New Media   Matrix 1


This series is not derived form paintings as samples. My cubist series was informative in building the images, however they are fully created in the computer environment. 

Matrix 1 - 1 (Link) is a group of 42 images built from parts of larger digital paintings. The images are called by the script. 

Matrix 1 - 2 
 (Link) also has 42 parts. They are separated by code who's volume suggests space. They are zoomed in to details. The idea of unity is maintained by the echo of form in the parts. The movement of parts is far less disruptive than in previous experiments. 

Simple Forms

Plato  Concept and Form

Aristotle's description of Plato's metaphysical doctrine. In Metaphysics he writes: "Now since the Forms are the causes of everything else, he [i.e. Plato] supposed that their elements are the elements of all things. Accordingly the material principle is the Great and Small [i.e. the Dyad], and the essence is the One (τὸ ἕν), since the numbers are derived from the Great and Small by participation in the One" (987 b). "From this account it is clear that he only employed two causes: that of the essence, and the material cause; for the Forms are the cause of the essence in everything else, and the One is the cause of it in the Forms. He also tells us what the material substrate is of which the Forms are predicated in the case of sensible things, and the One in that of the Forms - that it is this the duality (the Dyad, ἡ δυάς), the Great and Small (τὸ μέγα καὶ τὸ μικρόν). Further, he assigned to these two elements respectively the causation of good and of evil" 


Theory of Forms

Plato's theory of Forms or theory of Ideas asserts that non-material abstract (but substantial) forms (or ideas), and not the material world of change known to us through sensation, possess the highest and most fundamental kind of reality.


I see the Matrix configuration as metaphorical example.

The reason to search for architypal form and universal structure is to anticipate unknown causal formation. If we have a library of probable form we can then recognize pattern.

Anticipation of pattern is the seductive time based participation. When our mind "figures out" a pattern, there is no longer a reason to search. Bordum,  is produced, as in (been there done that) lets move on.  This takes the  place of the search. When a specific density of complexity is achieved, the pattern search may be an indefinitely long time. It is the nature of the brain to discover structure. Hence the dispute about  universals
. We seem satisfied to imagine larger more encompassing structure when there may be none. 


Allotropes are different structural modifications of an element. The elements called by the matrix are samples of a larger form. 

Structure Of Code

The sets of codes are configured in rows and columns. Each set calls visual samples from a library of samples. The sets are also configured in rows and columns. The complication of various densities of code mass quickly evokes a perception of chaotic probability.

//Create new drop-in slideshow //Syntax: new dropinslideshow(image_array, slideshow_width, slideshow_height, delay_before_rotation) new dropinslideshow(myimages, 160, 160, 2010) </script> <! ------------ End Pic 4 -------------------------- > </td> <td> <! ------------ Pic 5 -------------------------- > <script type="text/javascript"> //Define Image Array. Syntax: ["image_path", "url_destination", "url_target"] var myimages=new Array() myimages[0]=["9.jpg", "", ""] myimages[1]=["2.jpg", "", ""] myimages[2]=["1.jpg", "", ""] myimages[3]=["3.jpg", "", ""] myimages[4]=["2.jpg", "", ""] myimages[5]=["1.jpg", "", ""] myimages[6]=["7.jpg", "", ""] myimages[7]=["8.jpg", "", ""] myimages[8]=["7.jpg", "", ""] myimages[9]=["8.jpg", "", ""] myimages[10]=["2.jpg", "", ""] myimages[11]=["3.jpg", "", ""] //Create new drop-in slideshow //Syntax: new dropinslideshow(image_array, slideshow_width, slideshow_height, delay_before_rotation) new dropinslideshow(myimages, 160, 160, 2010) </script> <! ------------ End Pic 5 -------------------------- > </td> <td> <! ------------ Pic 6 -------------------------- > <script type="text/javascript"> //Define Image Array. Syntax: ["image_path", "url_destination", "url_target"] var myimages=new Array() myimages[0]=["3.jpg", "", ""] myimages[1]=["2.jpg", "", ""] myimages[2]=["1.jpg", "", ""] myimages[3]=["4.jpg", "", ""] myimages[4]=["1.jpg", "", ""] myimages[5]=["9.jpg", "", ""] myimages[6]=["14.jpg", "", ""] myimages[7]=["10.jpg", "", ""] myimages[8]=["3.jpg", "", ""] myimages[9]=["14.jpg", "", ""] myimages[10]=["12.jpg", "", ""] myimages[11]=["13.jpg", "", ""] //Create new drop-in slideshow //Syntax: new dropinslideshow(image_array, slideshow_width, slideshow_height, delay_before_rotation) new dropinslideshow(myimages, 160, 160, 2010) </script> <! ------------ End Pic 6 -------------------------- > </td> <td> <! ------------ Pic 7 -------------------------- > <script type="text/javascript"> //Define Image Array. Syntax: ["image_path", "url_destination", "url_target"] var myimages=new Array() myimages[0]=["9.jpg", "", ""] myimages[1]=["1.jpg", "", ""] myimages[2]=["1.jpg", "", ""] myimages[3]=["2.jpg", "", ""] myimages[4]=["2.jpg", "", ""] myimages[5]=["3.jpg", "", ""] myimages[6]=["14.jpg", "", ""] myimages[7]=["10.jpg", "", ""] myimages[8]=["3.jpg", "", ""] myimages[9]=["14.jpg", "", ""] myimages[10]=["12.jpg", "", ""] myimages[11]=["13.jpg", "", ""] //Create new drop-in slideshow //Syntax: new dropinslideshow(image_array, slideshow_width, slideshow_height, delay_before_rotation) new dropinslideshow(myimages, 160, 160, 2010) </script> <! ------------ End Pic 7 -------------------------- > </td>

Calling Samples

Samples 1

Samples 2

Samples 3