Sivert Holmen

Musician, composer, and dancer. Performer of the hardanger fiddle and hardanger d`amore.
Norway °1992
research interests: hardanger fiddle

Sivert is a folk musician from Norway playing the hardanger fiddle. He works as a soloist, performer of dance music, and in scenic projects. In his various musical projects, you will find a strong connection with the roots from Valdres meeting both a contemporary folk music expression and impulses from modern contemporary music. 

Prizes and nominations include amongst other: 1st place in Fanitulltevlinga 2022, nominated for Folkelarmpris (2022, 2016), young folk musician of the year with the duo Odde & Holmen (2015) and best dance musician in halling at Landskappleiken (2018, 2019). He has been a participant in class A at Landskappleiken in dancing since 2012 and in hardanger fiddle since 2014, with several top results.