- Ενδεχόμενο ως συμβάν - ‘Αφηρημένο’ θεατρικό μοντέλο ως εκκίνηση αναζήτησης της δομής επιτελεστικών πράξεων - Ποιώ ως κατασκευάζω - Δυισμός ‘υψηλού’/ ‘χαμηλού’ αισθητικού
- Happening as event - Abstract theatre as a model for identifying the structure of performative actions - Making as building - Binary of high and low aesthetics
- Το παιχνίδι ως συμβάν - Τρόπος ζωής ως έργο τέχνης - Η χρήση του παιχνιδιού ως καθημερινού αντικειμένου - Το τραγικό ως αισθητικό στην καθημερινότητα: αισθητική και διαφορά
- The game as event - Everyday life as artwork - The use of games as everyday artefacts - The tragic as aesthetic event in everyday life: aesthetics and difference
Day 1. I passed by a group of players in a public square and asked about their game.
Day 2. I stopped in front of one of the teams and asked about their game. I had a brief dialogue with one of the players.
Day 3. I was invited to sit with one of the teams and watch their game. I had a conversation with the players.
Day 4. Greeting to the team and brief dialogue.
Day 3 (Ημέρα 3)
- Έρχονται και άλλοι εδώ.
- Ε, βέβαια, πώς δεν έρχονται.
- Είστε πολλοί μαζί. Έρχεστε κάθε μέρα, πρωί;
- Όχι, όχι.
- Μέρα παρά μέρα.
- Μια μέρα εμείς, μετά έρχονται οι άλλοι. Με τη σειρά.
- Αλλάζετε. Και τί παίζετε, παίζετε πάντα ντόμινο;
- Απ' όλα. Ντόμινο είναι το λαϊκό παιχνίδι.
- Παίζετε και άλλα παιχνίδια, και χαρτιά.
- Ναι, ναι.
- Να μου πείτε τα ονόματά σας, τώρα αν θα τα θυμηθώ...
- Όχι, όχι.
- Όχι ονόματα, ανώνυμοι. Πέντε άντρες παίζετε ντόμινο. Πείτε μου για το παιχνίδι. Παίζετε ή δύο-δύο, παίζετε τέσσερεις εδώ.
- Ναι.
- Ο ένας δεν βλέπει τί έχει ο άλλος. Εσείς όμως βλέπετε εκεί. Δεν σας νοιάζει εσάς. Δεν θα προδώσετε κάποιον. Αυτός βλέπει τί έχουν οι άλλοι.
- Ας βλέπει.
- Από πού είστε;
- Αλβανοί.
- Από ποιό μέρος;
- Αυλώνα.
- Όλοι από την Αυλώνα είστε; Και γιατί είστε εδώ;
- Γεράσαμε εδώ.
- Γεράσατε εδώ πέρα, στην Ελλάδα. Σύνταξη έχετε, θα βγάλετε;
- Μπα, είσαι καλά;
- Πλάκα κάνω ε…;
- Τι λες τώρα…;
- Πάει η σύνταξη….Πίσω να πάτε εκεί στην Αλβανία, όχι…
- Δε βλέπω...
- Αποκλείεται, ε; Εδώ; Έχετε και τα παιδιά σας εδώ;
- Όχι.
- Φύγαν τα παιδιά σας.
- Ο μεγάλος μου έχει πάει Αγγλία.
- Τα διώξατε τα παιδιά σας και μείνατε εσείς εδώ στην Ελλάδα.
- Θα κάτσουμε εμείς εδώ.
- Εσείς εδώ, δεν φεύγετε.
- Πού να πάμε, η Ελλάδα χωρίς εμάς…
- Αλβανία, όχι
- Εσείς εδώ, δεν φεύγετε.
- Πού να πάμε, η Ελλάδα χωρίς εμάς…
- Αλβανία, όχι; Και γιατί όχι Αλβανία;
- Γιατί η Αλβανία αγαπάει πολύ την Ελλάδα.
- Η Αλβανία αγαπάει την Ελλάδα;
- Ναι. Βέβαια.
- Δηλαδή εσείς νιώθετε σπίτι σας εδώ.
- Βέβαια.
- Σαν να είσαστε σπίτι σας.
- Βέβαια. Γιατί κακό είμαστε εδώ;
- Και γιατί όχι Αλβανία;
- Γιατί η Αλβανία αγαπάει πολύ την Ελλάδα.
- Η Αλβανία αγαπάει την Ελλάδα;
- Ναι. Βέβαια.
- Δηλαδή εσείς νιώθετε σπίτι σας εδώ.
- Βέβαια.
- Σαν να είσαστε σπίτι σας.
- Βέβαια. Γιατί κακό είμαστε εδώ;
- Όχι, βέβαια. Απλά επειδή δεν έχετε γεννηθεί εδώ, μήπως θέλετε να πάτε εκεί που γεννηθήκατε.
- Ε, κάπως εκεί, μόλις γεράσουμε…
- Άμα γεράσετε πολύ, ε, θα πάτε εκεί. Αλλά προς το παρόν εδώ.
- Τί να κάνουμε…
- Τί δουλειές κάνατε; Κάνετε, κάνατε…
(Ο συνομιλητής μου δείχνει τις παλάμες του, που είναι γεμάτες ‘ρόζους’)
- Χειρωνακτικές, το καταλαβαίνω.
- Τις πιο ωραίες δουλειές που υπάρχουν στον κόσμο.
- Όπως;
- Οικοδομή.
(Οικοδομή, επαναλαμβάνουν και οι άλλοι).
- Οικοδομή, όλοι; Καλά και οι Αλβανοί είναι και πολύ καλοί στην οικοδομή.
- Δουλεύουν, έτσι;
- Ναι, το ξέρω. Αλλά οικοδομή τώρα τέλος.
- Ε, τώρα…
- Δεν πειράζει, μια χαρά είμαστε.
- Ό,τι φτιάξατε, φτιάξατε.
- Ό,τι φτιάξαμε, φτιάξαμε.
- Και τώρα παίζετε.
- Ε…
- Δεν είναι κακό κι αυτό, καλό είναι και το παιχνίδι. Όποιος κερδίζει τί κάνει, τα παίρνει όλα;
- Όχι, τα μισά.
- Α, τα μισά. Από τους τέσσερις, δηλαδή, οι δύο θα κερδίσουν;
- Εγώ είμαι με αυτόν.
- Α, είστε δύο ομάδες.
- Εγώ με αυτόν, κι αυτός με αυτόν.
- Και η ομάδα που θα κερδίσει, τί θα πάρει, τα μισά;
(Μιλάνε Αλβανικά - They speak in Albanian)
- Και η ομάδα που θα κερδίσει, θα πάρει τα μισά.
- Θα μοιράσουν ο ένας με τον άλλο.
- Τελειώνει τώρα αυτό το παιχνίδι.
- Αυτός που θα κερδίσει θα πάρει ένα αυτοκίνητο smart.
- Εσύ από πού είσαι, δεν μας είπες;
- Εγώ από την Αθήνα. Γεννήθηκα στην Αθήνα, αλλά ξενιτεύτηκα και εγώ, σαν κι εσάς, σε μια άλλη χώρα, για πολλά πολλά χρόνια.
- Ναι, πού;
- Στην Αγγλία, εκεί που είναι ο γιος σας. Οπότε ξέρετε πώς είναι να μένεις σε μια ξένη χώρα, και να μένεις πολλά χρόνια, να γίνετε σαν σπίτι σου.
- 22 χρόνια έχω εγώ εδώ. Δεύτερη πατρίδα είναι.
- Καμιά φορά γυρνάς και πίσω, και σου λένε, γιατί έφυγες; Ξένος αυτός, γιατί έχει πάει εκεί τόσα χρόνια.
- Και μετά έρχεται εδώ.
- Ακριβώς.
- Χα, χα, χα, χα, χα…
- Κι εκεί όταν πάτε σας βλέπουν 'ξένους';
- Ναι.
