Cecilie Levy


Light from aside

A screenwriter's perspective in virtual reality



Artistic Doctoral Outcome

PhD in Artistic Research





The Norwegian Film School




This PhD project in artistic research by Cecilie Levy investigates the language of spatial storytelling in virtual reality through artistic research. Drawing on screenwriting practice and theory, as well as creative documentary approaches such as room-scale virtual reality design, the conceptualisation and partial production of the experience Finding Frida is central to this investigation. In its final form, this single-user, room-scale virtual reality experience will be approximately 20 minutes long; it is intended for general audiences, including those who are unfamiliar with virtual reality.

Beyond the reconstruction of a personal narrative – that of forgotten artist Frida Hansen’s life and art – the experience seeks to combine linear storytelling devices with spatial ‘dreamscapes’, giving the spectator access to the protagonist’s private memory world, through representational spaces.


A vertical slice from the VR experience was presented publicly at The Norwegian Film School and at Qvisten XTND in Oslo, June 2023. The vertical slice is a test-scene in VR that will serve as an illustration for the virtual reality concept, giving an impression of transitions, interactivity, and spatial storytelling. The test can be viewed individually in the VR Lab at the NFS (Norwegian Film School) in Oslo and lasts approximately seven minutes per viewer.


An essay, available at this page, presents the conceptual and creative groundwork for the work-in-progress storytelling in Finding Frida. The essay also seeks to convey insights from a writer’s point of view of the hurdles and challenges of transitioning from temporal to spatial storytelling in virtual reality – and the aligning of narrational and stylistic choices in an experiential, technically complex and innovative form. An appendix provides samples from the script at different stages of development.


Cecilie Levys doktorgradsarbeid undersøker språket i den romlige fortellingen i VR gjennom kunstnerisk utviklingsarbeid. Sentralt i undersøkelsen er konseptualisering og delproduksjon av VR-opplevelsen Finding Frida. Utviklingsarbeidet trekker veksler på teori om manus og praksis som manusforfatter, samt kreative, dokumentariske tilnærminger til arbeid med romskala VR-design. I sin endelige form vil Finding Frida bli en romskala opplevelse for én person om gangen, med varighet på omtrent 20 minutter. Opplevelsen vil være tilgjengelig for et allment publikum, også for de uten tidligere erfaring med VR.


I tillegg til rekonstruksjonen av en personlig historie – livet og virket til den glemte kunstneren Frida Hansen – søker opplevelsen å kombinere lineære fortellerteknikker med romlige drømmelandskap, som gjennom representative rom gir publikum tilgang til hovedpersonens indre verden av minner.


Et vertikalt tverrsnitt (en såkalt «vertical slice») fra VR-opplevelsen ble presentert offentlig på Den norske filmskolen og hos Qvisten XTND i Oslo i juni 2023. Tverrsnittet er en test-scene i VR som illustrerer hvordan endelig VR-konsept, med interaktivitet, overganger mellom scener og romlig (spatial) fortelling, vil oppleves i et VR-headset. Det vertikale utsnittet varer i syv minutter, og er i ettertid gjort tilgjengelig som opplevelse ved VR-laben på Den norske filmskolen i Oslo.


Et essay, som del av denne eksposisjonen på Research Catalogue, drøfter det konseptuelle og kreative grunnlaget for arbeidet med fortellingen i Finding Frida. Essayet formidler innsikt fra manusforfatterens perspektiv om utfordringene ved overgangen fra temporal til romlig fortelling i VR, samt arbeidet med narrative og stilistiske valg i en teknisk kompleks og nyskapende VR-opplevelse. Vedlagt er også utdrag fra manus fra ulike stadier underveis i utviklingen.

The artistic doctoral outcome consists of the following:


  • A public viewing of a “vertical slice” of VR experience 'Finding Frida', presented at The Norwegian Film School, Myrens in Oslo and at Qvisten XTND in Oslo June 2023. The vertical slice is permanently documented as part of this Research Catalogue exposition.
  • A record of the practice-based exploration of virtual reality, a layout of the conceptualization of the VR project Finding Frida, a screenplay, and a written reflection on the process, as presented in this Research Catalogue exposition.





Link to the content of the exposition:



© Cecilie Levy (2023)

This material is protected by copyright law. Without explicit authorisation, reproduction is only allowed in so far it is permitted by law or by agreement with a collecting society.


Artistic Doctoral Outcome in PhD Programme in Artistic Research in Film and Related Audio-visual Arts no. (2)