Multisensory learning

Undersea Fieldwork


I had to challenge my earth-bound senses and immerse myself below the surface of the sea. How easy it is, just letting your body move with the waves rolling into shore — and what you will find is that this symbiosis of sea and shore is full of wonders. Welcome to 21 different underwater experiences.

Bonnebukta 1956/2018

Bonnebukta (bay) at the mouth of the Bunnefjord with Bonnbekken’s estuary

1956, 1978, 1988, 2003, 2008, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017 and 2018.




Sjursøya 1919/1935


“The isle that has been transformed by modern progress, the isle that is demolished,

blasted to pieces, and remodelled to a concrete peninsula, is today far from paradise.”

Johan Borgen, “Barndommens rike” (A Childhood Kingdom) 1966, pp. 26, 33.

Sea anemones at The National Marine

Aquarium in Plymouth. Photo by
Elin T. Sørensen © BONO 2018.