Performing Citizenship: Gathering (in the) Movement. The Choreographic Format of Circle Dancing and the Round Dance as a Matrix of Collective Action in the Context of Political Assemblies, Protests and Occupations.
(last edited: 2022)
author(s): Liz Rech
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
In the activist context of ‘movement’, the concept of movement with regard to the ‘moving body’ always involves three aspects: The political movement itself; the real physical, choreographic movement; as well as associated personal movement and connection to shared values. These three dimensions are aspects of a bodily practice, in which the collected bodies are present and vulnerable in assemblies like demonstrations or other acts of resistance in public space. These practices mark the field of study in which the political occurs on and in the ‘between-ness’ of the bodies. The article considers choreographic formats that appear in specific protest contexts: What insights can be discovered with regard to its generation of political dimensions? How can the role of the body and its ‘Response / Ability’ be defined within the context of political ethics? What practices of movement would respond to its necessities?
This Chapter was published In: Hildebrandt, P., Evert, K., Peters, S., Schaub, M., Wildner, K., Ziemer, G. (Hrsg.): Performing Citizenship – Bodies, Agencies, Limitations. London 2019 (Palgrave). ISBN 978-3-319-97502-3
This open access book discusses how citizenship is performed today, mostly through the optic of the arts, in particular the performing arts, but also from the perspective of a wide range of academic disciplines such as urbanism and media studies, cultural education and postcolonial theory. It is a compendium that includes insights from artistic and activist experimentation. Each chapter investigates a different aspect of citizenship, such as identity and belonging, rights and responsibilities, bodies and materials, agencies and spaces, and limitations and interventions. It rewrites and rethinks the many-layered concept of citizenship by emphasising the performative tensions produced by various uses, occupations, interpretations and framings.
→ Open Acess:
Project Description Artistic Research Project n°1 (Marching Session I-VI)
(last edited: 2019)
author(s): Liz Rech
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
This is the project description of my first artistic research project within the frame of the graduate school "Performing Citizenship" (HCU/Hamburg).
Title of the project:
Marching Session I-VI. Interaktive (Lecture-) Performance für Mit-Läufer und Schritt-Macher.
In the first phase I conducted six research workshops to research different topics:
I March and object
II March and film / documentation
III March and choreography
IV March and sound
V March and costume
VI March and voice
The outcome of the six research workshops was presented in a lecture performance at k3 - Choreographic Center in Hamburg/Germany (24.4.2016).
Research & Performance: Liz Rech
Objects: Kathrin Affentranger
After the lecture there was a physical workshop phase together with the audience. Finally the audience filled out a questionary.