A  D I G I T A L   L A B ? 

I am interested in exploring Research Catalogue as a digital platform for communicating and sharing ideas within our new course, MA Narrative Space - Production Design for film and media.

Will it have potential as a digital laboratory and experimental studio where scale models, technical drawings, text and visual references can come together in a process shared between fellow designers? Can it be a useful tool in supporting full-scale set construction in a film studio? Can it be a space for previsualisation?

- And might it also have potential as a collaborative space for the Film and Media department as a whole?

Watch this space...

 S P A T I A L  N A R R A T I V E S 

S t u d i o   e x p e r i e m e n t s 

L o c a t i o n s

Digital previsualisation tools aiding the design process by producing real time digital models, moving images and virtual reality assets to give accurate impressions of the mis-en-scene and what the built space will be like.  

Studio workshop 

Reference board