Version 3


If it’s one thing I can depend on

It’s this feeling right here

How it rushes down into my core

And spreads throughout my whole body

In an instant relief

That is all I need

Even if it’ll cost me everything else


This is all that means something to me

And I need to protect it

Fight if I have to

Because you don’t know how important it is to me

And I don’t know how to express it


Why won’t you give me a chance?

Is that too much to ask of you?

To just stay a little longer

To just hold on

To me

To us


Have you forgotten that I am the only one who knows you?

The real you

I know how you like to be in control

But life doesn’t work that way

And that’s why you needed me

To be the puppet that you could fix


Don’t you get it?

You need someone to take care of in order to escape your pain

And I let you use me to the point where I needed you as well

And we both hid behind the other’s pain to survive our own


But I don’t need your pity

I just want to feel good for a little while


And if it’s one thing I can depend on

It’s this feeling right here

How it rushes down into my stomach

And spreads throughout my whole body

In an instant relief

This is all I need

And it will never leave me


You are better when you’re sleeping

Then I don’t have to constantly try to hold you back from spiraling down once more

To have the addiction get a hold of you,

and you not even remembering what you said the night before


Not that I don’t like holding you back

Pressing you hard up against me

And fight with everything I have


You need me to care

Because everyone else has given up

Even you stopped trying


But I'm here

Because you need to be seen

And I didn’t really see you until you are at your worst



Don’t you get it?

You are not addicted to anything other than attention

We drag each other down

No matter how amazing it feels.


That’s why you’re better when you’re sleeping

Then I can’t ruin you

When the addiction has no effect

And you just lie there, completely innocent

While we recharge before tomorrow's fight.

Norwegian version


Det skal jeg si deg

Du er best når du sover

For da slipper jeg å kjempe

Da slipper jeg å konstant prøve å holde deg tilbake

Ikke at jeg ikke liker å holde deg igjen

Presse deg hardt imot meg

Og kjempe med alt jeg har

Jeg vet at du også liker det.

Du liker det så godt at du kjemper imot.

Enda du egentlig ikke hadde et så stort behov i utgangspunktet

Du vil bare se hvor mye jeg bryr meg.


Du trenger at jeg bryr meg

For alle andre har gitt opp

Og du kan ikke si du er overrasket.


Men jeg er her

Enda det sakte, men sikkert tar livet av oss begge

For du trenger å bli sett

Og jeg ser deg aller mest når du har det som verst


Så da går du ned i den spiralen igjen

Rusen tar overhånd og du husker ikke engang hva som ble sagt dagen før

Men du vet du har blitt sett

Og det er den egentlige rusen du lever på.


Skjønner du ikke det?

Du er ikke avhengig av noe annet enn oppmerksomhet

Og jeg fôrer deg med det

Og jeg fôrer deg med alt annet som du egentlig ikke trenger

Vi drar hverandre ned

Uansett hvor deilig det føles.


Derfor er du best når du sover

Da kan jeg ikke ødelegge deg

Når rusen ikke har noen effekt

Og du bare ligger der, helt uskyldig

Og jeg kan føle meg trygg i armene dine

Mens vi lader opp til morgendagens kamp.

Version 1


You know what

I only want what’s best for you

And you made me feel like that could be me

When you looked at me

Caressed my skin

And made me feel like the only person in your world


And I really feel I can be the person you need

The one that spoils you

Protects you


And I want you to be that for me as well

Is that too much to ask of you?

To just stay a little longer

To just hold on

To me

To us


For I’m the only one that knows you

The real you

Because you like to be in control

But life doesn’t work that way

And that’s why you need me

To shield you


Don’t you get it?

You need someone to take care of in order to escape your pain

And I let you use me to the point where I needed you as well

And we both hid behind the other’s pain to survive our own


But then something changed

You changed

And we imploded


I only want the best for you

But you didn’t even say anything

You didn’t make a sound

And I was just there

without a clue of what was going on


You changed

You left


And I stayed the same

Lisa's voiceover

My first production, What I Wanted to Say, was created based on a monologue I wrote in 2018 about a woman leaving her alcoholic boyfriend. I decided to use the monologue and write a film around it showing both the good and the bad sides of the relationship, like the monologue also explores. Here I created a clear perspective and the visuals, as well as the monologue, explores the female’s point of view.

The film was written in Norwegian, but I decided I needed to translate it into English, to make it a part of my master’s thesis. Thus started the work on translating the text but keeping the tone and meaning of the original language. After a few rounds of rewrites, I could finally accept the translation and the fact that it missed some meaning from the original language but gained some new meaning in the translation.


Here I am displaying the original Norwegian version next to the English version I settled on for the script. There are only a couple of places where the sentences have gotten a new meaning. 

