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Further reading

Gilroy, Paul. 2000. Against Race: Imagining Political Culture beyond the Color Line (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press)

Norton, Ben. 2015. ‘Baltimore Is Here: Ethiopian Jews Protest Police Brutality in Jerusalem’, Mondoweiss, May 1 <> [accessed 22 June 2015]

Said, Edward W. 1999. Out of Place: A Memoir (New York: Vintage Books)

———. 2000. The End of the Peace Process: Oslo and After (New York: Pantheon Books)

 Watson, Ivan. 2013. ‘China: The Electronic Wastebasket of the World’, CNN, 30 May 30 <> [accessed 23 June 2015]



Selected links: further reading and action for Palestine:


In conversations and presentations I am often asked, What can we do?

In reference, I include the following links, by no means a comprehensive list:


Electronic Intifada (online journal)


Jadaliyya (online journal)


‘The City and the Writer: In Jerusalem with Ibtisam Azem’ by Nathalie Handal (article)


The Israeli Committee against House Demolitions (website)


Jews against Zionism


Mondoweiss (online newspaper)


The Palestinian BDS National Committee: Boycott, Divest, and Sanctions Movement (website)