Open House: A Portrait of Collecting

Curatorial Project


[Initial Motivations & Context]

This exposition examines the curatorial project Open House: A Portrait of Collecting, held at the Lamont Gallery at Phillips Exeter Academy in 2015. The project is part of my doctoral research on Assembling a Praxis: Choreographic Thinking and Curatorial Agency, where I propose a choreographic approach to curating: a flexible and generative structure that attends to elements of movement, composition, and exchange within the exhibition context. In Open House, the emphasis shifted from “How to do things with objects?” to “How do objects arrange spaces of relation between us?”
[This exposition corresponds to Section Five: Arranging Spaces of Relation(s): What Can Objects Do? in the dissertation text.]

Extending & Looping

[The Process]


[Participating Collectors]


[The Exhibition]

Moving & Being Moved

[Significant Objects Project]

Touching, Holding

[Outreach & Programs]

Memory Palace

[Final Reflections]