December 4th-7th 2024 Khora Retreat. Film Script Work (Arno Böhler, Susanne Valerie Granze, Christoph Müller, Evi Jägle)

December 3rd 18:30-20:15 ROTE *HERZENS*ANGELEGENHEITHerzkammer #4

with Arno Böhler, Susanne Valerie Granzer, Lukas Lauermann (Cellist und Komponist), Rote Bar, Volkstheater


November 30th Yoga Study Day. Khora, Kehrbach 

November 22nd Lecture. RaT Studientag. Stift Melk.

November 11th 2024 Interview The Creative Practice Researcher: a knowledge (re)turn for the contemporary world. with Dr Smiljana Glisovic and Professor Craig Batty. Australia

November 5th 2024 18:30-20:15 ROTE *HERZENS*ANGELEGENHEITHerzkammer #3

mit Arno Böhler, Susanne Valerie Granzer, Melanie Sidhu (Schauspielerin), Rote Bar, Volkstheater


October 22nd - 24th 2024 Shaken Grounds. Trans-lecture with Arno Böhler and Nikolaus Gansterer. MAXXI Museum Rome, Video Gallery. Program


2024 Article. "Gilles Deleuze: Kantlektüren", in: Violetta L. Waibel, Max Brinnich, Gabriele Geml, Philipp Schaller, Immanuel Kant: Freiheit, Vernunft, Sinnlichkeit - Ein vielstim- miger Widerhall. Peer-reviewed + open access.


2024 Article „Ein post-sokratischer Wettstreit. Kant weiterschreiben,“ in: Violetta L. Wai- bel, David Hellbrück (Hrsg.): Immanuel Kant, Critik der Urtheilskraft Spekulation – Rezeption – Denkschule heute. (Accepted. In rpint. Planned publication date 2024)

2024 Article "KHRONOS. Inmitten von Kunst & Philosophie" In: "Kunst, Religion und Wissenschaft im Widerstreit. Leonardo Da Vincis Erbschaft heute" mdw Press. Hrg. Violetta L. Waibel, Jakob Deibl

2024 Article "Stille Verwandlung", in: Georg Stenger u. a. (Hrsg.), Sammelband zu Francois Jullien. (Planned to appear in 2024)

August 22nd - September 22nd 2024 Film Recherche in India

October 3rd - 5th 2024 11:00 - 12:30 "Rote Herzensangelegenheiten - Macht & Ohnmacht des GEMÜTS", Lecture-Performance and talk. Leipzig-denkt Festival. Lofft Theater, Leipzig

August 5th 2024. 10:00-11:00 Radiobeitrag "Heart Matters" https://o94.at/programm/sendung/id/2270327

July 29th 2024 Lecture and Workshop “The Interaction of Ancient Indian and Continental Philosophies 

in Sri Aurobindo's ‘Integral Yoga’” VdP Summer School 

July 14th 2024 18:00 - 20:00 "The Heart of Yoga" Forschungsseminar Iyengar, Hermanngasse 18

June 19th 2024. 18:30-20:00 ROTE *HERZENS*ANGELEGENHEIT: Herzkammer #2


June 20th 2024. 18:00-20:00 Lecture. Michael Hagner (ETH-Zürich). What the heart tells you about the brain and the mind. Im HS 3A (NIG, Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Wien)

June 24th 2024, 18:00 - 20:00 Panel discussion. „Nietzsche’s Cardiophenomenology: Heart matters!“ with Yunus Tuncel (New School New York), Graham Parkes (Vienna) and Arno Böhler (Vienna). 3B (NIG Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Wien)

June 19th - 23rd 2024. ART-LAB #1. Brut Studios/ KHORA

June 8th 2024. Ludwig Bolzmann Forschungsgruppe. “Künstlerische Forschung: Wie können durch Kunst neue Erkenntnisse entstehen?” Wunde Punkte. Das Forum zu chronischen Wunden und darüber hinaus. Westspace Wien. https://show.lbg.ac.at/wunde-punkte-programm/

May 2nd 2024 Talk at Symposium "Extended competencies in the Arts" Trans- and interdisciplinary research at art universities" HSLU, Luzern

April 17th 2024. “Rote *Herzens* Angelegenheiten”. Rote Bar, Volkstheater 

April 15th 2024. Charitè Berlin and Medicalschool Hamburg, Initiating cooperation

April 14th 2024. "Die Lehre von den 5 Schichten des Körpers“, Lecture 

April 3rd 2024. “(creating) Situacions: arts and thought”, Lecture-Workshop 

February 22nd 2024. “Yoga-Study-Day”, KHORA 

March 3rd 2024. „Posthuman Social Club“, Lecture-Performance, Studio Molière, Wien

2024. KHÔRA. Sensing Tasting Notating Reflecting Atmospheres. Article 

2024. Stille Verwandlung, Article 

February 2nd 2024“PosterCraze”, mdw.  

2024. MdW-Press, “Arts in Philosophy : Philosophy in the Arts. Artistic Research and Performance Philosophy in the Making”,mdw-Press

December 10th 2023. ”Arno Böhler about The weather is nice, let’s picnic von Oleg Soulimenko / PARASOL. Faltungen der Subjektivität.” TQW Magazin.

January 26th 2024. Reading Circle Organization. . January 26th, 2024.

December 6th 2023. Approval of the research project “Arts in Philosophy : Philosophy in the Arts. On The Significance of the *Heart* in Artistic-Research and Performance Philosophy”


December 15th 20:00 Lecture "Insights into Indian Philosophy" at eindorf Kunstraum. "Restor(y)ing the Body" Program: http://www.eindorf.at/2024/11/25/program-restorying/

January 17th Conference. India

February 10th-28th Film shoot in Auroville, India (Arno Böhler, Susanne Valerie Granzer, Johannes Kretz, Christoph Müller, Evi Jägle)

This research is funded in whole or in parts by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). Grant DOI: 10.55776/ AR822

Article. "Gilles Deleuze: Kantlektüren", in: Violetta L. Waibel, Max Brinnich, Gabriele Geml, Philipp Schaller, Immanuel Kant: Freiheit, Vernunft, Sinnlichkeit - Ein vielstim- miger Widerhall. Peer-reviewed + open access.

PANEL DISCUSSION „Nietzsche’s Cardiophenomenology: Heart matters!“ with Yunus Tuncel, Graham Parkes and Arno Böhler 



Rote Bar, Volkstheater, Wien


Rote Bar, Volkstheater, Wien

Shaken Grounds. Trans-lecture with Arno Böhler and Nikolaus Gansterer. MAXXI Museum Rome, Video Gallery