Look from a to i. What's the story?





































































































































































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"In 1981, the French philosopher and cultural theorist Jean Baudrillard published his thoughts on the relationship between images and reality, arguing that in contemporary society the image (more specifically signs and symbols) had replaced reality. This process of replacement took place, according to Baudrillard, in a succession of four distinct phases  wherein the image slowly transformed from a faithfull copy or reflection of reality into something completely alienated from reality. In this final stage, the image is a pure 'simulacrum' with no relation to the real world whatsoever - no longer a copy of an 'original' but a sign or symbol with no 'original'". Jordana Moore Sagesse, "Screens, Stereotypes, Subjects". Basquiat, Boom for Real, Munich, London, New York: Prestel, 2020, p. 235.

We live by the mode of referendum precisely because there is no longer any referential.

Jean Baudrillard, Simulations, 1983










The pieces are shown in the order I was making them from 2020 until 2023.