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Excerpts & Stills in this Exposition


DAYS IN BETWEEN, 2011-2015

essay film, 16mm transferred to HD, colour & b/w, 40:00

research/script: Bernd Bräunlich, Marianna Christofides
cinematography, editing, sound (recording & design): Marianna Christofides 

music: George Georgiou Vasileiades 

voice: Steve Hudson 

site-specific audio installation, fabric, metal rail, stage modules, loudspeaker on stand, 24:50 loop

300 x 1400 x 500 cm (dimensions variable)

single-channel 16mm film with optical sound, b/w,
04:12 loop

metal plinth, freehanging projection screen, fabric

two-channel synchronized 16mm film, silent, color & b/w,
12:58 loop

metal plinths, free-hanging projection screens, fabric

single-channel film, 16mm and archival footage digitally transferred, silent
, 22:13 loop

hantarex monitor, media player, cement plinth, led-panels, color

120 x 60 x 60 cm

4/5 MARTIE 1977, 2019
archival photographs, geologic findings, custom-made metal structures, cement plinth

100 x 250 x 250 cm

AMBER, 2019
stage lighting, 19th c. taxidermic glass eyes

dimensions variable

3 silkscreen prints framed, 73 x 65 cm each
wavelength on wall, vinyl, 550 x 50 cm

© exhibition images at MNAC: Serioja Bocsok, Marianna Christofides, Andrei Siclodi

© exposition thumbnail image: kind permission of Muzeul Național de Istorie Naturală Grigore Antipa, Bucharest

© all other images: Marianna Christofides / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn, 2020