- Κι εκεί 'ξένους'. Είδες λοιπόν…
- Χα, χα, χα…
- Πάτε πάλι πίσω εσείς εκεί, θα πουν έφυγε ο Αλβανός και πήγε στην Ελλάδα.
- 'Ξένοι' εδώ, 'ξένοι' εκεί γίναμε.
- Α μπράβο. Οπότε το ρίξατε στο παιχνίδι.
- Έρχομαι εδώ, λένε άλλα, πάμε εκεί…
- Αμ, κι εγώ, ένα πράγμα έτσι νιώθω. "Ξένος" εκεί, "ξένος" εδώ.
- Αυτό, αυτό, χα, χα, χα…
(Μιλάνε Αλβανικά - They speak in Albanian)
- Το παιχνίδι πάντως ενώνει τους ανθρώπους. Τί λέτε;
- Μπράβο, μπράβο…
- Το ωραίο παιχνίδι, το καλό παιχνίδι, γιατί υπάρχουν και ‘βρώμικα’ παιχνίδια βέβαια…Έτσι όπως παίζετε εσείς, με ενθουσιασμό… Φέρνει τους ανθρώπους κοντά, είδες που με καλέσατε κι εμένα στην παρέα σας.
(Μιλάνε μεταξύ τους)
- Όχι, ένα παίρνω. Ξέρει η κοπέλα.
- Ξέρει η κοπέλα..
- Δεν ξέρω να παίξω ντόμινο. Εγώ ξέρετε τί ξέρω για το ντόμινο; Που βάζουν τις πλάκες στη σειρά και πέφτουνε! Πέφτουν όλα μαζί. Αυτό ξέρω, δεν ξέρω τίποτα άλλο.
(Πλησιάζει ένας ακόμα)
- Αυτός φίλος σας;
- Βορειοηπειρώτης κι αυτός.
- Παίζετε κι εσείς; Παίκτης;
- Ναι.
- Καλά κάνετε.
(Μιλάνε Αλβανικά - They speak in Albanian)
- Δεν καταλαβαίνω τους κανόνες του παιχνιδιού. Μ’ αρέσει όμως αυτό, το αντικείμενο. Το βρίσκω έργο τέχνης.
- Είναι παλιά, είναι.
- Δεν ξέρω ντόμινο να παίξω. Τάβλι ξέρω, και χαρτιά, αλλά λίγα πράγματα.
- Παίζουμε και τάβλι πολύ.
- Τάβλι, κάτι ξέρω από τάβλι.
- Αλλά αυτό είναι πιο γρήγορο παιχνίδι.
- Το βλέπω, πολύ γρήγορα φεύγετε εσείς, ξαναξεκινάτε πάλι…Πόσα παιχνίδια παίξατε όσο κάθομαι εδώ εγώ, τρία
- Τελειώνει γρήγορα.
- Πόσες ώρες παίζετε την ημέρα;
- Μέχρι δύο ώρες.
- Αλλά κάθε μέρα;
- Όχι.
- Αλλάζουν οι ομάδες, γιατί έρχονται και άλλες ομάδες.
- Έχει κι άλλες ομάδες.
- Εσείς παρακολουθείτε από κει, ο κύριος από δώ.
- Είναι το καλύτερο παιδί.
- Ο ένας με τη μια ομάδα, ο άλλος με την άλλη. Οι παρατηρητές. Ποιος κερδίζει μέχρι τώρα, ποια ομάδα κερδίζει;
- Όλοι, όλοι.
- Όλοι κερδίζουν; Win-win, ε; Καλό αυτό.
- Χα, χα, χα…
- Μακάρι, όταν κερδίζουν όλοι, καλά είναι.
(Μιλάνε μεταξύ τους, “τριάντα, σαράντα..”)
- Τι δουλειά κάνεις;
- Τώρα εγώ είμαι φοιτήτρια. Ακροάτρια στην Καλών Τεχνών, φιλοσοφία σπουδάζω, αλλά είμαι εξωτερική φοιτήτρια στην Καλών Τεχνών και έχουμε να κάνουμε ένα project. Μας είπαν να διαλέξουμε κάποιο θέμα από μια γειτονιά, σχετικά με το τί κάνει ο κόσμος καθημερινά στις γειτονιές, κι επειδή εγώ περνάω από δω τακτικά, βλέπω τα παιδιά που παίζουν, περιοδικά. Και μου αρέσει αυτό, γιατί μεζεύονται έξω από το καφενείο, και αντί να αγοράσουν καφέ, κάθονται εδώ και παίζουν και ευχαριστιούνται.
- Ε βέβαια.
- Σκέφτηκα λοιπόν γιατί να μην πω για το παιχνίδι; Βλέπω ότι στην Αθήνα παίζει πολύς κόσμος γενικά, έξω, στο δημόσιο χώρο. Όχι μόνο μέσα στο καφενείο ή στο σπίτι.
- Αφού δεν έχουμε δουλειά, τί να κάνουμε;
- Τί να κάνετε, να κάτσετε μέσα στο σπίτι, δουλειές να κάνετε; Τις κάνουν οι γυναίκες σας, ε;
- Όχι, μωρέ, ξέρεις... Το καφενείο θέλει κι άλλα.
- Ακριβώς. Θα πάς θα πληρώσεις τον καφέ, έναν, δύο, πέντε, πόσους θα πιεις…ενώ εδώ…
- Θέλει κι άλλα, το καφενείο…
- Καθαρός αέρας εδώ, περνάει και κόσμος.
- Το πώς τα βάζετε έχει να κάνει, βλέπω εδώ βάζετε το τρία με το τρία…
- Να ταιριάζουν.
- Α, να ταιριάζουν.
- Να ταιριάζουν μεταξύ τους.
- Αυτό κάνετε. Και τα κολλάτε το ένα με το άλλο. Εκεί έχετε το κενό. Και πώς τελειώνει, για να δούμε…;
- Ό,τι έβγαλε…
(Μιλάνε Αλβανικά, ενώ παίζουν - They speak in Albanian, as they play)
- Για να δω άλλη μια παρτίδα.
- Εσείς που είστε από το εξωτερικό, ξέρετε τί θα πει να είστε έξω από την πατρίδα.
- Βέβαια. Ο 'ξένος', που λέμε. Ο οποίος δεν είναι πάντα άλλος, γιατί είχαμε και μια συζήτηση γι’ αυτό. Ο 'ξένος' είναι άλλος;
- Όχι, όχι.
- Είναι διαφορετικός, αλλά…
- Υπάρχουν άνθρωποι που δεν έχουν πάει σαν κι εσάς έξω, και λέει, κοίτα ήρθαν οι 'ξένοι'. Κι αν νιώθουν και πονάνε…'ξένοι'.
- Καταλαβαίνω. Μεταξύ μας, καταλαβαινόμαστε. Αυτοί που έχουν πάει σε μια άλλη χώρα καταλαβαίνουν τί είναι ο 'ξένος'. Το να είσαι 'ξένος'.
(Χτυπάει το κινητό τηλέφωνο του συνομιλητή)
- Με πιάσανε, με πιάσανε! Θα μου κάνεις μια χάρη τώρα;
- Μα τί κάνετε, παίζετε, δεν κάνετε τίποτα!
- Είναι η γυναίκα μου, θα μιλάς τώρα, σε παρακαλώ;
- Τί να πώ εγώ;
- Έλα, σε παρακαλώ…
- Ε, όχι, να την τρομάξω τώρα τη γυναίκα!
- Σε παρακαλώ…
- Ε, όχι, δεν μπορώ… Γεια σας!
- Χα, χα, χα..
- Παρακαλώ…;
- Γεια σας! Θέλετε τον άντρα σας…; Ναι, είμαστε εδώ και παίζουμε ντόμινο!
- Χα, χα, χα…(γελάνε όλοι μαζί)
- Έλα, έλα…
- Δεν τρόμαξε…δεν τρόμαξε!
