aimed at KC students that need to use the RC to create their Historical Development writing assignment.
Video demo of writing an article are here.
The text editor is split into two parts:
You write the text on your left side, you can see the resulting content on the right side preview. You can format your text using Markdown. The styling buttons on top of the editor will insert the correct markdown syntax for you.
Read more about Markdown
if you write:
*italic* text
it becomes:
italic text
**bold** text
bold text
tip: be careful with trailing whitespace! For example **bold with a space **
will not work, but **bold with a space**
is ok.
# header level 1
## header level 2
to insert a [hyperlink](
to insert a hyperlink
important: newlines are ignored unless you make them explicit!
single newlines
are ignored
single newlines are ignored…
unless you put\
a backlash at the end of a line.
unless you put
a backlash at the end of a line.
An empty line starts a new paragraph.
An empty line starts a new paragraph.
An empty line starts a new paragraph.
An empty line starts a new paragraph.
An empty line starts a new paragraph.
An empty line starts a new paragraph. An empty line starts a new paragraph. An empty line starts a new paragraph.
An empty line starts a new paragraph. An empty line starts a new paragraph.
insert a footnote/reference[^myFootnote]
[^myFootnote]: write the content of the footnote
insert a footnote/reference[1]
For a full overview of markdown, go here.
To import, use the import/export button and select the file from your harddisk. Supported formats include “.docx” “.odt” and “.txt” formats.
The import includes the images, tables and basic formatting (bold, italic). The import will not copy in your styling, just the structure. This is intentional, to maximize compatibility. You can use CSS to style the imported content, but for Historical Development class, it is best not to change the styling!
You cannot import the text contained in a PDF (pdf tangles up the styling with the content, this cannot be separated anymore), but you can import a PDF as a media illustration (using upload media), for example if you want to include a score.
To insert a picture, audio, pdf or video, click the “Upload Media” button. After uploading the file, click [ insert ]
The media’s location in your text is marked by a media-tag, which is written like this:
! {media1}
You can change the appearance of the media by clicking the ! {media} tag.
New expositions are by default “private” and only visible to your account. The simplest way to make your article visible to others, is by going to your profile page, and click ☰ -> share. This will open a dialog that allows you to share your exposition within the “KC Research Portal” (“Limited to portal”). For this you will have to scroll through the list of portals, and click “KC Research Portal” to highlight it.
If you want anybody on the internet to be able to see it, use (“Public”).
If you want to first only share with a select group, you should select the option:
“When enabled, the object is accessible…”
Copy the url (… etc…) and click submit. It is very important that you also click submit after enabling the option, otherwise the link will not be active.
You can send (by email) this link to anybody that needs access to your exposition. They will not need an RC account, having the link is enough for them to access. Tip: to make sure the link works, you can test the link in a private tab. It is a good idea to test your link before you send it. 😀
Share by link only allows others with the link to read the exposition. You can also collaborate on an exposition, for more information, read
Once you article is finished, share it at least within the KC portal (see previous section), so it can be seen by others. To make it easier for visitors to find your article, it is essential you add some good keywords. To add keywords:
If you know CSS, you can change things like font-color, margins, font-size, line-height etc. under the Style tab. Some basic formatting is already provided, so you can try and adjust. If you need some help with this, just ask me.
The text-based editor is only one of the two available editors for RC Expositions, the other being the “graphical” editor. While that graphical editor allows for more complex layout, the text based editor allows for a simpler format that is more suitable for short articles.
– fin –
this is just a demo footnote content ↩︎