Jule von Hertell

Germany °1980
research interests: documentary, Documentary experimental, Essay Film, Memory culture, cartography, entanglements
affiliation: University of Fine Arts Hamburg, Foundation Heinrich Böll

Jule von Hertell has been working as a freelance filmmaker and artist since 2011. She is a trained carpenter and then studied film, media production in Kiel, Communicació Audiovisual in Barcelona and film at the HFBK Hamburg. Her films and video installations have been shown in numerous exhibitions, at festivals and in art house cinemas. She is a scholarship holder of the Heinrich Böll Foundation and PhD Candidate an University of Fine Arts Hamburg. Her artistic research project examines Spain's culture of remembrance and the relationship of essayistic documentaries with commemoration and history.
In the artistic part of her work, she uses filmic means to examine how the essayistic approach can make memory visible and tangible in a multi-perspective way, thereby enabling a self-reflective film perception and discursive commemoration.

Further information at: www.docupasion.de


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