- Χα, χα, χα… (γελάμε όλοι μαζί)
- Πήρε να δει όμως, ε; Πήρε να δει τί κάνετε, πού είστε.
- Όχι, έτσι πήρε.
- Α, έτσι πήρε. Όπως έκανε η γυναίκα του Σωκράτη. Τον ξέρετε το Σωκράτη το φιλόσοφο;
- Αν τον ξέρουμε λέει…
- Που έβγαινε, έτσι, στο δημόσιο χώρο, στην αγορά, και μίλαγε με τον κόσμο. Αυτό έκανε. Και τον κυνήγαγε η γυναίκα του, τον έψαχνε, όλη μέρα. Κι αν δεν γύριζε και σπίτι στην ώρα του, του ‘ριχνε κι ένα χέρι ξύλο.
- Χα, χα…
(Χτύπανε τα ντόμινο στο αυτοσχέδιο τραπεζάκι)
- Μη λές ένα. Μία μόνο; Una;
- Τελειώσατε.. Καλά θα σας αφήσω εγώ, αλλά μπορεί και να ξαναπεράσω.
- Όποτε θες, εδώ..
- Χάρηκα. Μ’ αρέσει που περνάτε ωραία.
- Μαζί μας, να μη δυσκολεύεσαι.
- Ήμουν λίγο διστακτική, αλλά...μου φαίνεται ενδιαφέρον αυτό που κάνετε. Είναι κάτι διαφορετικό που κάνετε στη γειτονιά και το βλέπω ευχάριστο.
- 'Αμα είσαι καλός άνθρωπος...
- Όλα καλά. Καλή συνέχεια, καλό παιχνίδι, γειά σας.
Day 4 (Ημέρα 4)
- Καλημέρα. Καλά είστε; Οι ίδιοι, ε;
- 'Οχι, άλλοι.
- Α, είναι κι άλλοι.
- Ψάχνεις κανέναν;
- Εδώ αλλάζουν τα πρόσωπα.
- Το βλέπω, ναι, κάποιοι είναι καινούριοι, κάποιοι παλιοί.
- Τώρα κάνει και κρύο…
- Ντόμινο πάλι, ε; Κάνει κρύο, όντως. Γι’ αυτό είσαστε και πιο λίγοι. Ενώ το καλοκαίρι…
- Το καλοκαίρι γίνεται χαμός εδώ, δε βρίσκεις…
- Το ξέρω. Έτσι πέρασα να σας πω μια καλημέρα. Επειδή μίλησα με κάποια παιδιά χτες.
- Καλά κάνεις, δεν υπάρχει πρόβλημα. Η καλημέρα είναι του θεού.
- Καλή συνέχεια, γεια σας.
In Cezanne's 'The Cardplayers', peasants play a card game around a bare table. One of the players in the first painting is replaced by a younger player in the second painting, who appears to be playing in the company of a young girl. The same curtain is placed on the right side of both paintings. The pipes at the background, one of which is smoked by the observer of the game, remind us of Magritte's surrealist painting 'Ceci n'est pas une pipe' (1929). Magritte's painting communicates that the painting is not a real pipe, but rather an image of a pipe.
"[...] every bit of factual information that leaks through the iron curtain, set up against the ever-threatening flood of reality from the other, nontotalitarian side, is a greater menace to totalitarian domination than counterpropaganda has been to totalitarian movements." Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism, London: Penguin, p. 513.
The human habitat doesn't only consist of the physical, natural or architectural, environment that we occupy. Pierre Bourdieu gives a different definition using the term habitus, which is "a permanent disposition, embodied in the agents' very bodies in the form of mental dispositions, schemes of perceptions and thought... and at a deeper level, in the form of bodily postures and stances... ways of standing, sitting, looking, speaking and walking." Colin Renfrew, Figuring It Out, London: Thames and Hudson, 2003, p. 126.
This painting is a visual sign of censorship referring to a cultural attitude to "erase" historical details from collective memory. Tuymans painterly act of the strikethrough presents us with the unrepresentable in Western modern history, which is the Holocaust. Although in contemporary times we haven't experienced the attrocities of Nazi history, we are confronted with related social phenomena; even if we only attempt to pass them by, as in the cases of migrants that tend to become 'invisible', the painting reminds us to be attentive, in order not to "erase" them from history.
The 2011 Greek "Square Movement" signaled a popular movement of using public space as a mode of assembly to create public debate about critical political matters. I was there to witness that. This was in the summer of 2011, just before I moved to Sweden and before Greece's temporary government of Loukas Papadimos, leading a coalition of parties, including the right-wing New Democracy and the centre-left PASOK, except the left-wing SYRIZA, which refused to participate calling that government unconstitutional, because it was not elected and it also included PASOK that was under investigation for corruption scandals. The Papadimos' temporary government intended to fill the gap due to the imminent bankruptcy of the Greek state, caused by the governmental corruption of predecessors and international pressures in the wrong direction for Greece. The "Square Movement" was a protest movement against all aforementioned. KIillah P. and other politically oriented musicians gave a live free concert. Although it did not amount to a larger political movement, the "Square Movement" was seminal in safeguarding democracy, while popularising questions around the operation of capitalism in contemporary politics: "Announcing a right is announcing a boundary to indecent conduct", Simon Blackburn. In May 2012, after the Papadimos' government was dismantled, Golden Dawn, the populist extreme right-wing and neo-Nazi Greek party, was elected for the first time in the Greek parliament and remained until 2015. They had elected three European Parliament MPs, who have also been imprisoned, since 2021 the last one, after they lost their parliamentary immunity.
Portrait of myself as a toddler with my mother, Eleni, born on 25 May 1949, and one of her brothers, Yiannis. Analogue photograph, Athens, Greece, 1974.
The photograph was taken the summer the Greek military junta was dismantled, as a celebration of democracy and freedom. It was with my mother, who nicknamed me Betty, that I attended as a child my first occasional public demonstations. She was pro-democracy and socialist.
Like my mother, uncle Yiannis, also a socialist, had three daughters from his marriage with his wife, Zozo (nickname for Georgia); the youngest one is Katerina (nickname for Aikaterini) MIchopoulou. My mother was Greek a civil servant; uncle Yiannis was a waiter in hospitality and, towards the end of his life, a restaurant manager in a private boat marina, in the coast of Athens. Both my mother (b. 1949, d. 1997) and uncle Yiannis are deceased.
Birth certificate from the Greek government's digital database for all Greek citizens. This includes all information, such as children, who would be Greek citizens from their parent. It also includes my Greek citizen's identity card number.
Children are registered with their given name at birth in the municipality they were born, regardless of where their parents might be living at the time. That's how they get their NAME, otherwise they don't have one; that's how they also take their citizenship at birth and show automatically as Greek citizens in the Greek government's database under their parent with the details of their name, place and date of birth. I was born in Athens, Greece, as shown; no children.
Greece has been in the EU since 1981 - unlike Albania. No Greek citizen can be a non-EU refugee: EU citizenship supersedes non-EU citizenship.
My father's name is ANASTASIOS NIGIANNIS, as shown on my birth certificate. He was also born in GREECE, like my mother, ELENI MICHOPOULOU (maiden name).
Married May 2003 - Divorced January 2008. No children.
We met in 1996. He was a student member of the Greek New Left Current (NAR). We immigrated together as EU/Greek citizens to the UK in 1998 and lived in Essex, while he was a postraguate student at Essex university and I was a postgraduate student at the University of East London, Holbrook campus. We lived together in Reading. He suffered a physical assault in the summer of 2000, while we were on holidays. by an unidentified then, but identified recently, Cretan man, in connection with Golden Dawn, because he is a progressive left-wing Greek. The incident must had been instructed by Golden Dawn.
