Joel Verwimp

Germany (residence) °1972

VerlegtVerlag and its imprint AUTOBIOGRAPHICTION is managed by Nicolas Y Galeazzi & Joël Verwimp as tools for enhancing reflective practice. Verlegt was conceived in order to research means of production and dissemination. It constructs frameworks for performance on paper in complicity with a growing number of artists, writers and institutions and considers the development of collaborative work models to its proper artwork.


Imagining a democratic work structure without mandate, acclimation and representation, Verlegt applies principles of copying, complicity, and research by continuously performing the publisher. The core material for AUTOBIOGRAPHICTION has been developed during the last two years at the multidisciplinary laboratory Bains Connective and the Burning Ice festival at Kaaitheater, in Brussels; at Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma, Helsinki; at Substitut platform, Berlin and the Belluard Bollwerk International arts festival in Fribourg