News and updates from the ‘Craftmanship’ project.

The Norwegian academy of music 2021 - 2024, An Artistic research project

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Studio sessions at Hallibakken with Nye Nord april 2024.



The Hardangerfiddle is made by Rolf Inge Kvandal in 2023. The drum played by Innervik is made by Ingvald Innervik and put together by Olsen Brothers The herritage ensemble uses a collection of old drums collected by Innervik before and during the project.

Notation Project of drum beatings

Rehearsing solo + duo Resarch Catalogue

31.01 Documentation with HH.

Sjuspring in the winter

23.01 Artistic Research Week, Oslo Art academy. Presentation. Janne Camilla Lyster, Stefan Ellmer, Maziar Raein, Kjell Tore Innervik

Desember anb January: Documentation in RC Editing Videos, Editing Audio, Taking Photos. Readinglist Books, Scores, Drum refferences The drum Gallery Dissemination Artistic Output The Vinyl project

Workshops with Håkon Høgemo.

12.12. The norwegian drum? Towards a drum maker in Norway?

03.12 Documentaton: KTI

01.12 Planning session. HH,KTI, MR

26.11 Ljusblått: Dansespel

25.11 Workshop on vals, reinlender og rudl, Drum beatings

01.11 Reflections on craftmannship: Perlmann, Zuckermann, Heifetz, Milstein, Horowitz

26 presentation At ARF “Drum beatings”

25.10 Drum beatings

20.10 March sessions :-) 1 - 5 + free 75 . 84

30 sep Oslo Kappleiken, HH salutt + ES salutt Solo sett.

28.09 Irsk session Cecilie Stensrud og Kjell Tore Innervik

27.09 March session HH, KTI

20.09: Planning session towards the end of the project H.H, KTI

03.09 NMH selebration, Slåtter in the prosession with Christiania Blåseensemble.

Salutt etter Eirik Sundvor,Herritage drummers


New piece by Koka Nikoladze

25.08 Performance at The Royal Castle live on NRK TV: Gangar etter Sjur Eldegard and Tappenstrek. Innervik/Dale with band.

24.08 Project presentation at NMH. Høgemo/Innervik

15.08 Start up. Høgemo and Innervik: trad/folk xylo project 14.08 Innervik and Dale

2-4.08 Irsk session Cecilie Stensrud, Brendon og Kjell Tore Innervik + students

Exam at v.g.s 2023

13.06 Gro-Marie og Kjell Tore

31.05 Gro-Marie og Kjell Tore, Springar etter Anders Nedreli

**’ 24.05 Arvid Engegård rehersal. 3 tunes for Narvik June

28.05 Festspillene i Bergen

17 mai

30.04 Ingesund Session med Rolf Landberg

28.04: Slutt til Johannes Sundvor notasjonsforslag 1. Åsmund Soldal

15.04 Kongsberg sessions med Buskerud Folkemusikklag

13.04 Salutt til Håkon Høgemo for Stastromme ferdigstilles

12.04 Session 2 with Gro-Marie: arithmetic progressions, Springar “the play” Bestefarslåtten,“the play” Springar etter Torolf Eldegard Springar etter Anders Nedreli Halling etter Sjur Eldegard Halling etter Anders Nedrelid nr 1, arithmetic progressions

20.03 Session 1 with Gro-Marie: Motiv

Rythms, EOR JS Heritage Skills

10.03: Session on “laus” with Øyvid Drabant, Drummingsession with the students “Salutt til HH” 5 tunes.

08.03: Ornaments, visual references, Stastrommen,hinde, loopen Telemarkstrommen, Sævåg

02.03. Palett, Modi, Rythmstudies, Innervik og Høgemo

21.02. Presentation for all new students at NMH. Innføringsuka i folkemusikk. Innervik og Høgemo

Friday 10.02

[Kandinsky]( rad 2 nr 4 + - Harmonics: D down Mulige nøkler overføres til solo trommespill, Animere

Thursday february 2nd: Strofer og and frasering

January 19: Dance workshop at Høgskolen i Christiania

January 19: “layers” with Innervik/Høgemo

January 13: Dance workshop at Høgskolen i Christiania


January 12: “Form” with Håkon H

December 15 and 16 : Scoring workshop: Tom Karlsrud,Oskar Abel Valand Halvorsen, Harald Ramm Haugland KTI and HH.

December 14. Workshop med Einar Mjølsnes på Voss. HH and KTI

Oslo kappleik lørdag 26 november på Rikscenen.

