


Initiated in 2009, Re— is a collaboration with writer Rachel Lois Clapham, for exploring the live and lived experience of working with language within the context of an artwriting practice. There are three different iterations of the collaboration Re— presented in this exposition: 

Re— (Iteration 1): This is the initial context where the practice of conversation-as-material was first conceived (2009-2010), where the focus is on ‘not knowing’ within the process of (art)writing.

Re— (Iteration 2): The second iteration of the practice of conversation-as-material (2010) focuses on the where of writing, considering the relation between the performing of writing (as a practice) and the resulting document of the written (as artifact).

Re— (Iteration 3): The third iteration of this practice (2012) considers the relation of ‘waiting for something to happen’ and ‘making something happen’ within the process of writing-thinking, exploring how receptivity to the forces of accident and distraction operate as ways for inviting in the unexpected.

Each iteration of Re— is shown by presenting the evolution of the transcript material, through the process of distillation/editing that material into the textual performance script, alongside documentation of the performance lecture presentation itself conceived as a way of reenlivening the text through a live dialogic-reading practice.