shore of Harakka Island approximately once a week during the year of the snake between 10 February 2013 and 28 January 2014.
  • Year of the Horse - Calendar 1-2 (01/05/2015)
    Art object: Installation, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This video (2 x 11 min 10 sec) is a documentation of a performance. I am standing with a blue scarf on my shoulders close to the camera, obscuring part of the view from the cliff, on Harakka Island, 12 times, once a month from January 2014 to January 2015. During the year of the horse 2014 I revisited once a month the site on Harakka Island, which I visited once a week during the year of the horse 2002, wearing the same dark blue scarf. Part 1: I stand on the hill in front of the camera, covering most of the view. Part 2: I sit on a rock on the slope.

Animal Days and Nights 2003-2014

  • Day and Night of the Goat (01/01/2003)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    1. Day and Night of the Goat – Easter 2003 (6 min 20 sec) DV 4:3. (performed 20-21.4.2003) This is a documentation of a performance that took place on the western cliffs of Harakka Island, Helsinki. I am sitting with a blue scarf on my shoulders on a rock in the landscape, 13 times during a day and a night, with two-hour intervals, during Easter, from April 20 2003 at noon to April 21 at noon.
  • Day and Night of the Monkey (01/01/2004)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    2. Day and Night of the Monkey 2004 (13 min 28 sec) DV 4:3. (performed 10-11.4.2004) This is a documentation of a performance that took place on the southwestern shore of Harakka island, Helsinki. 
I am standing with a blue scarf on my shoulders on a cliff on Harakka Island looking out to sea, for a day and a night during Easter, 12 times, with two-hour intervals, from April 10 2004 at 19:00 to April 11 at 17:00.
  • Day and Night of the Rooster (01/01/2005)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    3. Day and Night of the Rooster 2005 (6 min 14 sec) DV 4:3. (performed 24-25.6.2005) 
 This is a documentation of a performance that took place on the northwestern shore of Harakka Island, Helsinki. I am sitting with a red scarf on my shoulders on a ledge on the northwestern shore of Harakka Island, during Midsummer, for a day and a night, with two-hour intervals, from June 24 2005 at 14:30 to June 25 at 12:30.
  • Christmas of the Rooster (01/01/2006)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    4. Christmas of the Rooster 3 2006 (6 min 13 sec) DV 4:3. (performed 25-26.12.2005) This is a documentation of a performance that took place on the western shore of Harakka island, Helsinki. 
I am standing with a red scarf on my head and a light in my hand on the western cliffs of Harakka Island looking out to sea, at Christmas time, 13 times, with two-hour intervals, from 25 December 2005 at 15.00 to 26 December at 13.00.
  • Day and Night of the Dog (01/01/2007)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    5. Day and Night of the Dog 2007 (4 min) DV 4:3 (performed 20-21.10 2006) This is a documentation of a performance that took place in the southern part of Harakka Island, Helsinki. I sit with a yellowish scarf on my shoulders in a pine tree on Southern Harakka Island at Halloween time, 13 times with two-hour intervals, from 20 October 2006 at 12.15 to 21 October at 12.15.
  • Day and Night of the Pig (01/01/2008)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    6. Day and Night of the Pig I 2008 (8 min 20 sec) DV 4:3 (performed 22-23.9.2008) This is a documentation of a performance that took place on the northwestern cliffs of Harakka Island, Helsinki. Holding a grey shawl and two small torches, I spin against the backdrop of the city on the cliffs for a day and night every two hours during the autumnal equinox from 22 September 2007 at 16.00 to 23 September at 14.00.
  • Day and Night of the Rat (01/01/2009)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    7. Day and Night of the Rat – Mermaid 2009 (11 min 10 sec) DV 4:3 (performed 22-23.12.2008) This is a documentation of a performance that took place on the northern shore of Harakka Island, Helsinki. With a lilac scarf on my shoulders I sit on a rock by the shore for a day and night after the winter solstice every two hours from 22 December 2008 at 16.00 to 23 December at 14.00.