Workshop with London Hardingfelelag

November 22 Tanya, Clifford, Sylvia and Johanna

Lead by Håkon and Kjell Tore

Springar etter Lars Flaten

Gangar etter Sjur Eldegard

No e da gjort

Røysekatten etter Per Sandnes


Barne og Ungdomsamlingen i Buskerud, Sigdal, 5-6 November 22

VSM. Høstkonsert søndag 6 november
Lørdag øvingssessions
Kurs for andre deltagere. 2 grupper ledet av Åsmund

Vi deltok også på kappleik søndag med 2 innslag med slåttetrommegjengen Første bildet er fra konsert søndag kveld på Lillestrøm med VSM. Konsert med de ulike lærerne, lærte slåtter av Steinar O, Vi jobbet med Tveit trommeslåtten til 10 hardingtonar. Spilte på koonsert i konserthuset tirsdag 8 November med M@M.

Som alltid fix og mekk:-)

Video laget av laget

24 October Artistic Research Forum 2022 Stavanger HH, MR, KTI, Jonas, Sebastian, Åsmund, Magnus

21, 22 og 23 Oct Talenthelg NMH

19.10 stunt utenfor centralen. Slagverksløftet

19.10 Centralen Åsmund S

14.10 Hardingfeleforum, NMH levinsalen

DUO Sessions August/September: HH + KTI The scoring: No e da gjort, Rudl etter Sigurd Borge, Bråta-Per,

24.09 31.09 7.09 14.09 21.09 28.09


The Lærdal experience

June 3: ## Trad tunes presented at pre-collage final exams at Rud and Slandefjord VGS by Erik, Magnus and Ola

May 31 Concert at the King and Queen in London

3 sets, one including the LHL Two with HH and KTI

May 31,

London Hardingfelelag workshop


24.05 Final presentation: Master prosjekt by Håkon Skjæret: Sirkelspill

23.05 Rehersal with Håkon Skæret for the MA presentation. Max Rayne + sirkelspill

21.05 Presentation of solo slåttter + Salutt til ES på Bodø BEAT international prcussion festival.

18.05 Drum and dance workshop. SH, KTI

17 Mai 2022. The National Day

Jøssnohallingen, Sjuspringar, Max Ranye, Div signaler NMH allstar drummers

15.05 Tambourtesting in Oslo. Jøssnohalling, Ganger e S Eldegard, Max Rayne, Sjuspring etter Eirik Sundvor, Parademarsj, Drummerscall +++

10.05 Project presentation at NMH, by CEMPE. HH, and KTI

I denne femte utgaven av Påfyll presenterer Kjell Tore Innervik og Håkon Høgemo Craftmanship, etterfulgt av Øivind Varkøy og Sigrid Røyseng som presenterer prosjektet Musikk og mening. Tirsdag 10. mai 12:00 - 13:00 Fellesrommet 139

Craftmanship I det treårige kunstneriske utviklingsprosjektet Craftmanship skal et knippe musikere, dansere og forskere utforske tradisjonelle slåtter fra Vestlandet og gå dypere inn i denne tause kunnskapsoverføringen og forsøke å sette ord på den.

Målet er å finne fram til et begrepsapparat som kan beskrive de håndverksmessige ferdighetene som folkemusikeren har, og hvordan den overføres fra musiker til musiker eller fra musiker til danser og omvendt. Hva kjennetegner musikerens håndverksmessige ferdigheter? Hvilke ord og uttrykk kan brukes på de små gestene og hintene som kommuniseres mellom musikerne? Hvordan kan vi beskrive de «magiske øyeblikkene» som oppstår i spillesituasjonen? Dette er spørsmål som prosjektet ønsker å utforske.

Hva er Påfyll? Påfyll er en lunsjserie der vi samles rundt alt det spennende som gjøres av kolleger på huset. Hver gang er det en til to faglige presentasjoner, akkompagnert av gratis lunsj og kaffe.

Musikk og mening Prosjektet Musikk og mening kan karakteriseres som et musikkulturelt legitimitetsprosjekt. Det handler om forholdet mellom mennesker og musikk – i videste og dypeste forstand, både når det gjelder musikk, mennesker, kontekster, og typer av «mening». Når vi er i en eller form for krise, ikke minst under koronakrisen, opplever vi til tider en viss spenning mellom de mange politiske erklæringer om kulturlivets viktighet og våre personlige eksistensielle savn av møter med levende musikk på den ene siden, og den omdiskuterte prioritering av kulturlivet i politisk praksis på den andre siden. Denne spenningen utfordres av prosjektet Musikk og mening – hvor formålet er å sette en dagsorden som handler om å belyse, diskutere og systematisere gammel og ny viten om kulturen, og utfordre og bidra til å utvikle forståelsen av musikk som kunstnerisk og kulturell praksis.