Christos and I moved back to Greece in 2002 for him to do his military service, got engaged in 2002, living together renting privately, and married in spring 2003, also to have better treatment in the Greek army, which he served between 2003 and 2004. We left Greece again in 2004 to live abroad, where we were both working: myself in London at UEL and himself in Brussels for a Greek IT company.
He lived in Haringey on his own, with two room mates, between 2006 and 2007, the period we were separated. Married couples have to live separately for a certain amount of time to get divorced.
We are both Greeks. None of us is Albanian (or Italian or North Macedonian or Kosovo), and we don't have children.
Greeks are Christian Orthodox. Greek children take their father's surname. If we had children, their surname would be Kouros for boys and Kourou for girls. The "other Greek left" is just pro-immigration: anti-racism and anti-capitalism go together; which, ideologically speaking, is against most mainstream Greek parties. My former husband has been remarried since 2009 and lives in Greece.
My former husband worked in Finland circa 2011. NRM-Finland was banned in 2020.
Opened in 2011, Golden Dawn's office in Crete was closed in 2018, during the period Golden Dawn was prosecuted in Greece.
Greek passports are issued by the police with the information that is on the applicant's birth certificate, such as name (Panagiota Nigianni) and sex at birth (female).
On the left, handwritten birth certificate, showing my gender at birth, female, and both my parents' nationalities: GREEK.
I was born towards the end of the Greek military junta, 1967-1974. My parents had difficulty obtaining their marriage license, because of my father's occupation as a Greek military officer and my mother's political views, labelled as a Communist, when she was never a communist; the military police was filing files against her for her political views over several years. Nevertheless, my parents received a marriage license, because my mother arranged and was offered a meeting with a kernel. I was born nine months later.
Michaloliakos, Golden Dawn's leader, has had close ties with former Greek military junta officials; he has been propagating, amongst other, a new military junta in Greece.
I first immigrated to the UK in 1998 to study architectural history and theory at the University of East London, Holbrook campus, as an EU student from Greece. French, and generally European, culture was popular in artistic, design and related theory studies in British higher education of the late 1990s. Those early theory studies at a top architectural British school (UK no 5 in 1998) were influential for the later developement of my artistic practice, especially at the beginning, when I returned to UEL in 2004 to teach, as soon as I started making videos. Everyone knew me as Betty Nigianni, which is my name known as (aka), also included in my British citizenship application as such and as the application requires, along with all legal names of the applicant, current and previous, if any. I have publications and art exhibitions in that name, meaning that I hold the intellectual property rights for my cultural production in that name. I lived in London from 2005: in student halls in Lewisham for nine months and the three summer months of 2006, I lived in Finsbury Park, renting privately a room in a houseshare with other British people. Subsequently, I lived with my then co-habiting partner, Sean, at the house of his grandparents, from his mother's side, in Walthamstow. We occupied one of the two double bedrooms (Sean also had his own office room) and I was contributing towards the household's expenses. The other double room was occupied for a brief period by Sean's cousin, Lauren, and her Indian boyfriend. We kept company to his elderly grandmother, who occupied the whole ground floor of the house. She died shortly after we moved out in 2007, to live in a privately rented small flat in Kennington. Lauren and her then boyfriend moved out before us. The whole time, I worked as an EU/Greek lecturer at the University of East London, where I developed my academic and artistic work in a fairly liberal cultural environment, as far as I remember.
Recently, in 2019, I studied comparatively modern regimes of governmentality from the critical viewpoint of French political philosophy of the 1980s, as part of my postgraduate studies at the University of Amsterdam, where I majored in political philosophy.
Fyssas was assassinated by Golden Dawn for his lyrics, regardless and besides his political affiliations. This points at extreme censorship and the silent "death" of culture that has no place in the contemporary sphere of cultural production. Moreover, it points at the intolerance of non-democratic groups for political pluralism.
The criminal overuse of my name known as (aka), and artistic pseudonym, by criminals and political extremists, with the British police and the British courts, between 2018 and 2021, shows that I was targeted as a cultural producer, since I don't have any formal political affiliations; however, I have traditionally voted left-wing (Syriza and prior to that fringe left-wing parties) in my native, Greece, and in the UK. My name known as, otherwise artistic name, was found on six fake identities, three fake passports and three fake driver's licenses, used, besides the police and the courts, literally in every authority in the UK, the local and central government, schools, and hospitals; private contracts, such as boat rental and phone contracts; and banking.
I lived outside the UK from the summer of 2015 until autumn 2020. I hadn't issued a Greek passport from my native since June 2016, when the last one expired. The Greek police issued a letter about this in the summer of 2022. I have been using solely my British passports (2012 and renewed 2021, for travelling). I issued a new Greek passport in November 2024 to have indefinite stay in the Schengen area.
I don't have children - supposedly born in 2001 ("Betty"), 2006 ("Georgia") and 2007 ('Alexandra"), or 2023 ("baby") - evident in my NHS medical records since 2001, when I first registered with a GP, all uploaded onto my current electronic record, since I received a digitalised back-up of those records, retrieved from PCSE England, in the summer of 2020, by Francis Grove Surgery in Wimbledon, the first NHS surgery I registered with again in May 2020, just before I returned to the UK from the Netherlands, using a family address, because I didn't have another in the UK at the time. The Greek police has dismissed as false all claims that I had children, when I was living in Greece, between 2002 and 2004 - I only have two citizenships, anyway, and children take their father's surname - as well as having a child with Loukas Papadimos, born in Greece in 2012. I note here that everytime a patient registers with a new NHS surgery, the surgeries run searches for children in their system to link them with their parents. There are no children found in my NHS medical records from 2001 onwards, otherwise they would appear in my medical records (even if I had them and I wasn't living with them). Ridiculous and offensive right-wing "gossip" about me ever changing my gender from female at birth, as shown on my passports, EU and British, are dismissed, evident in my NHS medical records from 2001 until the present that i was born female, with the reproductive female internal organs, which I still have: the last time I had a transvaginal ultrasound was at Olvg hospital in Amsterdam in February 2020, uploaded on my current electronic record with my NHS GP. I don't have any medical conditions either, evident in my NHS medical records from 2001 until the present, too.
The inquiry went through the Independent Monitor. The UK Home Office wrote to me, on behalf of the former prime minister, as well as the former prime minister, Rishi.Sunak, himself, because I have been a British citizen since November 2011, but also because the case involved individuals misidentifying in two British courts with fake passports (non-EU: Albanian, North Macedonian; and EU: Italian and Romanian). In addition, because there was misconduct by the overall British Police, who are answerable to the Home Office, while the Met Police is answerable to the British Parliament through the Home Secretary. These fake non-EU passports were further connected with illegally claimed refugee housing for supposed non-EU persons in Camden and Hackney; as well as, as it was later found, in Southampton, 2014-2019, as well as in Haringey, 2019-2020, 2022-2023. The housing fraud involves four private landlords, in Southampton, Hackney, Camden and Haringey.
I don't think being addressed as 'Madam' was a reference to any politicians, simply because I haven't met any.
I received around fifteen emails on the case, I was responding and have kept them updated.
I didn't have a reference number for this court case, or the Southampton Magistrates court case, dated 2018, because it didn't involve myself or anyone I know. In 2021, in the Central Criminal Courts, one adult male misidentified as Albanian citizen, one adult female as North Macedonian, one male adult as Romanian, as well as three underaged as Italian/Albanian.
The courts records have been corrected only recently, by September 2024, for the three identified adults and the three also identified underaged. I had to travel and stay in Albania for that, but also to travel to North Macedonia and Kosovo, though the fake Kosovo passport wasn't used with the courts. I also had to travel to Italy and report to an Italian police station. The fake Romanian passport, reported for the third adult since 2023, in connection with Haringey council, was corrected in October 2024, when I was in Stockholm, with my personal safety at serious risk.
Equally, the 2018 Southampton Magistrates Courts records, for two male adults and two boys, created with fake Albanian passports, were corrected in the summer of 2024. That was part of the purpose of my stay in Albania, where the government offered me some kind of protection informally, since it could not be done formally, because they don't have the asylum process for non-citizens yet in place.
