How to do things with performance? 

In this project, we ask what can be done with performance - what actualises when a performance takes place, when it is documented, and when it is written about. Through these epistemological questions, we address the ontology of performance: in what ways can we understand 'performance' today, as a new materiality, as presence, and in the international, multilingual context where words, documents, and practices connote differently but are shared in online environments. We seek to update the theory of performativity vis à vis new materialist theories of agential realism and non-philosophy. 

Miten tehdä asioita esityksellä? 

Projektissa kysymme, mitä esityksellä voi tehdä - mitä aktualisoituu kun esitys tapahtuu, kun se dokumentoidaan tai siitä kirjoitetaan. Näiden epistemologisten kysymysten kautta pohdimme esityksen ontologiaa: millä tavoin 'esitys' voidaan ymmärtää juuri nyt, uutena materiaalisuutena, läsnäolona, ja kansainvälisessä monikielisessä kontekstissa, jossa sanat, dokumentaatiot, ja käytänteet ymmärretään eri tavoin mutta jaetaan internetin välityksellä. Tavoitteenamme on päivittää performatiivisuuden teoriaa suhteessa uusmaterialistiseen teoriaan. 


How to Do Things with Performance? brings together four views on artistic research in performance. By asking what can be done with performance as research, the project partakes in recent discussions in artistic research, in performance philosophy, and performative and performance writing as well as in the emergent discussion of performance studies in Finland.
Through performing research, artistic research defines what is the context or the world where this performance takes place. Hence, a critical attitude towards the political, social, economic, and philosophical premises of research is inherent in the process – not as given, but as produced and articulated in and as the acts of research. Moreover, artistic research does not produce only postulations about the world; rather, its processes and performances will actualise in the world as real and material events.
By focusing on such material-discursive practices, the project tests and develops further ideas related to the agency of matter and to performance, refuting the separation of the material and the textual-discursive. The project therefore continues the critique and rethinking of the meaning of performativity developed by Karen Barad in the tradition from Foucault to Braidotti, albeit with a focus on practical investigations and experiments as well as texts and academic performances. An inherently collaborative project, the project seeks to enact changes in the institutions in which the project takes place: in academia, in art, in archives and museums, in public spaces like libraries, and in relation with the larger socio-economic changes, such as migration and labour. The practical working method of creating performative writing (in the expanded sense) together will lead to joint presentations as well as solo work, to performances and workshops as well as academic publications and symposia. 

How to Do Things with Performance? 

Miten tehdä asioita esityksellä?


The research team:


Annette Arlander


Hanna Järvinen


Tero Nauha


Pilvi Porkola





Annette Arlander, “Breathing and Growth – performing with plants”, Journal of Dance and Somatic Practices Volume 10. Number 2.2018, pp 175-187.

(unfortunately not open access)

Annette Arlander:

“Agential Cuts and Performance as Research”.

In Annette Arlander, Bruce Barton, Melanie Dreyer-Lude, Ben Spatz (eds.) Performance as Research: Knowledge, Methods, Impact. London and New York: Routledge 2018, 133-151.

“Introduction to Future Concerns. Multiple Futures of Performance as Research.”

In Annette Arlander, Bruce Barton, Melanie Dreyer-Lude, Ben Spatz (eds.) Performance as Research: Knowledge, Methods, Impact. London And New York: Routledge 2018, 333-349.

Performanssifilosofiaa - esitysten, esiintymisten ja performanssien filosofiasta performanssiajatteluun

first publication of performance philosophy in Finnish edited by Tero Nauha, Annette Arlander, Hanna Järvinen and Pilvi Porkola, including translations and orginal texts. Authors included are Laura Cull Ó Maoilearca, Walter Mignolo, Hamid Dabashi, Esa Kirkkopelto, Karen Barad, John Ó Maoilearca, François Laruelle and Matthew Goulish as well as the editors.

free online version

free downloadable pdf version

Annette Arlander: "Revisiting Animal Years" in discussion of digital possibilities at Tutke post doc event 28 January 2021.

kick off seminar 4th october 2016

First "hoppings" (internal working session) on Monday 10 October, led by Pilvi Porkola and Annette Arlander. 