06.05 Workshop in London with London Hardingfelelag

Storren, Halling Nedreli 1 + 2

06.05 Workshop with Jean Kelly, Harp Test one

03.05 Full team for Lærdal

30.04 Drummers day at NMH

Gjøssnohalling + Gangar etter SE

26.04 Full team for Lærdal all parts of the artistic presentation

25.04 Springar in depth HH + KTI

22.04 Presenting at NORTRAD, NMH 2022

Knut Buen

21.04 HH + KTI, Springar (ar)

20.04 Reflecting. HH + KTI, KTI + GMS

19.04 Full Day workshop SH, GMS,HH, KTI Springar: communication dance - music, dance-dance, 1: The roles of comentator/communicator/in between, 2: Group looping, subtile ques, musical ques,

Halling: constructing. Dance + Drum SH + KTI

2nd voices: GMS + HH


Tambur aften i Oslo. Gangar og Halling. Kjell Tore, Håkon, Anders, Arild og Bjørn.

06.04 Slagerksløftet, Posibilities?

05.04 HH. KTI: Layers of rythm, lines and bridges. Torso positions - shoulders.

29.03 HH + KTI, Springar: syncopations, The degree of “Swing”

Musical workshop at Voksen Skole by Håkon, Jonas, Sebastian, Maria and Nora

*** 22.03 HH, KTI, Springar, in 3! + 1,2

10 and 11.03 Musical work on “trommeslåtter” KTI, HH


The Buskerud Drum. Excursion to the museum.

Pictures and messurements. KS and KTI

09.03 Colours, people, nature, closed eyes, dreams. TBC. Layers.


HH, KTI Layer 1. .-)`3 Towards a Trommeslått Scrutinice ++

04.03 Workshop at KHIO with the extended team.


04.04 Håkon S and Guy W in Amsterdam

Jonas teaching a Halling to his percussion students at VSM.


22.02 Introduction talk at NMH for all new students. Hardigfele and Slåttetrommen. Lindemannsalen## header****

Høgemo and Innervik

Workshop: Centralen, GMS, HH, SOH

TUP sessions online.

Halling + +

11.02.22 First version level C - Drumming parts ready on all tunes.

TIME OUT: Clare Salaman

08.02. Workshop at Centralen GMS, SH, HH

5 and 6 Feb: Workshop for The Hardangerfiddle assiciation of America. HH

MA student Håkon: Workshop design for DKS, Autumn 2022

02.02: Folkemusikksamlingen i Buskerud. To study and document a drum.

31.01: Session one testing the drumming sheet music. Håkon, Jonas S, Åsmund.

31.01New drum: from south Amerika, Austria. Old standing wood construktion. (Similar to the one in Buskerud)

Sheet music for the drum: Mordent

29.01: TUP percussion: Halling + Salutt SC

11.01: 14 des: Dance and music workshop. Centralen.

08.01 Drumming: Salutt workshop: Håkon Skjæret and Sebastian Lindland

08.01.2022 Halling on drums: TUP sticks 1

20_12: Vintage Scott drum for testing_Premier from Drumfarm.

15 des: 2nd voice workshop. HH, GMS and KTI

14 des: Dance and music workshop. Centralen.


9 des: Dance workshop: “Digging in to the archive”. (Nordahl Bruns gt 22, Oslo/Zoom.) SOH + GMS from Craftmanship, and Siri Mæland from the Norwegian Centre for Traditional Music and Dance.

