Improvise new relations between acceleration and deceleration. Under scrutiny, slow to standstill, then quickly, switch in flight to speed. Consider the dodge tactics of the hunted — the diversions of their lurch and surge, their deviation through false moves. Ruse — a trick practised to evade capture, from the French ruser, to retreat, or Latin recūsāre, to refuse, oppose. However, rather than refusing speed, resist by accelerating the pulse of action until it takes on the indeterminacy of a drone. Or alternatively, an extreme reduction in pulse rate might disconnect the causal relation between action and its effects. Syncopate one’s moves. Cause breaks in rhythm. Accent the weak beat above the strong. Experiment, yet caution against the contrivance that leads to liveliness lost, diminished sense of energy or vitality. Here, resistance can be deceptive, inadvertently deadening the true living of existence, the veracity of one’s life. There is a risk that over time, fixation on taking a stand against might eclipse one’s belief in what to stand for.


From Emma Cocker, How Do You Do? (Nottingham: Beam Editions, 2023)