FACT stage one
author(s): Jenny Sunesson
published in: Stockholm University of the Arts (SKH)
The research project FACT stage one aims to test the sonic capacity of fragmenturgy (developed by Sunesson 2014–19) as a method to unsettle polarised positions of areas and sites existing outside of the visual power structures and political strongholds.
The long-term purpose is to develop a Fragmenturgy ACtion Tool (FACT); a transitory toolbox for cultivating fragmenturgy methods and actions.
FACT stage one consists of a comprehensive case study carried out in collaboration with a group of students aged 18–23 based at Uppsala Community College in Sweden, which was explored as a site during 2021.
Image copyright: Christina Hillheim
Towards Revolutionary Gardening
(last edited: 2020)
author(s): RUUKKU Voices: Palimama
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
In this exposition I will focus in the long term environmental and community art work with the Cloud Garden that channels on the way to the eventual discoveries finally together with the Biomimetixc2. The Cloud Garden is a site-specific, minuscule, 1 square meter space beneath my studio on Harakka Island, on the front of Helsinki.
The methods the project include artistic and biological metamorphoses, and they have been implemented in performance and environmental art works.
This suggests that amalgamation of floral and faunal appearances is highly potential source for biomimicry enabling us towards true revolutionary gardening.