2 des: Presentation of the project at NOFF conference - Nasjonalbiblioteket (National library, Oslo). HH + KTI

30 nov Dance and music workshop. Diggig in. At Centralen. HH,GMS, SOH & KTI

24 nov: Scoring workshop. Updated versions of Halling etter Anders Nedreli, online

19 nov: Dansespelkonsert Chateau Neuf, HH+ KTI

Nov 17: 2nd parts and patterns, GMS, HH, KTI

Nov 16 Gorset, Høgemo and Innervik working on old Norwegian manuskripts Bruremarsj fra Underdal, Christian Marsj, Neste gang marsj 473 playford. Ost og brød

Nov 16 Innervik and Høgemo working on the rudiments of Halling

Nov 10 Innervik and Høgemo working on the rudiments of Halling

Nov 10 Gorset, Høgemo and Innervik working on old Norwegian manuskripts

Nov 10 Dance meeting: SOH, GMS and Siri

Nov 9 Workshop Planning , SOH,HH,GMS and KTI

Nov 5-6 Barne og ungdomssamlingen i Buskerud Sigdal

Birgitt Kollandsrud Friis and Kjell Tore Innervik. Numedal springar
Karolina Westerling and the drummers + Even

Håkon Skjæret og Sebastian Lindland, M@M, KTI

Nov 2

Reflecting on the presentation and the comments at ARC, Trondheim

November 1

Playable drum

thin reindear skin_raw, new rope from Basel,

Oct 23 TUP NMH, CMS goes R, test 1 with participants

Oct 22 Nodebok NO, Hans Olav Gorset, HH, KTI

Oct 18 presetation av ARF 2021 at Dokkhuset,Trondheim

The Comentator online: Professor Joshua Dickson, The Royal Conservatoire of Scortland

The kit for A soilders tale by stravinsky with Arve Tellefsen and Liv Ullman

Meeting with Center for Norwegian traditional music and dance. Trondheim, Meeting with Luftforsvarets musikkorps, Trondheim

Oct 15. Presentation of the Craftmanship project at UIS, University in Stavanger, Department of Music and Dance.

Oct 4. ### Workshop with London Hardingfelelag. Clare Salaman and Håkon Høgemo, Anders Nedreli, two halling

October 1-3

National gathering of Tamburs in Trondheim

Presentation of Craftmanship by Høgemo and Innervik in Rustkammeret
Concert in Bispegaarden

Oct 1: Nasjonalt senter for Folkemusikk og folkedans, Trondheim

Into the archives

28 September at NMH

Workshop Silje Haalien, HH and KTI. Springar, Danselyst, Sjusprang 2,

22 September

Workshop KT + HH

Sjuspring, Danselag + Sundvor Harmonisering, underdeling, taktskifter Reichish

20 Sep: Sogn Spel og Danselag

Storren, Rotnheimskunt, Bruremarsj fra Justedalen, Halling etter Anders Nedrelid, springar etter Siggurd Eldegard. Håkon Høgemo, Marin Stallemo Bakke, Tom Karlsrud

The Burial: A seremonial approach to the March.

Sep 20. Sebastian, Jonas, Håkon S and KTI

The percussion class at NMH

Towards Trondheim, 1 - 3 October, A salute for E!

KT_Sep 2021

First session with Silje, the Dancer

The plan, reference material, a starting workshop.

The first presentation for The research fellow in the project

Gro Marie Svidal, Hardangerfiddle.

Workshop: Bruremarsjer. HH + KTI.

Tempi, musical references, flow, feeling, different parts or unison, frequency of the drum, different instruments.

Sogn go R…


The New drum from Scotland.

British drum co. Axial series. Light wooden drum, double snares. From D2 percussion

The Summer Camp for the young percussionists

Three Camps, French march, Scottish flourishing drumming basics, August in Klekken.

The old drum from the Netherlands. To be restored.

Thank you Ewout and Sofie:-)


The wedding: Sigrid and Håkon

July: 3rd

The Lærdal workshop, June 2021

**June 14. Meet and play: Indre Sogn spelemannslag. ** 5 tunes + talks about the possible way forward.

June 15 and 16th. Scoring the tunes


Concert at Heimen in Lærdal June 6

Scoring the 22 tunes with accompagnement parts and or second parts Talks about the way forward, Autumn and spring 2022.

The set of traditional drums for NMH, built in Basel, Büchler Trommelbau**

A set of 6 arrived this week to the academy.

Designed and ordered November 2019 by Bjørn Løken and Kjell Tore Innervik.
Arrived in Oslo in the start of June 2021.

Kjell Tore, Walter and Bjørn in the BüclerTrommel Bau, Nowember 2019.

The Drum.

The startingpoint. Found in a barn Telemark in Norway (1999). In possession of Kjell Tore Innervik.

The Resarch fellow in the project

To be official in a few days

Design talks lead by Maziar Raein with the design team.