The inquiry went through the Independent Monitor. The UK Home Office wrote to me, on behalf of the former prime minister, as well as the former prime minister, Rishi Sunak, himself, because I have been a British national since November 2011, as well as because the case involved individuals, underaged specifically, who were found to be using fake non-EU passports and three fake Italian/Albanian driver's licenses, also with the police: Hampshire Constabulary (2018); and the Met Police (2020-2023). The reponses came from the UK Home Office, also because the overall British Police are answerable to the Home Office, while the Met Police is answerable to the British Parliament through the Home Secretary. Two of those fake Italian/Albanian driver's licenses are connected with two fraudulent UK bank accounts. The fake Italian/Albanian driver's licenses, for supposed Italian/Albanians born in 2001 and in 2002, have two of my personal details stolen: my name known as (aka), Betty Nigianni, included as such in my 2011 British citizenship application; and the number from my Greek driver's license, in my legal name at birth, Panagiota Nigianni, registered under my tax number in my native Greece. Driver's licenses numbers are unique; the Greek police, organised electronic crime division, issued a letter about this in January 2024.
I don't think being addressed as 'Madam' was a reference to any politicians, simply because I haven't met any.
The above was also connected with illegally claimed refugee housing for non-EU persons in Camden and Hackney; two, amongst four constituencies, including Southampton and Haringey, where this happened between 2013 and 2023.
I received around fifteen emails on the same case and I was responding with updates.
SFO (Serious Fraud Office) reports go through the government's website; and they get updated with new information. Action Fraud reports go through the police's platform; they also get updated. In cases of the Met Police's miscoduct, the Home Office interferes.
Norwegian Citizen - Identified NRM member. Stalked in Islington, outside my home, from the summer 2021 until late autumn 2023. Once, towards the end of 2023, he hid behind a bush, outside the barber's shop that was opposite the building, where I was renting, trying to target.
Based in Sweden, the Nordic Resistance Movement (NRM) has committed assassinations of individuals who identified their members, along with political assassinations in Sweden, like Golden Dawn has done in Greece.
The NRM also does money laundering using cryptocurrencies, while it is connected with dark web propaganda platforms, such as the American The Base and their channel WHITES UNITED. The NRM has not produced identified counterfeit documents with regards to myself; they are probably connected with Golden Dawn, who translated into English a convicted person's criminal profile. The fbi must investigate how they were shared on this platform.
Four fake Albanian passports for two adult males and two boys were settled between the Norwegian and the Albanian governments in the summer of 2024.
I personally suffered political stalking, with a series of criminal offenses, by an identified member of the NRM-Norway. That was in combination with organised criminal activities by the Greek Golden Dawn from my native.
Norwegian Citizen - Identified NRM member. Stalked in Islington, outside my home, from the summer 2021 until late autumn 2023. Once, towards the end of 2023, he hid behind a bush, outside the barber's shop that was opposite the building, where I was renting, trying to target.
Based in Sweden, the Nordic Resistance Movement (NRM) has committed assassinations of individuals who identified their members, along with political assassinations in Sweden, like Golden Dawn has done in Greece.
The NRM also does money laundering using cryptocurrencies, while it is connected with dark web propaganda platform, The Base, and the channel WHITES UNITED. The NRM has not produced identified counterfeit documents with regards to myself; they are probably connected with Golden Dawn, who translated into English a convicted person's criminal profile. The fbi must investigate how they were shared on this platform.
Four fake Albanian passports, for two adult males and two boys, made by abducting Albanian immigrants in Norway by the NRM, were settled by the Norwegian and the Albanian governments in the summer of 2024.
I personally suffered political stalking, with a series of related criminal offenses, by an identified member of the NRM-Norway. That was in combination with organised criminal activities by the Greek Golden Dawn from my native.
Jailed October 2020: 13 years for the leaders and some members
March 2024 released prematurely - June 2024 returned to prison for now.
60+ with the international case in the UK. Two attempts for my assassination by Golden Dawn members, in March and May 2024, in London; and one before that in December 2023, in London, again by Golden Dawn members, one of them a Greek ex-convict. One more suspected October 2022, by XRW supporters in London, when I first started investigating seriously. A plot in Tirana, Albania, by Golden Dawn sympathisers, in the summer of 2024. Plots for my assassination in Stockholm, Sweden, by Golden Dawn and NRM members and sympathisers; in Oslo, Norway, by Eastern European allies of theirs, on the borders with Russia, in autumn 2024.
I must note I have never lived in Kensington and Chelsea, London. However I know that many Greeks live there, like they do in Haringey, and other parts of London. The Greeks in London don't want to face another Golden Dawn trial for a serious international case. It is time they "grow up".
The inverted Greek alphabetic letter Lamda (Λ) was the shape of the wound on Killah P.'s stomach. Pavlos Fyssas, aka Killah P., ANTARSYA member and trade unionist with the Greek metal workers' union, was assassinated by Golden Dawn in 2013. Before the assassination, the neo-Nazi group that attacked him said they didn't want him in the neighbourhood, which was HIS neighbourhood, the one he grew up in.
I drew the Lamda (Λ) on the London map to illustrate where the French insurance fraud for: one supposed Kosovo and two supposed Albanian young males, currently: 15-16/17-18 (12-13 actual age), 20-21/22-23 (17-18 actual age) and 21-22/23-24 (18-19 actual age) years old respectively; was found. It has been used for money laundering; Golden Dawn would be responsible. People were shocked, when I first showed them. Another "memorial" for Killah P.? He just wanted to "save the date" (Dogo Argentino).
The NHS has corrected the records in the aforementioned fake names and ages (UHS and Barts), as well as in the different fake names and ages used (Solent) for the same persons.
The shape is also a mock-up of the early 90's Albanian so-called "pyramid schemes" of smuggling through Italy, established under Berisha's government, which quickly fell out of favour by the IMF between 1994 and 1996. Nowadays, I observed suspicious behaviour with regards to global private security companies, who also operate in an arbitrary manner, encouraging human trafficking at a global scale, because there is less state police.
Michalis Katsouris, another ANTARSYA member, died in the hands of Croatian neo-Nazi hooligans in August 2023. For that, the XRW (Poland, EU, participates), as well as the current Greek government is responsible.
19 is the number for Islington council where I lived from October 2020 until March 2024, when Golden Dawn was released prematurely from prison - because of infiltration in the UK? The councils with the French insurance fraud are numbered as well: 6, 12, and 14; there is no information about myself in any of those councils.
The insurance company has paid compensation to the Albanian and the Kosovo governments, for the misuse of their citizens' stolen personal details (passport numbers) on fake passports, for the insurance falsification.
The three councils, Camden, Hackney and Haringey, where the insurance fraud was found, hired lawyers in the autumn of 2023 for their defense: Hackney still has one; Haringey had one, perhaps she was fired; but they have their own legal services; Camden has used their own legal services. Three civil servants are potentially connected with those councils: David, Benedicta and Jay, respectively. Where is the prosecution? Saddiq Khan has been the mayor of London. A year plus has passed since autumn 2023 and I have been harassed globally, as a whistleblower, about the aforementioned. I have no connection with any of those councils, nor have I never lived in any of those councils.
In 2023, I reported my strong suspicion that the original health or life insurance policy that was falsified, with the use of the three fake non-EU passports (two Albanian and one Kosovo), connected with the local government where they were used (since 2013: Hackney, where the insurance was first opened in 2018; since 2014: Southampton, with the insurance being moved to Camden in 2020; in 2019: Haringey, with the insurance being moved to Haringey in 2022), belonged to the late female filmmaker of Jewish-Polish origins, Chantal Akerman, who lived and worked in France. I never met Ms Akerman myself. Moreover, I have never lived in France. Specific politicians, connected with the case have. Edi Rama lived in France, as an artist, before he entered politics and was elected prime minister in 2013. Jonas Ghar Store, who became leader of the Labour party in Norway in 2014 and prime minister in 2021, studied politics and public administration in France, in the same university and school as Emmanuel Macron, the current French prime minister. The insurance policy reference number indicates who the original belonged to. The French police has requested the details in November 2024. No one has contacted me about the original; it doesn't belong to myself. Relevant parties need to liaise with the French police and the French government.