  • Day and Night of the Ox (01/01/2010)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    8. Day and Night of the Ox 2010 (14 min. 15 sec) HD 16:9 (performed 1-2.5.2009) This is a documentation of a performance that took place on the southeastern cliffs of Harakka Island, Helsinki. With a rust-colored scarf around my shoulders, I walk in a circle tied with a chain to an iron ring on a cliff on the shore during a day and night every two hours from 1 May 2009 at 18.00 to 2 May at 18.00.
  • Day and Night of the Tiger (01/01/2012)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    9. Day and Night of the Tiger 1 2011 (7 min 43 sec) HD 16:9 (performed 24-25.6.2011) This is a documentation of a performance that took place at the remains of the stone base of a small building in the southern part of Harakka Island, Helsinki. Wrapped in a white shawl I lie on the remains of the stone base for a day and night in midsummer with three hour intervals from 24 June 2010 at 17.00 and 25 June at 15.00.
  • Day and Night of the Rabbit - In the Year of the Dragon (01/01/2013)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    10. Day and Night of the Rabbit – In the Year of the Dragon 2012 (20 min 10 sec) HD 16:9 (performed 16-17.6.2012) This is a documentation of a performance that took place with a Juniper on the southeastern shore of Harakka Island, Helsinki. Wrapped in a green scarf I visit the juniper for a day and night with three-hour intervals from 16 June 2012 at 13.00 to 17 June at 13.00.
  • Day and Night of the Dragon (01/01/2013)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    11. Day and Night of the Dragon 2 2013 (19 min 30 sec) HD 16:9 (performed 2-3.2.2013) This is a documentation of a performance that took place at the centre of Harakka Island, Helsinki. Wrapped in a green scarf, I call the dragon by ringing a small green ceramic bell from the panorama spot facing south on the last day of the year of the dragon for a day and night at three-hour intervals from 2 February 2013 at 15.00 to 3 February at 15.00.
  • Day and Night of the Snake (01/01/2014)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    12. Day and Night of the Snake – Swinging 2014 (6 min. 46 sec.) HD 16:9 (performed 13-14.10.2014) This is a documentation of a performance that took place on the western shore of Harakka Island, Helsinki. Wrapped in a pale blue scarf I am swinging in a swing attached to an aspen on the western shore for a day and a night with three-hour intervals from 13 October 2013 to 14 October 2013.


  • Year of the horse 2 (07/08/2017)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    (6 min. 30 s) DV 4:3. This video is the second part of Year of the Horse (2003), a documentation of a performance. I am sitting with a blue scarf on my shoulders with my back to the camera on a rock on Harakka Island, 64 times, approximately once a week from January 2002 to January 2003.
  • Year of the Goat 1- 4 (09/09/2017)
    Art object: Installation, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Four channel installation (13 min. 40 s) DV 4:3 This video is a documentation of a performance. I am walking with a blue scarf on my shoulders from south to north (or left to right in the image) past the camera on Harakka Island, twice, and standing at the shore, 54 times, approximately once a week from March 2003 to March 2004.
  • Year of the Rooster (13/08/2018)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    These videos form and installation, which is a documentation of a performance, divided into several parts, (6 min 24 s) DV 4:3. I am standing, sitting and walking with a red scarf on my shoulders in front of the camera on the western cliffs of Harakka Island 48 times, approximately once a week 8.1. – 31.12. 2005.
  • Christmas of the Rooster - Tomten (13/08/2018)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Christmas of the Rooster 2006 (á 6 min 13 sec) DV 4:3. This is a documentation of a performance that took place on the western shore of Harakka island, Helsinki. 
I am standing, sitting and walking with a red scarf on my head and a light in my hand on the western cliffs of Harakka Island, at Christmas time, 13 times, with two-hour intervals, from 25 December 2005 at 3 pm to 26 December at 1 pm. The poem Tomten [the gnome] by Victor Rydberg was added while editin, here complemented by versions with subtitles in Finnish (translation Yrjö Jylhä) and in English (translation Judith Moffet).