Hanna Järvinen: "Democratic Bodies? Reflections on ‘Postmodern Dance’ in the United States and in Finland" in Nordic Journal of Dance


Research Day IV: Performance and Feminism

20 March 2019

See call for proposals (pdf to the left) program and abstracts (pdf down to the right) 

and an interview with Iris van der Tuin (from website, pdf up to the right)

Pilvi Porkola: “Situated knowledges - Artistic research and feminism”

Tero Nauha: “Some feminist strategies of the Polish avant-garde”

Tanja Tiekso:“Listening Batsheba” 

  Jeux, uudelleen kuviteltu, re-imagined

  choreography Liisa Pentti, 

  advisor Hanna Järvinen

  Performances in Turku 19-21.10.2016

  Performances in Helsinki 4-6.11.2016

  see website

Puhetta Performanssista - Conversations on Performance Art

Muu gallery 26.2. 2018, Annette Arlander & Leena Kela

Information with links here

Live stream video here

blog post here

  Conference presentation on the Jeux

  project at Congress on Research in

  Dance & Society of Dance History

  Scholars Conference Beyond

  Authenticity and Appropriation,

  Pomona College, CA

Arlander, Annette: "The City Skyline Revisited - From networks to trans-corporeality", Research in Art Education 1/2020, pp 37-55.

direct link to IN[formal] INTER[change]

Second "hoppings" (internal working session) on 14th November, led by Tero Nauha and Hanna Järvinen

Pilvi Porkola: Objects, performance and performativity (invited lecture) at MAKE2021 Online Symposion at MTU Crawford College

6th March 2021

Pilvi Porkola: Kirjastoesseet osa 1.

(The Library Essays, part 1.)

Thursday 15.12. 2016 at 6 pm and 6.45 pm

Thursday 12.1. 2017 at 6 pm and 6.45

Consept, text, performance, space: Pilvi Porkola

Technical realization: Pauli Riikonen

Place: The Old Library of Maunula

Research Day II: Materiality of and in Performance 2 March 2018

call for presentations, program and abstracts (see pdf files below) 

A Thought of Performance

Tero Nauha

Published in the Performance Philosophy online journal, Vol. 2, No 2 (2017).


Amble Skuse: “Balancing Act” (via Skype)

Annette Arlander: "Mitä tekijä voi tehdä?" [What can an author-maker-factor do?]

published in Annette Arlander, Laura Gröndahl and Marja Silde (eds.) Tekijä - teos, esitys ja yhteiskunta [Author - Work, Perfromance and Society]

Final seminar on 17.4.2020 at Theatre Academy cancelled due to Covid-19.

Workshop held online

How to Do Things with Performance?

A four-year research project funded by the Academy of Finland

Principal Investigator: Annette Arlander

Senior Researcher: Hanna Järvinen

Junior Researchers: Pilvi Porkola & Tero Nauha

Site: (this RC-site)




Tuesday 14.4.

10-11     Introduction

11-13      Workshop with Pilvi Porkola

14-16     Workshop with Tero Nauha

16-17     Closing of the day


Wednesday 15.4.

10-11     Introduction

11-13      Workshop with Annette Arlander          

14-16     Workshop with Hanna Järvinen

16-17     Closing of the day and the workshop


When you enter Teams with this link  (link removed), you should get to the right Classroom.

Here are the separate links to join the classroom on Tuesday: (link removed) and Wednesday: (link removed)

In Teams, you should find the Tab ‘Files’ to get into the class materials.


Hoppings 6.2.207 10 am - 12 noon

room 512 Theatre Academy

presenting: Tero Nauha, Annette Arlander

Annette Arlander:Performing Landscape – Swinging Together or Playing with projections”.

Body, Space & Technology Journal. Vol.16  

(NB. flash needed)

Hanna Järvinen: “On ‘Contemporaneity’ in Ballet and Contemporary Dance: Jeux in 1913 and 2016.” In Kathrina Farrugia-Kriel & Jill Nunes Jensen (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Contemporary Ballet. New York: Oxford University Press 2021

Longtable on productive gaps by How to do things with performance - project

at SAR (Society for Artistic Research) conference in Zürich

21-24 march 2019 

see blog post here:

 "Lentämisen alkeet" [Learning to Fly] 

TOTEM-teatteri, käsikirjoitus ja ohjaus [script and directing] Pilvi Porkola. 