I never had a private healthcare or life insurance policy myself.
1. I didn't have a person number in Norway, when I went there as a single person; I hadn't lived there before. I went as political asylum seeker on 29 March 2024, fleeing from the United Kingdom and Greece that had released from prison prematurely Golden Dawn's leader, Nikolaos Michaloliakos. They give a DUF number to asylum seekers, after they process them: meaning taking their biometric data, such as fingerprints and mugshots, shared in the Schengen area and within the Dublin regulaticn countries, including the UK, as well as noting their countries of citizenship they seek asylum from: in my case, the UK and Greece, who have been abusing my human rights as a citizen of both of those countries. They checked that I don't have any criminal records: they don't put people with criminal records in asylum seekers' facilities. It's a separate process to apply for a person number through the tax office, for asylum seekers, as well. I applied on 22 April and went to an appointment for that on 8 May. I was brought back to London unexpectedly and without explanation on 22 May, physically assaulted by two unofficials, a man and a woman: twisting my arm while I was pressed against the wall, making me sit on a chair with handcuffs and then walking barefoot to a van (since I wasn't putting on my pink shoes that are made for snow, as they insisted, and they wouldn't give me any other of my shoes to wear), putting the seatbelt tightly on top of my handcuffed wrists, so it's painful and I get bruised. Three more joined them at the end of the drive, however those didn't use physical force. Their excuse was wrongfully guessing I had children: specifically, a daughter with the former Greek prime minister, Loukas Papadimos, the centre-right coalition prime minister, who was also financial advisor of George Papandreou, Greek prime minister prior to Papadimos; or a 17 and an 18 year old (20 and 21, or 22 and 23, on fake IDs), whose mother is an identified Greek citizen -not myself, or someone I personally know- the same mother of the aforementioned girl, as well as another baby's she had in 2023: four children in total. Even if this was correct, which isn't, why would they do that (rhetorical question)? The Papadimos' hypothesis had been previously dismissed in May by the Swedish authorities and was later also dismissed by the Greek police. Unfortunately, his daughter had, amongst other, a fake Kosovo passport as a boy (currently 15 years old), after illegal gender modification surgery in the UK - who is responsible for this? - and later reversal, I suspect in Greece. Children seeking asylum with parents are processed the same way as adults by border police. No children were processed with myself, because I don't have any. About a week before the incident, I had noticed a group of men, all dressed in black, with black caps, like NRM members do, fishing in the nearby river. The Greek police dismissed all claims about children of mine, again in September 2024. This has also been clarified recently with the Norwegian authorities. However, once they take you out of the facilities, they don't take you back in, confirmed by a border police officer at Oslo airport in September; which means the asylum seeking process is over. Prior to that, I had left London on 23 May fearing for my life. Because it is outside of Schengen, I flew to Albania for the first time, and stayed there until late September, with my asylum seeker's card from Norway, as a last resort: to prove I have no connection with Albania. It then became transparent that it has been an international criminal sham. At least Michaloliakos returned to prison in June, after I went to Albania for the first time on 24 May and spoke to the immigration authorities to request political asylum outside of Schengen. The Greek press mentioned that the Greek authorities recognised he didn't show remorse for Fyssas's assassination - was that all they have done? There is no asylum seeking process yet in Albania, however the UN indicates that someone can request political asylum in that country, outside of Schengen: this means it is considered a democratic country that respects human rights. Asylum within Schengen is covered by the first country where it is requested. As the story unravelled, asylum seekers have been abducted by members of domestic extremist groups, across Europe, including Greece, Italy and Norway, which applies to this case - it has also happened in the UK, nonetheless this didn't occur in relation to this case.
2. Despite having done all the international work from Albania, in the Balkans, including North Macedonia and Kosovo, countries that I had never visited before 2024; as well as in Italy, and getting some European countries support, such as Germany's, Sweden's and Norway's, since March 2024, I haven't been able to return to the UK, because of identified counterfeit documents, with my legal name at birth, Panagiota Nigianni, and my date of birth, 27 January 1974, most likely the translation in English of a convicted person's criminal profile, shared to radicalised persons, through an alt-right, affiliate, dark web US platform, connected with a group called The Base, and laterally with the NRM that has denied informally producing these fake documents. The UK bears responsibility for those fake documents, which were uploaded illegally on the Met police's intranet (through digital interception, cybercrime?) in November 2021: two months after the Labour Party was elected in Norway, led since 2014 by Jonas Ghar Store. This is what remains to get done. The counterfeit documents are for parents, who have criminal records and live in London, with their underaged (-18 years old); or for reported missing persons. Because I never fulfilled the first profile, meaning I have never been a convicted criminal, I began suspecting that there had been a plot for my assassination, so that I am reported, at some point, as missing; hence, they were shared on The Base's platform, to have a larger base of potential assassins. International authorities advised not to return to the UK, where I have been a citizen since November 2011, until this is resolved. However, I am currently affected globally, because this has become an international matter, as it is part of a larger criminal and political, international case. Two more fake letters, with a fake logo of a local surgery, are connected with a Greek male involved with Golden Dawn. Notably, the Met Police still maintains in their databases for sex offenders, at two police stations, Holborn and Kentish Town, fake data, input in early 2020 with fake Italian driver's licenses, for supposed, inexistent, Albanian citizens, that both have my name known as (aka), Betty Nigianni, and are in their early 20s: specifically, 22-23 and 23-24 years old, currently; also with the same driver's license number that is the exact same as mine, stolen from my Greek driver's license, registered in my native Greece, under my tax number, in my legal name at birth, Panagiota Nigianni. The mother of the aforementioned showed up at those police stations, presenting herself as "Eleni Nigianni", Italian/Albanian, which was the information on her fake passport. In this way, the Met Police conducts a serious breach of two of my personal details, for inexplicable reasons, other than the obvious criminal.
3. I lived in Sweden as a Greek citizen between 2011 and 2012, planning and applying to take on postgraduate studies in art. I didn't encounter any problems at the time. In the summer of 2024, the Norwegian government settled four fake Albanian passports used in the UK in 2018 for an incident involving two adult males, one of them a member of the NRM-Norway, the other Greek, one of the two males from the 1990s Greek Pallini Satanists' criminal case, as well as two Greek children. The incident was instructed by Golden Dawn. The same identified NRM member has records in the Central Criminal Courts from 2021, alongside another identified Greek male, from the Pallini Satanists' case, an identified Greek/Swiss female, the NRM member's wife, who also has police files, and three Greek children, two of which are those, who were misidentified at the Hampshire Constabulary case in 2018. The mother of those children is the woman from the Pallini Satanists' case, who has criminal records in hers and my native, Greece. The IRA is the only other political extremist group that has used children family members. Scandinavia attracts the most highly educated people. Besides my British passport, I issued a Greek passport to have indefinite stay in Norway, since it is in the Schengen area. Four British politicians, one Conservative, Mr Sunak, and three Labour, Mr Starmer amongst others, have been affected by the criminal case, in the UK.
The Black Sheep - Digital photograph, Ormen asylum seekers' facilities, Norway.
The facilities are autonomous and self-sufficient; they include dormitories, a restaurant, a small gym, other leisure facilities. as well as medical facilities. They are surrounded by stunning landscape of forests, rivers and a lake. Local farmers also breed animals, mainly sheep.
The black sheep is a metaphorical reference for Sunak's government that was in governance in the UK, during the time I spent in those facilities. It is also a metaphor for artists and cultural producers, who stand out from the "flock" for not adhering with established rules; or for any practitioner that uses innovation to get things done.