The voiceovers

When starting to work on the script for What I Wanted to Say from a directorial point of view I wanted to explore the thoughts of the main character, Oliver, as well, to find how he would rationalize his behavior. This became the start of my work on perspectives. I decided to explore him further and wrote a monologue for him using the format of Lisa’s monologue as a reference, to challenge myself to write something for him in a similar fashion. I tried different approaches, exploring various emotions and levels of self-awareness. After some rewrites I had a text that I felt gave justice to the character of Oliver, making him more human. 

Here I am displaying some of the versions I tried out during the writing process. I'm putting them in chronological order to show where I started and how I moved on, with the 4th version being the one in the film. The exploration into the inner life of Oliver allowed me to get to know him better and to make him come to life for me both as a writer and director.


Adding Oliver’s voiceover to the film made it a clear study into perspectives. Placing the couple’s individual truths next to each other and exploring how they experience the ending of the relationship differently questions the reality. This allows the audience to make up their own mind on the situation. Neither of these voiceovers are the absolute truth, and that is not my aim with this film. The truth is subjective and is something we all have hid from. “Rob the average man of his life−illusion, and you rob him of his happiness at the same stroke”, Ibsen wrote in The Wild Duck. The life-illusion (or life-lie as it is in Norwegian) is something we are all carrying to justify our actions. With this film, I simply want to point that out without making a judgement on weather this kind of lying is right or wrong.

To get a clearer view of the duality in the film, and the two different "truths" being told, I am placing the two monologues next to each other. This shows the two different experiences of the relationship, but also to looks at their similarities. Both characters love one another, and both know that this must end.

Oliver's voiceover


Version 2


I’m just going to stay here

Hide in here forever

Surrounded by your smell

Reminded of your touch

Pretend that nothing will ever change

Why does anything have to change?


So, this is what love is?

A constant battle that you can never win

Who wants to play a game like that?

I thought we had something

Something unique

Something worth fighting for

So, why aren’t you fighting?


You just walk out instead

Without a word?

Like a coward!

I thought I could trust you

I thought I could depend on you

I felt I could be completely myself around you

I thought you could handle that

But maybe no one can


I thought I needed you

I thought I loved you

But maybe that was just how you played with me

You got in my head


I even let you be yourself

Let you use me

My misfortunes

To what you needed

To make you feel superior

To make you escape your own pain

And for what?

So, you could build up enough strength to run away?

English version


And that I’ll tell you

You are better when you’re sleeping

Then I don’t have to fight

Then I don’t have to constantly try to hold you back

Not that I don’t like holding you back

Pressing you hard up against me

And fight with everything I have

I know you like it too.

You like it so much that you fight back.

Even though you didn’t really care that much about it initially

You just want to see how much I care.


You need me to care

Because everyone else has given up

Even you stopped trying


But I'm here

Even if it slowly but surely sucks the lives out of us both

Because you need to be seen

And I didn't really see you until you were at your worst


So you start spiraling down once more

The addiction gets a hold of you, and you don’t even remember what you said the night before

But you know you've been seen

And that's the real fuel you crave


Don’t you get it?

You are not addicted to anything other than attention

And I feed you with it

And I feed you everything else you don’t really need

We drag each other down

No matter how amazing it feels.


That’s why you’re better when you’re sleeping

Then I can’t ruin you

When the addiction has no effect

And you just lie there, completely innocent

And I can feel safe in your arms

While we recharge before tomorrow's fight.

Version 4:


I only want what’s best for you

And you made me feel like that could be me

When you looked at me

Caressed my skin

And made me feel like the only person in your world


And I really feel I can be the person you need

The one that spoils you

Protects you


And I want you to be that for me as well

Is that too much to ask of you?

To just hold on

To me

To us


For I’m the only one that knows you

The real you

I know you like to be in control


You need someone to take care of in order to escape your pain

And I let you use me to the point where I needed you as well

And we both hid behind the other’s pain to survive our own


But then something changed

You changed

And we imploded


I only want the best for you

But you didn’t say anything

You didn’t make a sound

And I was just there, oblivious  


You changed

You left


And I stayed the same


I only want what’s best for you

And you made me feel like that could be me

When you looked at me

Caressed my skin

And made me feel like the only person in your world


And I really feel I can be the person you need

The one that spoils you

Protects you


And I want you to be that for me as well

Is that too much to ask of you?

To just hold on

To me

To us


For I’m the only one that knows you

The real you

I know you like to be in control


You need someone to take care of in order to escape your pain

And I let you use me to the point where I needed you as well

And we both hid behind the other’s pain to survive our own


But then something changed

You changed

And we imploded


I only want the best for you

But you didn’t even say anything

You didn’t make a sound

And I was just there, oblivious  


You changed

You left


And I stayed the same