Kouluissa kiertävä esitys 6-12 vuotiaille. Ensiesitys 17.1.2017 Kausi 2017.

A performance for children aged 6-12 touring in schools. First performance January 17, 2017.

Information (In Finnish)

Arlander, Annette. 2020. “Revisiting the Rusty Ring – Ecofeminism Today?” PARtake Journal  DOI:

Hoppings 6 March 10 am to noon at Theatre Academy, room 526.

Hanna Järvinen presented the working process of Jeux - re-imagined.

Recordings from the Second Research Day - Materiality in and of Performance 2 March 2018

Welcome & Opening: Pilvi Porkola, Performing Arts Research Centre (Tutke)

Keynote Rick Dolphijn:How Art Objects. See video Rick Dolphijn: How Art Objects 

Pauliina Hulkko: Materiality and Performance Dramaturgy Five Years After

Hanna Järvinen: On the Postcolonial Materiality of Dancing Bodies

see video Hanna Järvinen: On the Postcolonial Materiality of Dancing Bodies 


Tero NauhaThe interval between matter and perception of ‘something’ in a performance 

see video Tero Nauha: The Interval between Matter and Perception of ‘Something’ in a Performance 

Pilvi Porkola: A Study on Objects 

Annette Arlander: Return to the Site of the Year of the Rooster  

(no recordings made)

Mirko Nikolić: apparatus x assemblage x common: minoritarian intersections

Jaana Laakkonen: Material(-Discursive) Strangers Demanding for Better (Material-)Discourses!    

Max McBride: Becoming Fluid: a Performance Prospect    

Julia Adzuki: Resonant Bodies – somatic and sonic ecologies    

Jay Mar Albaos: “Becoming” through Artistic Immersion: The Bayanihan in Helsinki

see video Jay Mar Albaos: “Becoming” through Artistic Immersion: The Bayanihan in Helsinki

Christiana Bissett & Josh Widera: The Truth of the Matter – Materiality and Inaesthetics

see video Christiana Bissett & Josh Widera: The Truth of the Matter – Materiality and Inaesthetics     

Olga Spyropoulou: Speculative dialogues with matter: being in Conversations    

Tero Nauha: Presentation of paper "Digital archives and the learning processes of performance art" at the Digital Humanities in Nordic Countries, March 7-9, University of Helsinki

Mitä esityksellä voi tehdä? [What can be done with perfromance?]

short interview about the project on the Academy of Finland website by Suvi Ruotsi

Hoppings 24 April 10 am to noon at Theatre Academy, room 525.

Annette Arlander invited the participants to create a voice over to her video Year of the Monkey - Tomtebo. Hanna Järvinen invited to re-imagine and play with a historical photo from Jeux.

What is Given?

A three-hour collaborative session by Nauha, Porkola, Järvinen & Arlander at the SAR (Society for Artistic Research) Conference Please specify! at the University of the Arts Helsinki 28-29 April 2017 


See conference website

Online installation and conversation at Tutke Spring Days


HTDTWP installation:

Tero Nauha: Presentation of paper ”The experience of ‘something’ in performance” at the Arts and Experience, March 26, Aalto-University, Helsinki. 

Arlander, A., (2018). Dune Dream - Self-imagining, Trans-corporeality and the Environment. Body, Space & Technology. 17 (1), pp.3-21. DOI:

Pilvi Porkola:

Mistä puhumme kun puhumme 'esityksestä'? - 'Esitys' sanan merkityksestä ja kääntämisestä. [What do we speak of when we speak of 'performance'? - On the meaning and translation of the word 'performance'] Niin & Näin 1/2019



Ice Hole - Live Art Journal Issue # 6

edited by Pilvi Porkola, based on presentations at the kick off seminar in october 2016

Hanna Järvinen with Liisa Pentti: "On Writing as a Practice: Collaboration and Collaborative Processes" in Vida L. Midgelow, Jane Bacon, Paula Kramer & Rebecca Hilton, eds. Research (in/as) Motion: A Resource Collection 


Hoppings 8 May 2017 from 9 to 11 am at Theatre Academy, room 615

Pilvi Porkola presented her recent  works, Library Essays and Learning to Fly and invited a discussion about them.

