Paula Urbano

Sweden °1980
research interests: phenomenlogy, speculative practice, speculative art, existential philosophy, performativity, immersive installation, stone, diaspora, diasporic existentialism, Bilingual, sculpture, language, history, prehistory, stoicism, archaology, artchaeology, embodiment, Intersubjectivity

Paula Urbano holds an MFA i Fine Arts from Konstfack University of Arts, Craft and Design, a Post Master in Architecture from the Royal Institute of Art, Sweden. She has studied continental philosophy and Art History. Grantholder of the Artistic Research and Development Project RIA 2015. Urbano’s artistic research is of speculative character concerning existential issues in relation to the diaspora, bilingualism and embodiment. She is interested in phenomenology and particularly the term coined by Husserl; intersubjectivity. Urbano works mainly with audio visual mediums presented in immersive installations, sculpture and text. Urbano is represented at The Public Art Agency Sweden, Sundsvalls Museum, Museum Anna Nordlander, Filmform, Botkyrka Kommun, Haninge Kommun, Uppsala Konst.