The Many and the Form - Video Documentation of Practical Components
(last edited: 2023)
author(s): Edit Kaldor
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
Video documentation of the practical components of the artistic research project The Many and the Form by Edit Kaldor, including:
- The video registration of Strangers (2022), a lecture performance that brings together an array of materials from various phases of the artistic research; investigations in different contexts into how lived experiences can be articulated in and through live performance.
- A video documentation of Parallel Life (2021), an interactive performance played for and by individual spectators on the streets of the city, using their mobile phones. The paradoxical situation of social distancing and digital intimacy between strangers formed the starting point of the performance.
–Video fragments of rehearsal experiments and performative works made by participants during the workshops held throughout 2019 at Pleintheater in Amsterdam as part of the artistic research project The Many and the Form. The final outcomes were presented publicly at the Vrije Vloer Festival in November 2019.
Project Description Artistic Research Project n°1 (Marching Session I-VI)
(last edited: 2019)
author(s): Liz Rech
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
This is the project description of my first artistic research project within the frame of the graduate school "Performing Citizenship" (HCU/Hamburg).
Title of the project:
Marching Session I-VI. Interaktive (Lecture-) Performance für Mit-Läufer und Schritt-Macher.
In the first phase I conducted six research workshops to research different topics:
I March and object
II March and film / documentation
III March and choreography
IV March and sound
V March and costume
VI March and voice
The outcome of the six research workshops was presented in a lecture performance at k3 - Choreographic Center in Hamburg/Germany (24.4.2016).
Research & Performance: Liz Rech
Objects: Kathrin Affentranger
After the lecture there was a physical workshop phase together with the audience. Finally the audience filled out a questionary.