[in]visible_illustrating the absence
author(s): Margarida Dias, Catarina Casais
published in: i2ADS - Research Institute in Art, Design and Society
On February 19th 2024 took place the 2nd seminar, "Illustrating the absence" of the project "[in]visible - [in]visibility of identities in Portuguese 1st-grade elementary textbooks of Social & Environmental Studies after 1974", at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto (Portugal). For the reflection, illustration and critical analysis of the illustration works, there was the participation of the Master's in Illustration, Edition and Print students with the illustrator Júlio Dolbeth and the [in]visible team. Cristina Ferreira and Margarida Dias took the photos, and the session was recorded with audio.
[in]visible_thinking about identities in textbooks
author(s): Catarina Casais, Margarida Dias
published in: i2ADS - Research Institute in Art, Design and Society
The communication and workshop “Thinking about (in)visible Identities in Textbooks” of the [in]visible project [2022.05056.PTDC] took place on November 17, 2023 at the School of Communication and Arts of Eduardo Mondlane University (ECA/UEM), in Maputo (Mozambique), organised by margarida dias. The workshop, part of the 8ei_ea - INTERNATIONAL MEETING on ARTS EDUCATION (https://eiea.fba.up.pt/2023/), was attended by approximately 50 people from Mozambique, Brazil, and Portugal, and was supported by José Carlos de Paiva, Paulo Nogueira, and David Neves.
After the presentation, seven working groups were formed. Six groups analysed Portuguese textbooks for Social & Environmental Studies, and one group analysed a Mozambican textbook for Portuguese-Mathematics. All the textbooks were for the 1st year and were being used in schools during the 2023/2024 school year. First, each group analysed one textbook, and then they shared their analyses and comments with all the participants.
Assembling a Praxis: Choreographic Thinking and Curatorial Agency - Being and Feeling (Alone, Together)
author(s): Lauren O'Neal
published in: University of the Arts Helsinki
What "moves" in an exhibition, if not the bodies of artists, audiences, and objects? How does conversation move us? What can speculative artistic research offer? This exposition, "Being & Feeling (Alone Together),” held at the Lamont Gallery at Phillips Exeter Academy in 2020, is part of my doctoral research project, “Assembling a Praxis: Choreographic Thinking and Curatorial Agency.” While some aspects of the project (including the title), were developed before the COVID-19 pandemic, most of the project unfolds in relation to myriad cultural, spatiotemporal, and civic situations that the pandemic produced. This situation required experimental and responsive curatorial methods that encouraged the project to move in unexpected ways.
[This exposition corresponds to Section Seven: Letting Things Move in the printed dissertation.]