"Tracing the Transnational": North Macedonia, Kosovo, Albania, 2013-2023.
I arrived in Tirane, Albania, for the first time, from London Gatwick, on 24 May 2024. The Socialist Party led by Edi Rama is in government.
I arrived in Skopje, North Macedonia, for the first time, from Tirane, on 5 July 2024. The Socialist Party is in government.
I arrived in Prishtine, Kosovo, for the first time, from Skopje, on 7 July 2024. The Social Democrats are in government.
The aforementioned, as drawn on the map, are counter-worlds for the following North London boroughs: Camden (Albania), Hackney (North Macedonia), Haringey (Kosovo).
I travelled everywhere with my current British passport (2021). The border agencies have the details.
This was my investigatory research, followed by a lobbying campaign, to make the case known internationally, as well as to have legal records in two UK courts and four police stations, from 2018 to 2021, eventually corrected.
I also visited Italy on the ferry from Albania on 19 July 2024 for the same reason. The government is different than the aforementioned. However, the police was gracious and accommodating towards myself, although I have no connection with Italy either.
Everytime someone leaves a country, in which they are on the 90-day visa and they go back to that country, the 90-day period starts again from the day they enter that country again.
Artwork from one of the exhibitions at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Skopje, North Macedonia, July 2024.
Below, drawing by Edi Rama with text: "Albania is open to offer its own interior for countering violent extremism at a regional platform." From 'Edi Rama: Work' - Hans Ulrich Orbist (ed.), Hatje Cantz, 2019. Rama has worked towards Albania's emancipation throughout his political life.
Both the Socialist Party and the Democratic Party of Albania have supported counter-terrorism, especially since 9/11.
Written request to the Albanian prime minister's office for international mediation on settling the two fake passports: Betty Nigianni, Italian/Albanian, currently 22-23 years old; Panagiotis Nigiannis, Kosovo, currently 15-16 years old. I sent all relevant documents, including my police clearance from the UK and Greece, my two countries of citizenship.
The fake Italian/Albanian has been settled with the Italian government for an abducted Italian citizen. Relevant police and courts records in the UK were corrected in September 2024. The fake Kosovo passport has also been settled by the Greek government; there were no police records with the fake Kosovo passport. I wasn't invited to attend any appointments, it was all done through correspondence.
All other fake Albanian and fake Italian for supposed Albanian citizens passports were settled prior to my written request by contacting the Albanian London embassy, the Albanian Directorate of Immigration and the Albanian police.
The British police owes me financial compensation for the case of digital identity fraud, first established in the Netherlands in the sumer of 2020, created with two fake Albanian passports (2018); later exarcebated with three fake Italian/Albanian driver's licenses (2020-2023), while I was living in London since autumn 2020. Intentionally, as it seems, by the British police, because the arrested persons with the fake DLs, with stolen personal details of mine, connected with two fraudulent UK bank accounts, were not asking for money - perhaps someone else, who was with them, a young woman in her mid-twenties, was asking for money, also arrested with them, going by the fake name "Katerina Nigianni", North Macedonian (fake non-EU passport); while her real name must be Katerina (Aikaterini, legal name) Michopoulou, Greek/Swiss. She must have police files, too, besides her 2021 courts files at Central Criminal Courts were corrected in her legal details since autumn 2024. The British police also owes me financial compensation for the use of counterfeit for the last three plus years that don't originate from the police and have not been dealt with, even as we speak, despite the fact that all police and relevant court files have been corrected in the persons' legal details; except the databases, one so far Holborn? NO - continuing 'KT' 's 'digital XRW campaign': I KT (Islington, Kentish Town). Islington, where I lived from October 2020 until March 2024: DONE - the 'I' must have been resolved. This is connected with Bellview, the illegal property, where the mother, Dimitra, lived with her eldest two, in the winter, spring and summer of 2020, as "Eleni", Italian/Albanian. Currently pending: 'HKT', 'Her Katerina's Treasury'. It was never just 'Katerina's Treasury', 'KT' at Kentish Town, also connected with Bellview; illegal refugee housing (DONE, after the Camden Labour MP resigned) and three boat rental contracts with fake DLs, all cancelled in autumn 2024 by the fbi: at least that was DONE quickly. 'Katerina's' (surname Michopoulou, first name unknown to me) parents are both lawyers and she gew up in central Europe. She has become radicalised through neo-Nazi groups. This shows malicious intent on the British police's part, in complicity with corrupt British municipalities and negligent, if not complicit, British government, because databases are corrected when the police files are corrected at local police stations, where they have the persons' legal details, as the local government does - not six plus months ongoing, to enable a criminal couple and a criminal triangle - they have even used a dead woman's name - in the meantime: to do what?? Their "magic". Saying the above, this doesn't include every single police officer: for example, an officer of colour suggested that I take on work for the police myself, from different external posts they were advertising, when I was living in Islington. However, because of the circumstances described, still not resolved, I wasn't even able to apply. Needless to mention, no one ever contacted me about supposed children of mine during that period, or afterwards. The Met police's lawyer is not contacting me anymore, meaning they are guilty; they never contacted me about any supposed children of mine, because they know I don't have any. I lived next to the local police station in Islington, for three and a half years, from October 2020 until March 2024, renting privately. No one ever contacted me about any supposed children of mine and they knew I wasn't living with children; otherwise they would be visiting to check how I was doing with my children, meaning people 18-. That is British police abuse, turning a blind eye, as well - if not outright participating - to the trafficking of the persons with the fake IDs. The current British government must deal with the aforemenItioned. All fake police files created with fake IDs, including the three fake driver's licenses, have been corrected in the legal details of the persons by September 2024; the Met police databases must be corrected in alignment with the files and the local government without delay. The mother of the arrested persons would have appeared as "Eleni", since that was the name she used on the fake Italian/Albanian passport that she had; she lived in Hackney, after Islington. That would be in accordance with the law that takes into consideration the legal details of the individual persons and the circumstances. I must note that British police officers are not allowed to be members of the British National Party (BNP) - the XRW British component - for obvious reasons. Sir Keir Starmer is experienced in criminal cases involving the police and other complexities; not of this kind, but that is a new challenge for him, which can't wait, because seven of my human rights are still being abused, including the right to security and liberty. Counterparts and others have become "supermen", but we all have our limits.
Golden Dawn had inflitrated the Greek police, before they became criminalised, and at the time Killah P. was assassinated. Police officers were prosecuted in Greece for that reason; not for Killah P.'s murder that was solely a Golden Dawn crime. But for having been infiltrated at the lowest ranks, who also used fake IDs and counterfeit. Official police spokesperson blamed the right-wing government for not letting the police take the prosecution of Golden Dawn sooner. Governments and/or police take on public prosecutions, at least in the UK. Corrupt British police must stop urging and using convicted criminals to act as agitators, to prove points that cannot be proven that way: through creating fake so-called incidents, which basically endanger further myself, as a target, and three teenagers, victims of organised crime, who are victims because they have been under aged when this started.
Taking as an example one of the three children cases, I do need to mention that there were never any police files in the name "Chrysanthi Nigianni", Albanian, currently 17-18 years old. This was amongst the first fake passports that was settled between the Greek and the Albanian governments, because that's my sister's name; my sister is 45 years old and she's from Greece, like myself - I haven't seen her since 2012. That fake passport was used with the local government in Camden for a child, Miss Papadimou, from 2017 to 2019. After that, it was discontinued, replaced by another fake, Panagiotis Nigiannis, Kosovo, for currently a 15-16 year old boy - there was never a "Chrysanthos Nigiannis", which would be the male name for "Chrysanthi Nigianni"; in 2020, replaced by another fake passport (Italian/Albanian), with my name known as (aka), Betty Nigianni, again for curently a 17-18 year old one, accompanied by a fake driver's license with exactly the same details currently for a 17-18 year old, as the Greek police is aware. The child went to different schools, upon the gender change and reversal, so that this is not detected. The criminal case is shocking. The child's (and their half-siblings') well-being is of priority; for instance, abused children might develop what they call DID (Disassociative Identity Disorder). This is fully treatable with counselling.