How to do things with performance: GRANDE FINALE


Online event, Theatre Academy Studio 1, see



Accessing Performance

A two-day event with contributions by Arlander, Järvinen, Nauha & Porkola at the Artistic Research Pavilion on Giudecca in Venice 17th and 18th May 2017

program research-pavilion-accessing-performance

schedule here

blog post on accessing-performance

more here: 

"Regurgitated Perspectives" (performance 60 min.)

 at the 9th SAR (Society for Artistic Research) conference Artistic Research Will Eat Itself 11th to 13th April 2018, University of Plymouth, UK

ARWEI conference website


A Sermon

A Wake

A Communion

A Hymn

"HTDTWP presents: The Transformative Potential of Performance" in Leena Rouhiainen (ed.) Proceedings of CARPA 6 Artistic Research Performs and Transforms: Bridging Practices, Contexts, Traditions & Futures Nivel 13 (2019)

Annette Arlander: "What do we mean by artistic research - some Nordic perspectives on artistic doctorates" at Per/Forming Futures Investigating Artistic Doctorates in Dance and Performance conference, Middlesex University 11 April 2019

Annette Arlander: "Practicing Art - As a Habit?"

Ruukku Journal Issue 7, 2017.

The proceedings of the conference, downloadable as pdf here

Pilvi Porkola:

"Elephants Are Always Drawn Smaller Than Life"  Writing on a Performance Essay.

GENESIS Helsinki,  Helsinki University.

Annette Arlander: Miten tehdä asioita esityksellä -projektin kuulumisia - 'Revisiting' metodina 

Teatterintutkimuksen seuran kevätpäivillä 26.4.2019

Conversations on Performance Art II

Muu Gallery 23.4.2018

Essi Kausalainen and Sara Pathirane, moderator Annette Arlander


live streaming

The script for Regurgitated Perspectives performance  - extract from the conference proceedings 

Arlander, Annette. “Revisiting the Rock – Self-diffraction as a Strategy”, Global Performance Studies 3.2. (2020)

Annette Arlander: “Maisema, materia ja muutos. Harakan saaren luontokulttuuria dokumentoimassa.” [Landscape, matter and change. Documenting natureculture on Harakka Island] in the symposium Näkyvä ja Näkymätön Meri [Visible and Invisible Sea] 27-28 April 2019.


Tero Nauha: "A Critical Posture of Performance" at the Dialogues on Dance, Philosophy, and  Performance in the Contemporary Neoliberal Moment, June 1-2, University of Coventry.

"Regurgitated perspectives - an excerpt"

25.4.2018 5 pm Kiasma theatre

The Spring Research Day, see program, 

corrected schedule in pdf to the right

How to do things with performance: epilogue


as part of Uniart's Research Pavillion in Hietsun Paviljonki 


Tero Nauha: “Fictioning a performance” performance and lecture, ADiE: Talking Thinking Dancing, June 6-8, Dance4, Nottingham.

Presentation at Performance Studies International PSI in Hamburg

As part of "Excess and Abundance of Artistic Research" organised by the Artistic Research Working Group. See program on the working group blog

Images, here.

Annette Arlander presented "Returning to the Stairs" at the NSU (Nordic Summer University) meeting on Harakka Island 26.7.2020


Amir Aharon, Sara Zaltash (UK), Hilan Bensusan  (BEL), Will  Daddario, Milton  Loayza, Jon McKenzie (USA), Janhavi Dhamankar (IN), Yana Meerzon (CAN), Rima Najdi (DE), Tero Nauha (FIN), Theron Schmidt (AUS), Aneta Stojnic ́ (SRB)

Audio recordings: 

"What is Performativity in Finnish?"

