SO MANY FUTURES - aesthetic experience and the now in a performance with and by young people
author(s): Laura Navndrup Black
published in: HUB - Journal of Research in Art, Design and Society
This article provides insight into the choreographic situation LUFTIG, where the idea of air as conveyor of tactile experience is passed on, reworked and performed by children and adults. It examines how shifting the focus from movement language to a distinct expressive idea affects the choreographic process, and looks at how involving young people as choreographers and choreographic material affects the aesthetic experience of the now for artists and audience.
Drawing on Tygstrup's idea of transformative time (2018), Gumbrecht's concept of the broad present (2018) and Taussig's thoughts on the adult's imagination of the child's imagination (2003), the author argues that in performance work where children are both choreographers and choreographic material, the adult’s imagination of the child’s imagination and the actual actions of the physically present child are at the same time mutually dependent on and at odds with each other, leaving the adult teetering on the edge of contemporary reality and primordial retreat.
In the work proces, the child has a special propensity for easing the work for all which can only be deployed if we are able to circumvent tendencies of mutual projection of imagined imaginations. This requires a singular work process, where we - children and adults alike - can inhabit questions together without relying wholly on our previous knowledge of and experience with known performance parameters.