

類型  Song Type: Kalamat

作者 Author:  施雅春 Shih, Ya-Chun / Si Ngazapad

歌者 Singer: 施雅春 Shih, Ya-Chun / Si Ngazapad

 轉變過後的版本 Transformed versions of Song: Johannes Kretz

歷史錄音來源 Source: lesc-cnrs.fr 巴黎民族音樂學研究中心 Research Center for Ethnomusicology Paris,

收藏年份 Collection 1971-72, 收錄者 Véronique Arnaud

Boat Sunk Near Five Cave Area  (五孔洞沈船記)

song / scalable composition / work in progress


"palamoamolonan nio da lowaji" in Tao language means:

"things always continue ... from generation to generation, our ancestors, long life".


Maybe a good translation would be:

"age by age ... we are offspring of them"



In  1971 an iron ship came.

A boat from abroad, they aren’t Tao people.

what is this ship, what does it bring along?

it’s construction design is long and stretched

it can’t surpass … it can’t go fast

it can’t pass the island, where we are.

the boat gets close to the five cave coast

where the ghosts stay around, in their dark compound.

the ship gets cracked, it is drifting uncontrolled

it is drifting, it is hit, it is cracked … no control

the ocean’s state … it is drifting, it is cracked,

they cannot steer, they cannot get control


they cannot drive this broken boat

it is shaking left and right … shaken in the oceans throat

the crew drives the boat …in the most scary way

they drive this boat … they are looking up to the sky


they call the sky … what is hidden in the sky?

oh hidden in the sky … what is hidden in the sky?

the captain from abroad … lets the anchor drops ashore,

tons of fuel spill, tons of fuel leak.


fuel covers the coast with its poisonous load.

big fish they're gonna die... small fish they're gonna die.

the oil is spreading, what a dirty cry!

the waves rock the boat so steep, it falls apart.


they devour the boat, it breaks it into parts,

scattered into pieces … broken into metal parts

the metal sinks on the oceans ground.

they corals get harmed in their area's wound.

this affects our lives from age to age

drifting counter current and big waves, too.

the years go by and nature gives a sigh

the metal pieces lie on the ocean's floor.


we collect the rests of the broken ship,

the metal can be used by the skilful smith.

this affects our lives from age to age,

what was this ship, what did it bring along?

Chien Ping Kuo, showing the place, where the ship stranded. Potos © Johannes Kretz 2019








Boat Sunk Near Five Cave Area   (五孔洞沈船記)




In the early 1970ies an unknown iron ship stranded on Lanyu's coast near the area of the five caves. The soldiers based on Lanyu at that time tied the boat to the rocks from all sides. Important documents were required to be safeguarded and delivered to the police station. The ship broke by strong waves. It's fuel leaked and covered the whole beach. It smelled badly and the pollution killed all kinds of fish there. The metal parts of the ship sunk into the sea polluting the coral reef. Finally the ship completely sunk.

It took more than three years, until gradually the water quality improved, but the ecosystem needed even longer to recover from this pollution. While the government cared a lot about the documents on the ship, they didn't care for the harm to wildlife nor for the pollution of the fishing grounds, which were a burden for Iraraley village for many years.

After some years the Tao people began diving there for collecting the sunken ship's fragments as a resource of metal. They produce farming tools from it.