(panel with prepared comments)

Moderator: Karolina Kucia

Annette Arlander (Stockholm University of the Arts, Sweden):

Authorship, Agency and Performing – in Finnish
Hanna Järvinen (The University of the Arts Helsinki, Finland): 

Re-Staging, Re-Making, Reconstructing, Reimagining: Effects of Cultural Translation in Discussing Past Dance
Tero Nauha (The University of the Arts Helsinki, Finland): 

The Situated Concept of Performance as Thinking: A Perspective on Performance Philosophy

Pilvi Porkola (The University of the Arts Helsinki. Finland): 

LibraryEssays: What is Lost and Found in the Translation to Another Culture and Another Language


Cultural Mobility of Performance and Performativity Studies 

International Conference, Kraków 28-30 May 2018

"How to do things with Performance?"

Presentation at the Sao Paulo Escola del Teatro 6.7. 19.00 

Pilvi Porkola: Library Essays ....

Hanna Järvinen: Jeux re-imagined ....

Annette Arlander: Performing with Trees? (introduction) with screening of The Tide in Kan Tiang

Tero Nauha: The unstable 'fictioning' in performance and philosophy

Annette Arlander. “The Shadow of a Pine Tree. Authorship, Agency and Performing Beyond the Human” in Ewa Bal & Mateusz Chaberski (eds.) Situated Knowing. Epistemic Perspectives on Performance. London & New York: Routledge 2020, 157-170. See here 

Performance by Pilvi Porkola Finlandia

12.7. 12.30 Prainha

at IFTR conference Sao Pauloão-paulo-10-14-july

  Recorded conversation at the end of the panel

Presentation at IFTR conference Sao Paulo

Performance Philosophy 11.7. 14.00 

Tero Nauha: The unstable 'fictioning' in performance and philosophy

Annette Arlander: How to do things by performing with plants?

Hanna Järvinen: On the Historical Materiality of Performance, Past and Present.ão-paulo-10-14-july

Ruukku Journal 11 How to do things with performance

Publishing event 23 May at 6pm at Publics, Sturenkatu 37-41.

Blog post with details here

Link to Publics here

And to Ruukku Issue 11 here

Presentation at IFTR conference Sao Paulo

Body, Space and Performativity 13.7. 14.00

Pilvi Porkola: "Library Essays - from representation of space to performative space."ão-paulo-10-14-july

Hanna Järvinen. 2020. "Materiaalinen muisti". Kevätuhrin (1913) puvustuksen kertomaa. Teoksessa Marja Silde, Outi Lahtinen & Tua Helve (eds.), Näyttämö & Tutkimus 8: Muisti, Arkisto ja Esitys [Stage & Research 8: Memory, Archive and Performance], 340-386.


Annette Arlander: "Day and Night With Malla"

published in Screenworks 8.2. Digital Ecologies and the Anthropocene ISSN 2514-3123

Annette Arlander. 2020. “Remembering the Year of the Tiger – Image, Memory, Site.” In Marja Silde, Outi Lahtinen & Tua Helve (eds.), Näyttämö & Tutkimus 8: Muisti, Arkisto ja Esitys [Stage & Research 8: Memory, Archive and Performance], 292-318.  See

New Perfomance Turku

7 October 2017

How To Do Things With Performance -seminar Annette Arlander / Hanna Järvinen / Tero Nauha / Pilvi Porkola  Titanik Gallery 4.30 pm to 7 pm

Pilvi Porkola, Nomad Library

Tero Nauha, An Advent of Performance

“Networking: Finland, Malta, Korea” – a performative panel on connections across time and space

at PSi#24 Performance as Network: Arts, City, Culture  3-7 July 2018 Daegu Arts Factory, Exco Daegu, Korea


Annette Arlander (in nsitu): The City Skyline Revisited

Hanna Järvinen: Historical Materiality of Performance (recorded powerpoint presentation)

Pilvi Porkola (in situ): A Study on Objects

Tero Nauha: This is a recording (recorded soundperformance and live talk via skype)

program with abstracts

Arlander, Annette. "Data, Material, Remains”.

In Mirka Koro-Ljungberg, Teija Löytönen & Mark Tesar (eds.) Disrupting Data in Qualitative Inquiry. Entanglements with the Post-Critical and Post-Anthropocentric. Peter Lang Publishing 2017,171-182.

