Da Costa, Neal Peres. Off the Record: Performing Practices in Romantic Piano Playing. New York: Oxford University Press, 2012.


Fundació Frederic Mompou


Janés, Clara. Frederico Mompou: vida, textos y documentos. Madrid: Fundación Banco Exterior, 1987. 


Kastner, Macario Santiago. Federico Mompou. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 1947.


Kober, Barbara. "Inspiration called secret to composing", The Washington Star (s.d.) p. 2 and 9.


Pla i Garrigós, Adolf. El eterno recomenzar. Barcelona: La Mà de Guido, 2012.


Predota, Georg (July 30th 2018). "Music of evaporation — love of consequence Frederico Mompou and Carmen Bravo". Retrived from


Rawlins, Joseph Thomas, and Hernández-Banuchi, Alberto. "Frederico Mompou: Catalonian Composer Magnifico." American music teacher  56, no. 3 (2006/2007). Accessed January 28, 2020.