Mr. Sean Andre Haldkyj, whom I've known since 2005, is a British native of a hundred generations from his mother's side, the Reynolds. From his father's side, he is the grandson of a Ukranian national and a French national, who fled Nazi occupied Europe to live in the UK. His father was born in Islington. However, distant or not so distant, genes are not citizenship. The United Kingdom has been multicultural for many years now. The XRW wanted to dismantle that. Sean got married recently. It must be his own unique way of fighting the XRW.

That was for the Ulez. In one of his most well-known songs "Ektos Elegxou" ("Out of Control"), Pavlos Fyssas sings ironically that "in the end, everyone will wear 'green' shoes".


All my art materials and art books, as well as whatever personal belongings of mine I couldn't take with me, including clothes, cosmetics and furnishings,were stolen by thugs, who ignorant and equally thuggish people glorified to start with globally.- not anymore. They put a new lock on the door and changed the key. That was on 27 March 2024.  My council tax closed on 27 March. I haven't been able to return to London or the UK since. 


At the time, two British courts and four police stations had illegal records of several individuals with fake passports. The last remaining was, until 18 August, with the Central Criminal Courts in London. THIS was corrected in September 2024.


The property was deemed illegal, meaning purchased .with illegally made funds, hrough the courts on 22 April 2024.  A bribe was offered afterwards for that decision: desperate thugs. The courts haven't requested any money owed since October 2023, because the property is illegal.

Pavlos Fyssas (aka Killah P.) was 34 years old, when he was assassinated by the Greek Golden Dawn - that had an American office. I guess we were kindred spirits. I'm still alive to remember and not forgive, especially after the three to four attempts for my assassination in London.