Annette Arlander, Hanna Järvinen, Tero Nauha, Pilvi Porkola. 2020. “Miten tehdä asioita tutkimuspäivillä – Katsaus ‘Miten tehdä asioita esityksellä?’ -tutkimushankkeeseen” [How to Do Things with Research Days – Review of the research project How to do things with performance] In Marja Silde, Outi Lahtinen & Tua Helve (eds.), Näyttämö & Tutkimus 8: Muisti, Arkisto ja Esitys [Stage & Research 8: Memory, Archive and Performance] 2020, 428-432. See

"Elastic Connections – Creativity, Resistance, Resilience: A Long Table by the How to Do Things with Performance? research project"

at PSi#25 in Calgary 4-7th July 2019

blogs (in Finnish)

Tero Nauha: “A Performance Entangled with Philosophy” Nivel: Poetics of Form, vol. 8. Helsinki: Uniarts Helsinki.

"This is a Reading" (excerpt)

Hanna Järvinen: “Materiaalin muisti: Kevätuhrin puvustuksen kertomaa.” Marja Silde (ed.) Muisti, arkisto, esitys. Näyttämö ja tutkimus 8. Helsinki: Teatterintutkimuksen seura 2020

Pilvi Porkola (ed.) Performance Artist's Workbook: On teaching and learning performance art - essays and excersises.

Theatre Academy Helsinki Publication series nro 61.


Press release here

On facebook, here

The Helsinki launch of the book at Muu Gallery on 11 October 2017, info here and here

The book is available as pdf:

Annette Arlander: Once Again - Video works from Harakka Island and Kilpisjärvi

Muu Gallery 6.10.-12.11.2017   See

Arlander, Annette. "Maisema, materia ja muutos. Harakan saaren luontokulttuuria dokumentoimassa." [Landscape, Matter and Change. Documenting the Natureculture of Harakka Island]

In Mari Mäkiranta, Ulla Piela and Eija Timonen (eds.) Näkyväksi sepitetty maa. [The Land Narrated Visible] Kalevalaseuran vuosikirja 96. Helsinki: SKS 2017, 23-39.

Hanna Järvinen: "On Archive and Repertoire, Reconstruction and Re-Imagining"

Congress on Research in Dance and Society of Dance History Scholars conference, the inaugural conference of Dance Studies Association 

Transmissions and Traces: Rendering Dance

The Ohio State University

Columbus, Ohio

19–22 October 2017

How to do things with performance art: A conversation with Charles Garoian and Ray Langenbach

Muu gallery 26. October 6 pm

 More info here and here

Pilvi Porkola: "Miten tila ja aika merkityksellistyvät? Uusmaterialistisia ja esitystutkimuksellisia näkökulmia pedagogiikkaan" kirjassa Toiminnasta sanoiksi: puheenvuoroja oman työn kehittämisestä taidealojen yliopistopedagogisessa koulutuksessa toim. Heli Kauppila ja Kai Lehikoinen, Taideyliopisto 2020.

Pilvi Porkola: "Performanssipedagogiikkaa yliopistokontekstissa?"

Yliopistopedagogiikka 2/2019.

Hanna Järvinen: “Ballets Russes and Blackface.” Dance Research Journal 52:3, 2020

How to do things with performance art, part II: A Conversation with Tero Nauha and Pilvi Porkola

Muu gallery 1 November 6 pm

more info here and here

video here 

Arlander, A. (2018). The Shore Revisited. Journal of Embodied Research, 1(1), 4 (30:34). DOI:

Annette Arlander participates in the Performance as Research Working Group meeting and Hanna Järvinen participates in the Choreography and Corporeality Working Group meeting at the IFTR (International Federation of Theatre Research) conference 8-12 July 2019 in Shanghai

How are things done, produced or effected with performance?

Research Day 8 November with Bojana Cvejic

University of the Arts Theatre Academy, auditorium 1

Call (see pdf file below) 

Program --------- > 

Abstracts  -----------------

Hanna Järvinen: “Historical Materiality of Performance: On the Costumes of The Rite of Spring (1913).” Studies in Costume and Performance 5:2, 2020

Tero Nauha: Article "Fictioning and Fabulating the Real" with Ilona Hongisto for the Emerging Affinities: Possible Future of Performative Arts, planned to be published in 2018.

Annette Arlander. “Performing as a tourist - with trees”. In Terese Longva and Rita Marhaug (eds.) Between Sky and Sea V: Tourist. Bergen: performance Art Bergen and PABLISH 2018, pp. 128-149.

