is a cultural organization that specializes in talent development for young people and new/young makers in the performing arts field in the Netherlands. In the vision of het Theaterschip, the young exploratory person is our center. Everything revolves around them. Regardless of background, ambition or talent, their development as an actor or maker stands in the spotlight. All these young people are looking for the opportunity to develop and excel where possible. Discovering and developing that special, performing art talent, that's what it's all about.

In the vision of het Theaterschip, this quest is not only done individually. It requires moments and places where the participants come together, make connections, look for connections and are (multidisciplinary) challenged. The talented young person, maker, professional and the public mingle. Het Theaterschip is an organization where talent development, cooperation and entrepreneurship stand central. You could also say that these three things are our core values; talent development, cooperation and entrepreneurship. Het Theaterschip works with many national and international organizations that strengthen our program to be able to do what we want to accomplish.