
















Who are you?


We usually say our names without thinking too much, one name has different meanings or stories in different spaces and times with different people. But the moment we speak out our own names, we never really need to ask what it means? 


Since when , a name needs a content?

Since when, I need those differences to be recognized ?

Since when, I can be really sure that I know who I am?


We build ourselves by those past moments we have, we use nationality, descent and our external image to recognize our own identities. Including using our culture to introduce ourselves, they all seems naturally. However, in this age, when sharing information  can be so convenient and the different values all are crossing together, how can the culture be an evidence of identification? In this generation that advocate personal characteristics, at the same time the universal values and the mode of life are going toward unity, how should we read the meaning of "culture"?  Which attitude can it take for presence?


I’m not confused about the meaning of life, but wondering how can we identify ourselves in this life? Especially when this cultural identity I born in doesn’t exist through my practice. All my language, my life style and my values are floating into words and dialogues, into the sound of my parents’ practice, into the expectations of tourists. I don't question the values of my own culture, but I question if I can really understand it and use it.


Through the movie Ulysses’ Gaze and the book Ignorance, I feel like I found a way to look into my question. It might lead me to the next step of searching. So I use the content of them to start my film, and I also realize it is not just a problem or a story that indigenous peoples in post-colonial era would have, but just more clear to see how people treated their own identities and cultures in the post-colonial time. Also I see more clear, how we could define our own belongings.


Chapter 1 , it’s just a beginning.