on web presence

Chrystalleni Loizidou, PhD

Cultural historian

Grant writer

experienced coordinator, project designer, manager, and administrator

community facilitator and mindful collaboration practitioner

conference and UNconference organiser

curator and researcher in Conflict Transformation through art and heritage

retraining for the early years (forest school and steiner education)

writer in withdrawal: allonan.com

situationist (g)host / cooperative community facilitator εμψυχώτριαeimaste.net

art and tech freedom: reaphrodite.org / someonehastodothis 

cynaxis.org / hack66.info

PhD Humanities and Cultural Studies, 2014

with the London Consortium

(TATE, Institute of Contemporary Art, Architectural Association, the Science Museum, Birkbeck College, University of London)

Short bio 2022: 

My core skill-set has had to do with care and the study of creativity (curation, education through art, and a PhD in Cultural Studies focusing on public art and conflict transformation). I cultivate a quest for beauty and meaning while being sensitive to the potential for community connection in order for groups to flourish. I have previously applied myself to developing and coordinating big and small internationally funded projects, teaching digital visual literacy, design history, and cultural studies courses at different universities, setting up cooperative community projects with a focus on libre technologies and participatory art, and organising hackathons and unconferences to connect technologists, makers, and artists. Since 2018 I have been retraining in care work and early years pedagogy and writing about high-tech versus tech-free trends in contemporary education. I model and cultivate in myself what I'd like to have around me: versatile design and making-skills, emotional intelligence and non-violent communication, community through sharing and connection with nature. I am also always working on writing, which I see as a world-building, transformational craft.