  • Sitting on a Birch (13/08/2018)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This video (24 min 15 sec.) documents a weekly visit to a birch during a year. I am sitting with a red scarf on my shoulders on an outgrowth on a birch tree trunk in Koivumäki, Kalvola, 48 times approximately at noon on Sundays 22.5.2005 – 14.5.2006.
  • secret garden 1-2 (13/08/2018)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This two-channel installation (24 min. 14 sec.) document a weekly visit to a garden during a year. I am walking with a red scarf on my shoulders up and down the stairs in Koivumäki, Kalvola 48 times approximately at noon on Sundays 22.5.2005 – 14.5.2006.
  • Shadow of a Pine I-IV (01/01/2007)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This four-channel installation (16 min 10 sec) was performed during the year of the dog. Part I. I lie with a yellowish scarf on my shoulders on the rock under a pine tree on the western shore of Harakka island, with the camera directed towards the city in the North, 51 times, approximately once a week 7.11..2006 - 11.2.2007. Part II. I lie with a yellowish scarf on my shoulders on the rock under a pine tree on the western shore of Harakka island, with the camera directed towards the sea in the South, 51 times, approximately once a week 7.11..2006 - 11.2.2007. Part III. I lie with a yellowish scarf on my shoulders on the rock next to a pine tree on the western shore of Harakka island, with the camera directed towards the city in the North, on the same occasions. Part IV. I lie with a yellowish scarf on my shoulders on the rock next to a pine tree on the western shore of Harakka island, with the camera directed towards the sea in the South, on the same occasions.
  • Year of the Dog in Kalvola - Calendar 1-2 (11/09/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This two-channel video (4 min 9 sec) documents a montly visit to a pine in Koivumäki, Kalvola. Part 1. I hang with a yellowish scarf on my shoulders from an old pine tree in Kalvola twelve times, once a month in 2006 (with the exception of April, which was made in 2007). Part 2. I lean with a yellowish scarf on my shoulders on an old pine tree in Kalvola twelve times, on the same occasions.
  • Autumnal Equinox I-III (26/06/2018)
    Art object: Installation, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    A three-channel installation version of Day and Night of the Pig (á 2 min 53 sec.), 2008, a documentation of a performance that took place on the north-western cliffs of Harakka Island, Helsinki. Holding a grey shawl and two small torches, I stand or spin against the backdrop of the city on the cliffs for a day and night every two hours during the autumnal equinox from 22 September 2007 at 16.00 to 23 September at 14.00. Part I standing, part II swirling and part III with the view.
  • Year of the Pig - Weather vane (mini) (26/06/2018)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This is a miniature version (4 min 42 sec.) of Year of the Pig - Weathervane, a documentation of a performance. A grey shawl across my shoulders, I spin against the city skyline on the northwestern cliffs of Harakka Island around once a week between 6 January 2007 – 3 February 2008.
  • Year of the Pig - Sitting on a cliff I-II (14/08/2018)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    (4 x 23 min.) DV 4:3 These videos are documentations of a performance. A grey shawl across my shoulders, I sit on the northwestern cliffs of Harakka Island around once a week between 6 January 2007 – 3 February 2008. In part 1 I am facing south and the sea and in part 2 facing north and the city. Both cliffs are recorded without a human figure as well.
  • Under the Spruce I-III (14/08/2018)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    (3 x 28 min.) DV 4:3 This triptych with a spruce on Harakka island is a documentation of a performance. I sit under the tree once a week for a year, between 6 January 2007 – 3 February 2008). The video is recorded from three perspectives: from the hill, the path and from underneath the tree.
  • Year of the Rat - Mermaid 1-2 (14/08/2018)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    (2 x 34 min. 33 sec.) DV 4:3. These videos are documentation of a performance: With a lilac scarf on my shoulders I sit on a rock on the Northern shore of Harakka Island and then on another rock further from the camera approximately once a week before sunset between 26th January 2008 and 24th January 2009.
