Play one after the other from the top down. Play altogether in any order.


 All sounds on this page were downloaded for free under creative commons license. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________     All other material, except for the video, is the artist's  copyright.


Christiane Paul, "Expanding Cinema: The Moving Image in Digital Art".

Pip Laurenson, "Vulnerabilities and Contingencies in Film and Video Art".

In Stuart Comer (ed.), Film and Video Art, 2009:

"Betty" by Gerhard Richter, 1988

Down to its bare essentials, film is image and sound.

Early Hitchcock movies were silent. The lack of sound adds to the simplicity of getting to know Hitchcock's movies.

Suspense is built on the imagistic level.


Separating image and sound exposes the workings of film.

A way out of the impasse of being left with the detritus of         the illusion of the cinematic synthesis is to start with                the primary material. 

I offer a sketch of the workings of film. I also suggest how pervasive images may influence our understanding

of these workings. In this sense, I extend my suggestion that spectatorship is a creative process that can be analysed.