

My masters research is looking in to the a stutter experienced by some brass players. I decided to do this as I suffer from this myself and wanted to look into why it happens and how to overcome it. The stutter is a slight hesitance after the inhalation of breath and before the exhalation. Resulting in it to be difficult to play on demand. There has not been much literature written on this to date. I think this is because it is a very personal problem and some people are not so willing to talk or write about it. This has led me to the research question.


The brass players stutter, what is it, what are the causes and how can it be alleviated?



My experiences with the stutter


My personal experience with the stutter has been very frustrating. The feeling I get when it occurs is the complete inability to play a note. After the initial inhalation of breath, I seem to be powerless to exhale and play when I want. It feels as if I have a cork in my throat. This has not always been the case. As I have progressed as a player and looked to advance my technique I found myself going into much greater detail. This is where the problems started. I think it was a mixture of the frustration that the new techniques didn't work for me and doubts that would start to creep into my head that I would never be able to play, led to the issues I have today. 

For it occurs in various ways. Pressure and nerves are a contributing factor, especially in the quieter dynamics. My stutter would happen when put in a pressure situation playing completely alone. However I do not have a problem when I play under a conductor or have a given pulse. Neither do these issues happen when I play alone, in a practice room for example. I find that the best ways for me to overcome my worst moments are to simply give myself a pulse even if it is just tapping a my big toe to bring myself in. This has not completely solved my issues, however it is helping. I occasionally suffer setbacks. Especially if I am doubting my ability. My preliminary investigation resulted in me discovering that a lot of top professionals have also been dealing with this.