Practised in its subtler forms, the body can fold back upon itself, open onto a universe within. Experience the uprising of imagination’s surge, pure potentiality experienced prior to any actualisation into form. Subtle — from the Old French sotil, soutil, subtil, meaning cunning or wise; difficult to perceive or understand, to detect or analyse. Alternatively, sub — under, and tilis, tela — a web, a net. Slight, sleight — wily weaving of being and behaving below the entrapment of the web. While the meshwork of control is all embracing, its net is full of unpredictable holes. Often imperceptible, these openings might just become discernible through the subtle shift in one’s perspective, a periodic turning in the angle of one’s view. Affective transformation of perceptual awareness, radical reorganisation of attention beyond that of habit or convention. Reverse the relations of inside and outside; slowness and speed; vertical and horizontal, of up and down. Towards a resistant poetics of reorientation — the tilt of experience on its axis such that it can be thought anew, above and beyond the conditions of constraint and subjugation.

From Emma Cocker, How Do You Do? (Nottingham: Beam Editions, 2023)