A serias of groupmeetings final presentation in the session with Alexandre Balgiu

**Final exams, NMH spring 2021

Åsmund: performed "Sjuspringaren" etter Johannes Sundvor

Traditional drumming as part of The BA corricculum** Jonas performed a solo drum version of “Storren”

Sebastian performed “Halling etter Skrangle-Jens” and “Hei så dansa jenta mi” with Mathias

Tambur-tromme prosjekt for the students at NMH

NMH 2021, towards the 17 of Mai, part one for the percussion students at NMH. Rescedualed several times due to Covid.To be continued over the whole project period.

The percussion students at NMH. Traditionel drumming towards the 17th of May. A start. Cancelled halfway due to weather and Covid.

Youth from Voksen skoles musikkorps and Musikk på Majorstua learning traditional drumming.

Notation of the drum tunes.

Testing in April and May. Kjell Tore Innervik. Trad Norwegian drum tunes Trad Norwegian Hardanger fiddle tunes on the drum, solo Duo with Hardanger fiddle Mass drum band Spelemannslag including drums

**Natural rawhide workshop in the beginning of May **

Participants: Jonas, Sebastian, Arild, Ole-Jakob, Kjetil and Kjell Tore.

The skins came from Granberg garveri.

Step one: Stretching and drying the raw skin as preperation. The skins are: Goat and Calf.

Step two: Trimming the skin and getting it on the ring.

Step three: Put it on the drum and tention the rope. Let it dry.

David Henderson about Pipeband drumming.

An online workshop with students from the percussion department at NMH.

History and development * the national 5 * Higher Level * Advanced Higher Level * Drum salute to Max Rayne

KHIO working group lead by Maziar Raein

The hardangerfiddle notation project Workshops from November 2020 - June 2021 Håkon Høgemo, Tom Karlsrud, Kjell Tore Innervik

24.03 Workshop with the London Hardangerfiddle lag. Rotnheims-Knut, + video + score + live session.

2nd part playing.

Den siste Tambur. Learning the tunes from the TV program played by Erik Sundvor from 1979 at NRK

A articel about Håkon at “Fylkesarkivet”.

12.03 MA-Musical performance, mixed instruments-lab. Rotnheims-Knut

Learning the tune; From the master, score, video, other tools? Ornaments Notation as a tool The feeling, rythm

12.03 Drum testing session HH + KTI

Folkmusic week at NMH. Week 8. Trad drumming sessions

05.02.2021 Workshop with MA students at NMH, on Zoom. HH + KT

Håkon testing the new stomping pedal

KT working with Danich early drum books

KT working French introductions to the Tambour

KT searching for German drum books

16.12. Drumming workshop. Birger Mistereggen and Kjell Tore Innervik. Norwegian material, and some French

14.12.2020 Workshop in Lærdal. Documenting the Tunes. Audio and video in three angles. Multimedia aproach for learning the tunes. Left hand focus, right hand (bowing) and upper body, foot stomping patterns. More information than audio. For the use of musicians to learn the tunes. Liked to the scoring project.

The 20 tunes for the project. Håkon Høgemo and Tom Karlsrud, Kjell Tore innervik on zoom from Oslo.

Innerviks drum prosject autumn 2020. A reference project to the Norwegian tradition.

Exploring drum traditions throug manuscripts and manuals American French German British Swedish Danich and more


**Workshop with the London Hardangerfele lag**. Håkon Høgemo sharing the tune springar etter “Skrangle Jens” known in Indre Sogn.

Password: CMS


Workshop one, with Birger Mistereggen and Kjell Tore Innervik on the Norwegian tradition of drumming. Trommeslåtter as collected by Johannes Sundvor (Bergen) passed along to us by his grandson Eirik Sundvor. Archive material as sound/video/manuscripts are to be located and made available to the wider community. The ambition of making two mini conferences during the project period were discussed. We also spent some time putting the tradition in context, and international contacts are to be made in Europe.

Designing the prosject 1,2,3 with Maziar Raein and the core musical team

Workshops with Ivar Forunberg and the core musical team about scoring/notation**


Scoring the tunes. The HH collection project.

Springar performed at NasjonalmuseetThe sound is not ok. To bright drum. Will not be made public…

Brureslått etter Ola Mosafinn, Håkon Høgemo, Hardingfele and Kjell Tore Innervik, Slåttetromme.

Storren on the OLE OLSEN DRUM, 1892. Håkon Høgemo, Hardangerfiddle, Kjell Tore Innervik, Slåttetromme

Bruremarsj at Mads and Pål’s wedding