Jaloittelemassa – Kävelemällä piirtäminen ja viivojen paikat
author(s): Kalle Lampela
published in: RUUKKU - Studies in Artistic Research
Tässä ekspositiossa esitän, kuinka tuotan jälkeä ja havainnoin maailmaa kävelemällä. Jaloitteleminen saa kehon liikkeeseen, jonka jälki piirtyy paperille. Käveleminen piirtämisen keinona on kuitenkin sillä tavalla performatiivista, prosessuaalista ja syntyhetkensä tapahtumiseen kiinnittynyttä, että pelkästään jäljet paperilla eivät voi antaa siitä kattavaa kuvaa. Siksi tarkastelen jaloitteluani kokonaisuutena.
Breathing into the Ecological Trauma: The Case of Gruinard Island
author(s): Christoph Solstreif-Pirker
published in: Journal for Artistic Research
With the performative investigation of Gruinard Island, Scotland, an exemplary non-site of anthropocenic extinction, this research exposition aims for alternative ways of encountering space in the midst of the present ecological crisis. The research exposition suggests an inclusive way of breathing, thinking, and living that merges “with experience, art, ethics, technology, mysticism, science, etc.” (François Laruelle: Principles of Non-Philosophy).
Facing our own imminent extinction, ecological thought can no longer fall back on ideologies toward-death but has to investigate how the immediacy of our planetary all can be encountered in the fullness of its ambivalence. With this affirmative approach, a feminine, birthing approach unfolds, that makes the otherness of the environment an ally for forging practices of vibrant becoming, political responsibility, and mutual trust.
(last edited: 2024)
author(s): WAP
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
Exposition developed by individual artists with in the framework of WAP24.
JUNE EDITION: John Schuerman, co-curator/lead walker
SEPTEMBER EDITION: Antonia Aitken, co-curator/lead walker
The walking scene in Sweden is in the forming or resurfacing. The purpose with this process-based program is to invite (inter)national artists to further this development together with a core-group connected to Björkö Konstnod/BKN. WAP methodology of fieldworks and share sessions are carried out to locate and entangle structures, narratives and forces via the intersection of the arts and walking.
The curatorial framework opens up for participating artists to influence the direction and leaned towards new materialism, ie rethinking dualisms through a non-hierarchal approach. Reviewing the development (share sessions, walks, and work made available to public), ”Spaces of Anticipation” is the theme for WAP24. We also foresee that after WAP24 the platform could continue to focus on aspects of artistic research at the cusp of walking and the arts. In 2023 the focus was on "Attentive Walking"