Rewritable Creatures. Correspondence between Daniel Aschwanden, Vera Sebert and Lucie Strecker on Mimesis and Hybridity in Choreography
author(s): Lucie Strecker, Vera Sebert
published in: University of Applied Arts Vienna
Lucie Strecker (Angewandte Performance Laboratory and Department of Art and Communication Practices) reveals the artistic working process preceding a production with the contribution "Rewritable Creatures", reflecting on mimesis and hybridity in choreography through an exchange of letters with the late performer Daniel Aschwanden (Angewandte Performance Laboratory and Department of Art and Communication Practices) and the author Vera Sebert. As the three letter-writers search, speculate and ask each other questions, the text becomes a written performance, revealing an immediate, polyphonic approach to the subject that allows readers to become part of the performance. In this way, processes of hybridisation become manifest in writing. The performance, however, cannot be completed; Aschwanden’s sudden death interrupts the text, turning the contribution, in a sense, into a memorial to an artist, friend, and colleague and the readers into witnesses.
We Can Work It Out - Calibration as Artistic Method
author(s): Anna Einarsson
published in: RUUKKU - Studies in Artistic Research
Based upon the work with the chamber opera Ps. Jag kommer snart hem! (Eng. Ps. I will be home soon!), this presentation aims at describing the working process towards a new musical work, as it takes place in the setting of exploratory workshops. Drawing upon observations and conversations, benefits and challenges are brought forward and discussed through the use of examples. An over-arching concept of calibration is presented; the work in focus housed calibration on at least two different levels: calibration towards the work and calibration within the work. As the article concludes, this process is of great artistic value and may also assist in facilitating for the commissioner, and possibly in extension, the presumed audience of a new musical work.
(last edited: 2025)
author(s): RELAY ARTicle
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
RELAY is a three-year EU-funded research project supported by the ERASMUS+ programme „Cooperation Partnerships" that focuses on developing the artistic and educational fields of choreography, dance and music.
The concept that gave our project its name – RELAY – is based on deep trust in the transiting and transmissive foundation of both artistic production and knowledge development. RELAY underscores a fluid and processual element in the intersection of art and education. Not only does the actual production and development of knowledge and artworks depend on collective – and therefore transmissive – efforts, but the future life of those productions depends on how they are shared. For example, a dance technique only lives through those who practice it. A piece of music is passed on (through ear, instrument technology, or score) between practitioners, producers, and listeners. Every hand-over gives the possibility for development, re-iterations, and productive misunderstandings.
The exposition here gathers the findings, reflections and insights into the principles and methods of RELAY as well as obstacles, hiccups and (creative) failures as a work-in-progress.
Authors and Contributors: Ana Papdima, Andreea Duta, Catalin Cretu, Evita Tsakalaki, Jan Burkhardt, Konstantinos Tsakirelis, Laura Lang De Negri, Maia Means, Max Wallmeier, Mihai Mihalcea, Nadine Kribbe, Rasmus Ölme, Sergej Maingardt, Stella Malliaraki, Vera Sander
Las guerras púdicas
(last edited: 2022)
author(s): Lorena Croceri
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
In this exhibition I develop the concept of responsibility linked to performance art. Through the analysis of the performative installation Las guerras púdicas, I make an approach to the curated integration of fields: cultural practice of cooking, contemporary art, psychoanalysis, synoptic charts and language of war.