A quick sketch study of the lesser florican, an endangered species, to capture its attitude and sense of ownership of landscape.
I would like to acknowledge the insightful conversations with Sandhiya Kalyanasundaram, Padmini Nagaraja and Vidhu Gandhi and their continued support and thank the JAR editorial team and peer reviewers for their critical review of the exposition, perceptive reading and support with the design.
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Additional References for Eco Art in India
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Doshi, B.V. & Bharati, Naveen. 2014, Walk the talk with Dr. BV Doshi. (Bangalore: IIM B)
Mike Pandey. Environmental Filmmaker. <https://www.earthmattersfoundation.org/about.html>
Sanjay Barnela. Environmental Filmmaker. Bhattacharya, Buddhaditya. 2014. Lone Ranger. (New Delhi: Hindu, Metroplus) <https://www.thehindu.com/features/metroplus/lone-ranger/article5631159.ece>
Shekar Dattatri. Environmental Filmmaker. <http://www.shekardattatri.com/>