B.O.D.Y. - Between auditory fiction and body-reality
(last edited: 2025)
author(s): Erika Matsunami
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
The exposition "B.O.D.Y. – Between auditory fiction and body-reality" is a summary of my project `B.O.D.Y. 2010´, which was represented from 2009 (ground work) until 2012 and includes theory, artistic practise, procedure, realisation, representation and perception. Thereby, the theories refer to my artworks and are summed up my artistic thesis. The artworks in this exposition are related to the theses of the academic and scientific fields. The artistic research for the audio and visual works is based on the project `B.O.D.Y. 2010´. This project is an intermedia project; it uses media such as photography and drawing, photography and sound installation, and music (sound/sonority/noise) and drawing. The research field is interdisciplinary in visual arts and music within the expanded scope of the transdisciplinary approach.
In the project B.O.D.Y., I used the time-based mediums of sound and performance which are the mixing layers of design, happening and performing. The act, as well as performance, is conceptual and improvisational which evokes, in contrast, the connotation of the objects with the body in real-time.
In the space design for the installation and performance, the horizontal dimension of this installation is variable. Each exhibition space of the installation and performance will be re-designed by the cross-disciplinary approach in the art such as in the representation's concept and artistic approaches.
This digital exposition is likewise a part of the concept and contemplation for the art book B.O.D.Y. about the conceptualisation for a multimedia art book design with intermedia artwork.
(Human studies in the keywords is not the area of studies such as human science.)
Therefore, my artistic practice in sculpture is 'relief' of its spatiality and narrativity in connection with materiality rather than as the symbolism in the post-conceptual era. It is MA (間) as a transmedia between Relief and Byōbu.