"Migrating Concepts in Performance" - curated panel

at the IFTR World Congress Belgrade. Theatre and Migration. Theatre, Nation, Identity: Between Migration and Stasis, 9-13 July 2018

Pilvi Porkola: Questions of Translating in Library Essays

Hanna Järvinen: Restaging, remaking, reconstructing, reimagining

Annette Arlander: Authorship, agency and performing in "Year of the Dog - Sitting in a Tree"

Tero Nauha: Performance as thinking or performance philosophy?


The conference program:

The book of abstracts:

"The transformative potential of performance"


The research project How to do things with performance? examines the transformative potential of performance from critical (Nauha), social (Porkola), environmental (Arlander) and aesthetic (Järvinen) perspectives, in a lecture performance, including an office disco, and a sound performance.

Full video here, opening & Bojana Cvejić

Full video hereKatariina Numminen & Natalie Waerden

Full video hereHanna Järvinen, Elina Seye & Lea Kantonen

Full video hereMieko Kanno, Elisabeth Belgrano & Susanna Hast

Full video here, Tero Nauha, Annette Arlander & Pilvi Porkola

Tero Nauha: “From schizoproduction to non-standard artistic research” in The Dark Precursor: Deleuze and  Artistic Research. Eds. Paulo de Assis & Paolo Giudici. Leuven: University Press

Pilvi Porkola: Vuosi professorina - performanssiluento

6.-8.9.2019 Puoli-Q, Helsinki

(blog post about the performance, in  Finnish)


Internal seminar in Riga 8-10. 12. 2017

"Miten tehdä asioita esityksellä - annetuissa (työpaja) olosuhteissa" [How to do things with performance - in given (workshop) circumstances] in TAHITI 3/2017

see whole issue here

the text in Finnish as pdf here

Arlander, Annette. 2018. “Calling the dragon, Holding hands with Junipers: Transpositions in Practice.” In Schwab, Michael (ed.) Transpositions – Aesthetico-Epistemic Operators in Artistic Research. Orpheus institute series, Leuven University Press, pp. 41-58.

See here link to the open access e-book

Arlander, Annette. 2018. “Process as Performance or Variations of Swinging”. In Hetty Blades & Emma Meehan (eds.) Performing Process: Sharing Dance and Choreographic Practice. Intellect Books. 2018, pp

Tero Nauha: "Ajattelun mahdollinen talous"

[The possible economy of thinking] 

In Mustekala 4/2017, Vol 69.  Issue on Taide, työ ja kritiikki [Art, Work and Criticism]

Pilvi Porkola: Performanssi tietona

Performanssipäivät Turussa 7.10.2019

Annette Arlander: “Calling the dragon - The five avant-gardes today?” Synnyt 3/2017, 1-12.

Let's Talk about Performance!

Conversations on Performance Art III

with Tomasz Szrama 1 October 2018 Muu gallery

information here and here


Hanna Järvinen & Liisa Pentti: Koreografian ja historiankirjoituksen uudelleenkuvittelua [Re-imagining choreography and history writing]. Tiede ja Edistys 4/2017, 318-334.

Annette Arlander & Mika Elo: Ekologinen näkökulma taidetutkimukseen” [An Ecological Perspective on Research in the Arts]. Tiede ja Edistys 4/2017, 335-346.


”How to do things with performance in relation to what is given?” Annette Arlander, Hanna Järvinen, Tero Nauha & Pilvi Porkola.In Ruukku Journal issue 8 (voices) 2018.

Annette Arlander: “Performing with the Weather”. Global Performance Studies Issue 1.2. Performance Climates

Research Day V: Performance of/in/as an Institution

1 November 2019 at the Theatre Academy of the University of the Arts, Auditorium 1 (Haapaniemenkatu 6, Helsinki).

See call and preliminary program (as pdf), below

"How to do things in alliance with concepts, things, bodies or plants?"

performance at

Alliances and Commonalities, Stockholm University of the Arts

25-27 October 2018

see conference website

and preliminary program

2018 continues here

"The human in performance"

panel presentation at PARSE-conference THE HUMAN

Gothenburg 13-15.11.2019