Description of the panel:

As artists we aim to connect. We connect ourselves to our bodies, our minds, our visions and ideas. Through our artistic practices we aim to connect to our audiences, to each other, to whom listens or watches or passes by.  As artists working in public spaces we aim to connect our artistic practices to spatial practices, to everyday life. Watchers to bypassers, listeners to spaces, spaces to audiences, audiences to ourselves, ourselves to our bodies, our minds and our visions and ideas to everyday life.

In this panel we are presenting three different artistic practices of creating connections to each other and ask ourselves: What is the difference between connecting through moving and connecting through sound?  What are the urgencies of connecting nowadawys and in public spaces? And what (creative, artistic, social and political) potential can emerge from those connections? 



Connecting through collective movement, bio/geophonic sounds, ChoreoSensing and radical tenderness.

New Perspectives on Public Space through Artistic Research

Micro-Symposium hosted by Master Performing Public Space 2022/23

May 15th 2023


Fontys School of Fine and Performing Arts, Tilburg






Ideas for starting discussion

Can you experience several nuances of communication?


Do you have time to feel those in everyday life?

How can we