Breathing’s rhythm can expose one’s innermost anxieties and excitations, action’s points of effort and ease. Sighed exhalation brings release, relief. Anticipatory inhalation — a sharp gasp, deep intake of air. Unsettle the correlation between breath and action as a device for disorientation. Fall in and out of sync. Amplify this disjunction, dislocating the indexical relation between an action and its resulting sound. Acoustic vibrations and reverberations can convince of something happening that really isn’t there. Invert the sound signature of daily gestures. Back slang speech acts, language uttered phonemically back-to-front. Apply this principle to other actions. Rehearse a reverse choreography of one’s moves in time and space. Track forwards. Backtrack. Again. Again. Repeat. Re-move. Do. Undo. Channel the cunning of Penelope, wily weaver of Ancient Greece. Her work of daily weaving and nightly unweaving a tactical ruse such that her task remained incomplete, in turn, that she too might remain unbounded. Absence of closure — no ending, no clear beginning. No why, no wherefore. Beyond utility or exchange. Atelic — without telos, operate in the absence of a predetermined outcome or goal. Autotelic — action practised for its own sake. Meaning intrinsic, in-and-of itself. Nothing, only flow.


From Emma Cocker, How Do You Do? (Nottingham: Beam Editions, 2023)