Research Bulletin No. 3

Editor: Geir Strøm, head of administration NARP

Introduction to Bulletin no. 3

This bulletins of Norwegian Artistic Research Programme (NARP) is a service to disseminate ongoing and published work by the research staff and fellows funded or otherwise supported by the programme. The editor is the adminstrative leader at the programme and there is thus no review being performed on the work presented. The aim for the bulletin is to make visible artistic research which is published or shared publicly. We invite you to comment, either through the Research Catalogue (RC) or directly to the editor, on how you experience the bulletin.


issue No. 3 links to the overview of works by research fellows who graduated from the programme in 2016.


Geir Strøm, editor



Go to the NARP Research Fellows 2016 (page of exposition in progress), which shows information on projects and project results from research fellows who have done their artistic research within the frame of the Norwegian Artistic Research Fellowship Programme and who completed with Viva Voce in 2016. 

The Fellowship Programme is parallel to other research educations organised as academic PhD programmes.