An Embouchure Aid for Wind Musicians
author(s): Giuseppe Sapienza
published in: KC Research Portal
Name: Giuseppe Sapienza
Main Subject: Classical Clarinet
Research Supervisor: Wouter Verschuren
Title of the Research: An Embouchure Aid for Wind Musicians
Research Question: Assessing whether playing a wind instrument can change tooth position and investigate the effectiveness of an embouchure support device to provide dental support.
This study was inspired by the author's personal experience of discomfort and pain while playing the clarinet and aims to investigate the potential relationship between dental health and clarinet playing, specifically the impact of the mouthpiece on tooth position and stability.
A literature review of previous studies on the connection between wind instruments and tooth movement was conducted. The author collaborated with two professional dentists to develop an embouchure support device called PlayAid. The device was prototyped and tested by the author with a positive outcome.
The study found a correlation between playing the clarinet and an increased risk of dental problems, including tooth mobility, erosion, and discomfort. The upper incisors were the most commonly affected teeth. The literature review showed that playing wind instruments can cause changes in tooth position, specifically an increase in overjet.
Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that an embouchure support device, like PlayAid, can effectively provide dental support for players with dental problems but also for those who exclusively seek better embouchure comfort and sound quality.
The chosen format of a presentation will be a public exposition of the results of the research with a live demonstration of PlayAid.
European Female Wind Band Composers and Their Works
author(s): Renata Silva Oliveira
published in: KC Research Portal
Name: Renata Oliveira
Main Subject: Wind Band Conducting
Research Supervisors: Anna Scott, André Granjo
Title of Research: European Female Wind Band Composers and Their Works
Research Question: Can shedding new light on women composers’ contributions to the wind band and ensemble repertoire via the creation of a catalogue, the preparation of a critical edition, and the commission of a new work, help to encourage more Portuguese women to compose for this medium?
Summary of Results:
In Portugal, as far as it is possible to assess, only two established women composers have written works for wind band or large wind ensemble: Berta Alves de Sousa, who composed Porto Heróico in 1943, and Maria de Lourdes Martins, who composed Rapsódia de Natal, Rondó and Suite de Danças Tradicionais Portuguesas in 1978. In a country with an important tradition of wind band musical practice, it seems strange that so few women composers have used this medium to convey their musical ideas. In order to put the production of female composers for this medium in perspective, I researched relevant works from as many European female composers as possible. Ultimately, the hope was to better understand their outputs for wind band, to promote their works, and to make way for a new composition for wind band from a female Portuguese composer.
This project has three main outcomes: 1) an online and physical catalogue of virtually all European female composers who have written for wind ensemble, including biographical data, a list of their works, and statistical analyses of their personal data (by age, country, type of ensemble); 2) a critical edition of Berta Alves de Sousa's Porto Heróico manuscript; and 3) my commissioned work for wind band O Soldado da Misarela by Anne Victorino d’Almeida. At the end of this project I can answer yes to the question of whether shedding new light on this field can encourage more female Portuguese composers to write for wind band.
Renata Oliveira is a Portuguese conductor. She began her orchestra conducting studies with Jean-Marc Burfin and later with Jean-Sebastien Béreau. In conducting masterclasses Renata has worked with: Jose Pascual-Vilaplana, Kenneth Kiesler, Jean-Sebastien Béreau, Ernst Schelle, Robert Houlihan, Felix Hauswirth, Jan Cober and Douglas Bostock. She holds a Masters in Psychology and a Masters in Orchestra Conducting. She is conductor of two Portuguese wind bands, and is responsible for their associated music schools. Renata simultaneously studies Wind Band Conducting with Alex Schillings at the Royal Conservatoire of The Hague and a Masters in Music Teaching (Wind Band Conducting specialisation) at the University of Aveiro.
Image as Site
(last edited: 2024)
author(s): ellenj
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
Devices that produce images, such as cameras and microphones, invite their users to engage with the world by enabling a network of relationships. By appropriating the concept of field from certain discourses of sound art and applying it to the moving image, visual artist Ellen Røed explores, in a series of collaborations, how camera based field recordings might operate across experience, mediation and representation. By considering the moving image as a form of site in itself, the activities of the project consider how moving images can manifest as a form of place on its own terms rather than as a mode of representing reality. The project builds on the capacity of video based art for enabling movement, transience, and body, in other words elements of performance characteristic to site.
Image as Site is an artistic research project at Stockholm University of the Arts (SKH), funded by The Swedish Research Council and SKH.
Zurich Wind Tunnel Log II
(last edited: 2024)
author(s): Florian Dombois, Fabian Gutscher, Christoph Oeschger, Mario Schulze, Sarine Waltenspül
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
The wind tunnel of Transdisciplinarity Research Focus at the Zurich University of the Arts, ZHdK, in Switzerland runs artistic experiments since 2013. Video footage from 2018 onwards is logged here according to different cameras used.
For more information see:
(last edited: 2021)
author(s): Montserrat Fonseca Llach
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
The periphery is present in the distance, somehow the periphery finds its identity from the periphery. When the place of origin is out of reach, between signs of strangeness and marks of a foreign place, in a constant tension between “being and not being there”.
Travel, which makes the origin tangible, in a portable dimension of the landscape and its roots even in the distance. The trip implies a fixed point, from which it emerges and from there the "being in transit" becomes a primordial state of leaving and looking for a home.
The body becomes an intermediary of this space "in transit", the only constant territory, as an object that absorbs, adopting foam in constant transformation and flow. Foam that becomes tidal, goes, collects, returns, and from there as a loop, generating ties with the origin.
(last edited: 2020)
author(s): Cecilia Berghäll
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
Dear reader,
This is an exposition detailing the reality of how making art can produce and cultivate thought. It is a project that started with a methodical approach to natural light and aesthetics, that due to my empathetic response transformed into something bigger than myself. It became a metaphor for changing perspectives, getting out of comfort zones, putting in the effort, humans helping humans, and spreading ideas through aesthetics and curiosity. It has become a tool to connect and communicate with other people about difficult topics, and the dark side of human experience in an environment that is creative and beautiful.
The exposition is ordered in linear chapters that you can access through the contents. Since the project itself has become a vessel for a number of topics all extremely significant and important. I have added resources as the last chapter. Nothing within the chapters will be discussed in excess but the exposition does contain the mention of suicide, sexual assault, and racism.
- C
Collecting Walks
(last edited: 2020)
author(s): Elsa van der Linden
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
catching moments by collecting walks
Wind Tunnel Log Zürich
(last edited: 2018)
author(s): Florian Dombois, Haseeb Ahmed, Sarine Waltenspül, Mirjam Steiner, Kaspar König, Reinhard Wendler
This exposition is in progress and its share status is: visible to all.
The wind tunnel of Transdisciplinarity Research Focus at the Zürich University of the Arts, ZHdK, in Switzerland runs artistic experiments since 2013. Video footage of it is logged her.
For more information see: