Understand the properties of materials but less towards prediction, anticipating how a given material will behave in advance of interaction. Towards the unpredictable — knowing what something can do, its range of expectation, in order then to be surprised. Twist of heuristics away from practical problem-solving to problematising the assumption that is made based on what has come before. Feeling one’s way, blindly. What if? What else? Working against — using the material’s constraints and limitations as leverage. Working with — harnessing its qualities, seeing how far a material can be pushed or explored. Mutual modification — adapting one’s behaviour in correspondence with each material encounter. What kind of treatment does a given material invite? What kind of meeting is required? Materials-in-relation, combining and recombining. How do material properties change through the proximity and intervention of other things? This and that, or that with this, or this and this and this. A proliferation of possibilities. Or pare things back — there can be efficacy in keeping things simple. Recall how the magic of close-up convinces through its economy of means. Experiments should be repeated but less for the validation or verification of a result, but rather, for building the confidence to improvise. Modify the rules as the experiment unfolds. Note the variables, but do not count on constants, for in every encounter everything is changed. 


From Emma Cocker, How Do You Do? (Nottingham: Beam Editions, 2023)