
About this portal
The ‘Polifonia’ portal is designed to be used in a range of ways and for a variety of purposes. It combines three elements: information on the subject and outline content of conservatoire students’ projects at Masters and Doctoral level; details of the supervisors working with them on these subjects; and possible links to profile pages on the RC where metadata (video, audio, etc.) can be displayed. These three elements mean that, among other uses, students can identify whether a proposed project subject has already been undertaken, they can also make contact with other students working in similar areas; institutions can scan the list of supervisors and, by noting the subjects they are supervising, identify potentially suitable individuals to approach for external examining and/or peer review activities; and finally, students and supervisors who have not already done so, can establish their own profiles on the RC, using it as a platform for the dissemination of outputs such as concerts which relate to the topics of their research activity. By being linked to the AEC website, the ‘Polifonia’ portal will encourage greater use of RC as a whole by AEC members – a group comprising some 300 institutions and, through these, reaching over 175,000 students and 36,000 teachers.

contact person(s): Ángela Domínguez , Jeremy Cox

url: http://www.aec-music.eu/about-aec/services/artistic-research-projects-database

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This portal reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.