Reveries for a Dimly-Lit Room, 2018–2019

slow-evolving meditations, textural nuances, entraining reveries
psychophysical explorations of repetition and phasing, synchrony and asynchrony
microscopic perception of emergence in sound and light


kinetik–kymatik, developed together with Dmitrii Kuznetsov, exhibited in autonomous-mode at GOLD+BETON. Waveform patterns emerge slowly in the interference of subtly-nuanced synthesizer drones (affecting water via a transducer) and stroboscopic modulation over the course of two weeks. 2019.07.20–2019.08.04 GOLD+BETON, Köln

initial experiments with cymatics for kinetik–kymatik with Dmitrii Kuznetsov [full video] 2019.06.18 Kellar

Meta Marathon

Impressions of improvisations with refract–defract and live trumpet-machine-noise at Meta Marathon Festival (trumpet - Felix Brohl, film - Ole Hum) 2019.03.15 NRW Forum, Düsseldorf


exhibiting refract-defract at Meta Marathon Festival 2019.03.15-17 NRW Forum, Düsseldorf

Night Light Festival

Reveries for a Dimly-Lit Room, excerpts from performance № 1… in the back of a small abandoned bus at Night Light Festival, a trialogue of slowly-morphing analog-mechanical light projection, layered live-looped melorhythmic phrases, and spoken word explores emergence in ostinato feedback processes and crossrhythmic interference patterns. together with Johann Zeijl (keys, loops) and Sylvester Allone (texts, voice). 2018.09 Odonien, Köln

Autonomous Lumia Study № 1

Autonomous Lumia Study № 1
a falling weight pulls the barely-visible line through a pulley system to oscillate a lens, rotate a color wheel, pull a lamp, a fan in water slows, fully wound runs resists the weight for ca. 30 minutes 2018.07.19–22 KISDparcours

Lumia Experiments

Lumia experiments with DIY tangible mechanical light projection apparatuses inspired by Thomas Wilfred’s color-organs of the 1920s. Lamps, lenses, mirrors, analog electronics. Color records by Julia Alfeo. 2018.04. KISD