To resist — to question, to challenge, hold out. To stand opposed, to set oneself against. Yet the path of resistance might not always be oppositional, for opposition can easily become that which also maintains. Opposition — an astrological term describing two heavenly bodies diametrically across from each other in the skies. Now, more often meaning to be pitched as foes, the one antithetical — even anti-ethical — to the other. Opposition keeps binaries in place, scores that against this, each against the other. In so doing, opposition can serve to underscore and perpetuate the logic of incompatible difference, relentless refusal of reconciliation. Antagonism — etymologically drawn from anti meaning against, and agon as in struggle, contest, as if for a prize. Wrestling for mastery, resistance as rivalry. The mutual opposition of two forces competing for power, for dominance, for rule. In these terms, resistance operates less in hope of real change but rather belies the desire simply for a turn in the steerage of control and command. Power territorialises at the service of the sovereignty of the singular I — divides and rules, creates inequalities such that it might prosper, disempowers so to stay on top. To resist that play of power requires a different tack, alternative tact. Move beyond the yes or no, beyond for or against. Or rather, be for in one’s resistance. Activate the yes of the no. So, stand firm — affirm life otherwise. Nurture the will not to accept things as inevitable or unchangeable, forever fixed as is, as this or this. Become an agent of transformation, one versed in the alchemy of what if.


From Emma Cocker, How Do You Do? (Nottingham: Beam Editions, 2023)