  • Year of the Rat Uphill-Downhill (01/01/2009)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This two-channel installation (19 min 12 sec) was performed in year of the rat on Harakka Island. Part 1. (left) With a lilac scarf on my shoulders I walk down the steps on the Northern shore of Harakka Island approximately once a week before sunset between 26th January 2008 and 24th January 2009. Part 2. (right) I walk up the steps during the same times.
  • Year of the Rat - the Jar (short) (15/08/2018)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    (6 min. 47 s. ) DV 4:3 This is companion video to Year of the Rat - Dripping (short) showing the jar filled with water on a rock on the northern shore of Harakka Island approximately once a week before sunset between 26th January 2008 and 24th January 2009.
  • Year of the Ox - Riding a Buoy (01/01/2010)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This two-channel installation (50 min) was performed and recorded during the year of the ox. The first part can also be shown alone. (1.) A rust-coloured scarf wrapped around my shoulders, I sit on a buoy on the island of Harakka in Helsinki approximately once a week during a year from 25 January 2009 to 6 February 2010. (2.) The buoy videoed on the same occasions.
  • Year of the Ox - Sitting in a wall 1-2 (01/01/2010)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This two-channel installation (42 min 44 min) was performed in the year of the Ox. The first part can also be showed alone. Part (1.) A rust-coloured scarf around my shoulders, I sit in a niche in the wall on the island of Harakka in Helsinki approximately once a week during a year from 25 January 2009 to 6 February 2010. Part (2.) The niche in the wall videoed on the same occasions.
  • Year of the ox - In a Yoke 1-2 (01/01/2010)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This two-channel video (5 min 10 sec) was performed in year of the ox. Part 1. Wrapped in a rust-coloured scarf and with a piece of wood on my shoulders, I sit on rocks on the Eastern shore of Helsinki’s Harakka Island approximately once a week for a year from 25 January 2009 to 6 February 2010. Part 2. The rocks videoed on the same occasions.
  • Year of the Tiger 1-4 (01/01/2011)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Thiw four-channel video installation (28 min 19 sec) was performed in the year of the tiger. Wrapped in a white shawl I lie on the remains of the stone base of a building on Harakka Island once a week for a year from the 14th February 2010 to the 31st January 2011. Part 1. in the northeastern corner. Part 2. in the southeastern corner. Part 3. in the southwestern corner. Part 4. in the northwestern corner.
  • Year of the Rabbit - By the Bird Shed (01/01/2012)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This video (20 min 10 sec) is a pair to Year of the Rabbit - With a Juniper. Wrapped in a green scarf I stand next to the bird shed situated on the southeastern shore of Harakka Island on Sundays 3 pm during the year of the rabbit between February 6, 2011 and January 22, 2012.
  • Calling the Dragon (North, East, South, West) (01/01/2013)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This four-channel video installation (46 min 50 sec) was performed in the year of the dragon. Wrapped in a green scarf, I call the dragon by ringing a small ceramic bell on the roof of the bunker on Harakka, in part 1 facing North, in part 2 facing East, in part 3 facing South and in part 4 facing West. The round of the year is repeated twice, once from the left and once from the right. The work was recorded in four directions from the roof of the bunker in the southern part of Harakka Island, approximately once a week between February 4, 2012 and February 3, 2013. It is best presented as four synchronised projections towards the four cardinal directions.
  • Calling the Dragon 1-4 (Bell) (01/01/2013)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This four-channel installation (6 min 28 sec) was performed (behind the camera) during the year of the dragon. I call the dragon by ringing a bell on the roof of the bunker on Harakka Island once a week for a year in such a way that only the sound of the bell is heard, in four directions: 1) facing North, 2) facing East, 3) facing South, and 4) facing West. The video was recorded in four parts, in four directions from the roof of the bunker in the southern part of Harakka Island, approximately once a week between February 4, 2012 and February 3, 2013. The four parts of the work can be shown in sequence or individually.