All fake North Macedonian and Albanian passports have been settled between the Albanian, the Norwegian, and the Greek governments; as well as the fake Kosovo one, settled between the Kosovo and the Greek governments. Simply because there weren't any citizens with those details in their citizens' databases. Finally, all fake Italian/Albanian passports were settled between the Italian and the Greek governments; or within the Italian government, through mediation by the Albanian government, for the Italian one of another supposed Albanian citizen, made out of the passport details of an abducted Italian citizen, in Italy, by Golden Dawn. Again, simply because there weren't any citizens with those details in their citizens' databases. Police files created in the UK, in 2023, with the fake Italian for an Albanian citizen, driver's license (and passport) have also been put in her legal details.
I haven't distingushed my polemic attitude about the aforementioned, based on who is the father of the children, who have been used for the purposes of organised crime, also motivated by political extremism. It is my belief most people would agree with that all children are innocent and deserve their rights to be honoured, regardless of their societal background.
Behind the neoclassical facade, featuring contemporary designed furniture and fittings, the building that hosts the Albanian prime minister's office also hosts temporary art exhibitions, which stand alongside archives of governmenal documents.
The public, including non-citizens of Albania on a 90-day visa (Greek and British, dual national) like myself, can request and book appointments with the prime minister, Edi Rama, or people from his cabinet. By looking into their citizens' databases, the Albanian government and police have confirmed there are no children of mine born in Albania, or of Albanian citizenship. The Albanian government has successfully mediated with European governments for the settlement of fake Albanian and Italian/Albanian passports to be settled amongst respective governments. They have also successfully mediated the settlement of the fake Kosovo passport with the Greek government.
The local and central government in London and in Southampton have the legal details of those who used the fake non-EU and fake EU passports.
This example highlights that official documents can be material for exhibitions, encouraging transparency in governance and openness to the public to establish and secure democratic procedures.
On the other hand, European architects have traditionally posed similar concerns and questions when designing buildings for the courts, the police, as well as museums, making only minimal stylistic and architectural distinctions between buildings of those differing uses.
The British government has recently arranged booking appointments with the prime minister.
I requested an appointment with the Albanian prime minister in August 2024; and a subsequent appointment with the British prime minister in October 2024. I wasn't offered any appointments, however the necessary work was conducted via correspondence, also ongoing with Keir Starmer.
This whole period, since the end of May, I have been living in hotels and hostels on my own expenses, moving around very frequently, due to circumstances and the flux of prices; therefore, I could not have a fixed address. To request the appointments, I gave the details of the hostel's address I was staying at the time (Hostel Albania; Ramilton Old Town Hostel, Sweden). To book an appointment with the British prime minister, someone must have a UK address. Since that has not been the case, ongoing work has been conducted via emails.
The Greek police has confirmed again I don't have a child with Loukas Papadimos - or any children.
The Greek passport is issued by the Greek police with the information shown on the applicant's birth certificate, including name and gender at birth. Mine are Panagiota Nigianni, female. I just issued a new Greek passport, through the Oslo Greek embassy, on 5 November 2024. I hadn't issued one since June 2016. All Greek, EU and British passports, show the holder's gender at birth, also indicated by their name: whether it's feminine or masculine.
The document from the Swedish government shows my registration at the Malmo municipality, in Sweden, in 2011, as a Greek citizen: meaning with my Greek passport that shows my legal name at birth, Panagiota Nigianni, as it appears on my birth certificate. There are no children; likewise, in the Greek government document from my native, also confirmed again in September 2024 by the Greek police. The Swedish government document shows that I went to live in Southampton, in the UK, after I left Sweden in 2012, and I was de-registered from the Malmo municipality.
The issued Swedish tax number is for life. Some EU countries, like Sweden and the Netherlands, issue those numbers upon registration at one of their municipalities. This process does not require an employment offer letter, as it has been, for instance, in the UK, even during the period the UK was in the EU.
EU nationals have the right to remain in any country within the Schengen area (including those that are not in the EU, such as Norway), without being registered at a municipality.
The Swedish person number shows someone's date of birth and their sex at birth, indicated by the second before last number: even for females and odd for males. All EU and British passports show the passport holder's sex at birth, also indicated by their name (only American passports for American citizens show a different name other than the name at birth, for those who have undergone gender modification surgeries, which, according to international law, are only performed at 16+ years of age).
I am not a Swedish citizen. I was registered at the municipality of Malmo in 2011, renting privately with my British former co-habiting partner, Sean Hladkyj, a house by a Swedish artist, Mausel Strindberg, in the countryside, because we also had pets: a dog, Golden Retriever, and a kitten. That was until 2012. In June 2012, I left Sweden for the UK, where I had already become a citizen since November 2011. I was de-registered from the Malmo municipality, as I was told recently by the immigration services and as shows in the document I was given. To re-regisrer in a Swedish municipality, the same process applies, as it did for the original registration, meaning proof of income or savings for a year and a rental address.
I attended the British citizenship ceremony at Merton, in Novermber 2011. I flew from Sweden for this reason. The time frame for being in the UK with limited time away was five (5) years then, plus one (1) for criminal records check, because the UK was in the EU at the time and until 2020, when Brexit was finalised. The five (5) year time frame still applies for all EU citizenships. The application is made with the last passport from someone's native, the number of which is included in the British citizenship application.
At the end of November 2019, I graduated as a mature student at 45 years old, from the University of Amsterdam, with a first class postgraduate degree and a double Master's in advanced studies in philosophy, on a self-composed curriculum, majoring in political philosophy and moral philosophy. I lived in Amsterdam from September 2017 until autumn 2020. Just before and during the period of my graduate studies, since 2016 approximately and until the end of 2022, I trained in different combat sports, including boxing. I would never have expected what was behind me and what lied ahead of me. Times have changed and perhaps quite a lot of us must catch-up. I returned to the UK in September 2020 and found quite quickly, from 2021 onwards, I had to take on an investigation, involving a huge amount of bureaucracy, but also demanding field research, of a case that seemingly was not as complex and large as it transpired it was in the end. The skills I acquired studying philosophy at an advanced level have been invaluable. The mental agility and stamina I acquired training in combat sports have been complementary. Old but tried methods of political activism, gained for many of us during our student years in my native Greece, were also helpful in critical situations. Moreover, being a dual Greek and British national has been useful for knowing a lot about the political and social context of both countries involved in this case. Anything I needed to know about Albanian politics, I learned just by staying in Albania for four months, talking to people and reading one book, cited in the introduction of this exposition. I have been familiar with general European politics through my academic work; no expertise was necessary for this case. Finally, a certain amount of idealism and my passion for justice (as in to "do good" by someone or somebodies; or, philosophically speaking, to offer reparations), which are personality traits of mine, sustained me through the difficult times. I hope this gives inspiration to others, who may find themselves in equally difficult and complex circumstances.
The documents on the left show my registration at the Malmo municipality, in Sweden, as a Greek citizen: meaning with my Greek passport that shows my legal name at birth, Panagiota Nigianni, as it appears on my birth certificate. There are no children; liikewise, in the Greek government document from my native, also confirmed again in September 2024 by the Greek police. The document also shows that I went to live in Southampton, in the UK, after I left Sweden.
The issued tax number is for life. Some EU countries, like Sweden and the Netherlands, issue those numbers upon registration at one of their municipalities. This process does not require an employment offer letter; as it has been, for instance, in the UK, even during the period the UK was in the EU.
EU nationals have the right to remain in any country within the Schengen area, without being registered at a municipality.
The Swedish person number shows someone's date of birth and their sex at birth, indicated by the second before last number: even for females and odd for males.
Someone is not vulnerable, if they don't have a medical condition that constitutes a disability; this includes illegal substances abuse.