Maus & Orlovski performance collective 2007-2008:

A Performance with an Ocean View (and a Dog /for s Dog) - II Memo of Time


Eka (Ninacan Evita, a dog)
Sini Haapalinna
Jukka Hytti (producer)
Kaisa Illukka (visual design together with work group, photography)
Tuija Kokkonen (concept, text, direction)
Tomi Suovankoski (light and sound design)
Robin Svartström
Tuire Tuomisto
Non-human co-performers
Workshop on slow event: choreographer, dancer Ari Tenhula

Exposition for JAR:

Translation: David Hackston & Tuija Kokkonen
Video: Sini Haapalinna &Tuija Kokkonen
Photography: Kaisa Illukka


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