  • Year of the Snake - Installation & Swinging Along (01/03/2020)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    The four-channel installation Year of the Snake (36 min) was performed on the western shore of Harakka Island approximately once a week during the year of the snake between 10 February 2013 and 28 January 2014. The material of oe of the channels in the installation, Year of the Snake - Swinging Along, is edited into two versions, (26 min 30 sec) and a very brief version (3 min 30 sec), depicting people visiting or working on Harakka Island sitting for a while in a swing attached to an aspen on the western shore of the island approximately once a week during the year of the snake between 10 February 2013 and 28 January 2014.

performing landscape - various attempts

  • Three Shores (29/05/2004)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This three-channel video installation (32 min.) consists of three parts, performed and recorded in Puerto de la Cruz, Agya Napa and Playa Blanca in the spring 2004 and displayed in the exhibition Vision and Mind at Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art Helsinki 29.5-26.9.2004.
  • Dune Dream (28/02/2017)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This performance for camera was created in Maspalomas on Gran Canaria in march 2014 and edited that same spring. Dune Dream (2 min. 39 sec) is the edited video work, while Dune Dream (raw) (4 min. 10 sec.) is a real- time documentation of the small performance, both in reduced file size here.
  • Sitting on a Rock in Rain (03/08/2016)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This two channel video installation (9 min 30 sec) was performed and recorded in Koivumäki 23 June 2014 from 6 am to midnight, with two-hour intervals.
  • At Dusk (11/04/2016)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This performance for camera (11 min. 50 sec.) was recorded on the shore of lake Puula one evening in autumn 2015.
  • Lichen at Allinge 1-2 (11/04/2016)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This two-channel video work (14 min. 13 sec.) was performed and recorded in Allinge, in the north of Bornholm, during Easter 2016.
  • Body On The Rocks (30/07/2016)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Video in two parts (a 7 min 11 sec), performed for camera on tripod at the beach in Falmouth, Cornwall on Sunday morning 24 July 2016. Body on the Rocks (mix) 1 and 2 (8 min 10.sec) are edited of the same material.
  • Summer at Söder 1-2 (24/10/2016)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This is a video (2 x 13 min. 20 sec.) created of material recorded in the mornings on the shore near Eriksdal on Söder during the days in the summer 2016 when I lived on Blekingegatan in Stockholm.
  • Solsidan 1-4 (16/12/2016)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This three (or four) channel video work (à 25 min min. 31 sec.) was recorded at Solsidan, a suburb of Stockholm, during the winter 2015-2016. This version is reduced in file size and image quality. Swinging at Solsidan (5 min 16 sec.) was performed and recorded on the same occasions.
  • Cami de Cavalls (28/07/2017)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This work was performed and recorded on 25-29 July 2015 on the northwestern coast of Menorca and edited into two videos: Cami de Cavalls - Walking (69 min. 3 sec.) and Cami de Cavalls (38 min. 50 sec.).
  • Walking in Nida (10/09/2017)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Walks in Nida 7-10 September, recorded with an action camera, edited into one video Walking in Nida (22 min 22 sec.), included here as a very small file.
  • City as stage - sketches (10/09/2018)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    These video clips are small experiments, sketches or diary notes, made with an iPhone in the spur of the momen. They are inspired by the title of one strand of manifesta 12, City on Stage, which I misread "City as stage". City as Stage 1 was performed in Palermo 9 September 2018 and resulted in City as Stage 1a (3 min 20 sec), City as Stage 1b (2 min 45 sec) and City as Stage 1c (2 min 51 sec). City as Stage 2 was performed in Bergen 25 September 2018 and resulted in City as Stage 2a (4 min 51 sec) and City as Stage 2b (3 min 51 sec). City as Stage 3 was performed in Karlstad 30 September 2018 and resulted in City as Stage 3a (4 min 38 sec) with the camera tumbling over, and City as Stage 3b (3 min 10 sec). City as Stage 4 was performed in Karlsruhe 7 October 2018 and resulted in City as Stage 4 a (5 min 25 sec), and City as Stage 4 b (4 min 35 sec). City as Stage 5 was performed in Piteå 14 November 2018 and resulted in City as Stage 5 a (5 min 14 sec) and City as Stage 5b (4 min 36 sec). City as Stage 6 was performed in Tampere 15 December 2018 and resulted in City as Stage 6a (4 min 43 sec) and City as Stage 6b (4 min).
  • Sitting on the Shore (23/12/2018)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    On 22 December 2018, walking on the path between Puerto del Carmen and Puerto Calero on Lanzarote, I noticed a concrete cube resembling the ones I was sitting on in 2002-2003, and recorded a small video with my phone, here edited into Sitting on the Shore 1 (2 min 33 sec) and Sitting on the Shore 2 (1 min 40 sec). On 30 December I went to Playa Blanca and walked above the shore towards Playa Papagayo. Before turning back I sat with the shrubs for a moment, recorded by my phone, here edited into Sitting on the Shore 3 (3 min 35 sec) and Sitting on the Shore 4 (2 min 55 sec).

other video works

  • Double Happiness in Water (01/01/2000)
    Art object: Video, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander, Annette Arlander
    video 68 min. DV 4:3. Camera: Annette Arlander. Editing: Christian Lindblad, LR-film. Sequences recorded in: - Farrera, October 1999 - Annaghmakerrig, October 1999 - Dunfanaghy, October 1999 - Inishmore, October 1999 - Kälviä, October 1999 - Harakka, November 1999 - Harakka, February 2000 - Harakka, March 2000 - Harakka, April 2000.
  • Where the Sea Begins - Täällä missä meri alkaa (01/01/2000)
    Art object: Installation, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander, Annette Arlander
    four-channel video installation (for monitors), DV 4:3, (86 min). Camera: Annette Arlander. Editing: Telma Tuomisto, Werne Oy. Music: (anon.) singer Birgitte Lesne. Text extracts from Italo Calvino Six Memos. Performed and recorded in Centre D'Arte i Natura in Farrera de Pallars, Catalonia, Spain, in September 1999. First presented in the exhibition Calvino memos in Kontti gallery, Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art Helsinki 20.4.-25.6.2000.
  • Rock Triangles 1- Searching for a Meteorite (01/01/2000)
    Art object: Installation, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    two-channel video installation (for four monitors) DV 4:3 (18 min.), recorded on Harakka Island. Camera: Annette Arlander. Editing: Christian Lindblad, LR-film. Music: Togo Musique Kabiye (Ocora - Musique traditionelles vivantes, Radio France 1984) Text: Martti Lehtinen speaks in Finnish about meteorites in the Geological Museum of Helsinki 27.6.2000. First presented in the Winter exhibition on Harakka Island, in February-March 2001.
  • Beach Pebbles (01/01/2001)
    Art object: Installation, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    three-channel video installation, (60 min.) DV 4:3, recorded on Harakka Island, Camera: Annette Arlander. Editing: Christian Lindblad, LR-film. Text based on the same material as the section 'Beach Pebbles' in the series of sound installations 'Where Rock Speaks', realized in collaboration with the Finnish Radio Theatre in October 2000. First presented in the Telegraph of Harakka 26.6.-15.7.2001.
  • Wind Rail I-II (01/01/2002)
    Art object: Installation, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    This work is available for view on the RC, in the exposition Wind Rail - Sort of a Beginning, published in Ruukku (see link below) via the following subtitles on the first page: Wind Rail Part I (Randa) Wind Rail Part II (Harakka)
  • Wind nest - Witches' Broom (01/01/2006)
    Art object: Installation, artist(s)/author(s): Annette Arlander
    Variations of this work are available for view on the RC in the exposition Working with a Witches' Broom, published in Ruukku (see link below), in the section called demonstration.